Chapter 38 Spirit Monster

City Square.

The bright sun projected its shine of glory on the people. 

In the open field, a crowd could be seen divided into two rows. On the left were five thousand families, and on the right side, they were much smaller in numbers.

On the open platform, a person could be seen addressing the crowd. 

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Don. Alfonso and most of you should know me already." He swipes his gaze on everyone. 

"Three days ago, I received the news that the capital city was being besieged by the behemoths. It wouldn't be long before the royal capital city of Asherim was completely destroyed." 


The crowd is horrified by Alfonso's news. But soon they doubtfully look at Don. Even though they respected Alfonso, they did not easily believe his words. 

How could the royal capital of Asherim be easily destroyed? They could not accept it, as it would mean that they were doomed without the royal cap

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