This Is Destiny

In the end, Felix accompanied the old man home with his broken motorcycle. After all, he wasn't very good with motorcycles, and this one wasn't fit for use. Even if it could be repaired, it would probably break again tomorrow. So rather than waste time, Felix chose another way.

The old man, who introduced himself as Yohan, kept talking along the way. Felix responded in kind. Seeing him who did not hesitate to talk to a younger person, Felix remembered Mr. Ferdi. He didn't know what he was doing now.

"Why don't you come with your daughter?" Felix asked curiously. Yohan said that he only had one child and was married. While he was here living with his wife.

With two parents like him living in the same house, Felix could hardly imagine how they would get through their days relying on each other.

Yohan smiled with a dreamy look. "If we followed them, our lives wouldn't be this comfortable."

Then he glanced at Felix and continued, "Have you ever heard the saying 'My home is my heaven?'. Th
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