Chapter 37 Conflict

City Square Gatherings

"Sister Shiela, will sister Blossom and brother come?" She said as she clutched the hemp of Shiela's white dress.

"Little Autumn, your sister Blossom and your brother Manasi will be here. We will wait for them, okay?" Sheila said as she smiled at Autumn.

Early on, Shiela had met Antonio and asked him to find Manasi. But it's been half an hour.

More and more people are taking notice of her. Some even started chatting and inviting her, so she told them that she was not interested and that she was waiting for someone.

"Hey, pretty lady, do you want a date tonight?" said a man in his thirties, who was being followed by two bodyguards.

"Um, thanks for the offer, but I'm waiting for someone," she said politely.

The man insisted on inviting her, but she is tactful, and she always rejects his advances.

"Humph!" The man stormed off after he was repeatedly rejected.

Sheila begins to worry as more people are

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