Once upon a time…
In a world far, far away, the mighty gods ruled in total dominion over the entire earth. Led by Zeus, the gods guided humanity. They protected the humans, keeping their kingdom on the earth from harm. Safeguarding all of reality and watching over every aspect of life for all of their citizens, they reigned supreme. Humanity naturally came to worship the gods above all else, for they were the absolute beings who made the world a safe and happy place to live in. Temples, each dedicated to a god, were as common as grass on a green meadow. Every single god was an object of devotion and honor, for in truth, without them, humanity was defenseless and leaderless. Gods were divine beings, and everything about them was divine. Their divine forms emanated raw power such that only their priests could gaze upon them without going mad and blind. Their radiant divinity shone in a gold aura round them, which bore the properties of the primary divine aspect. Zeus aura was like a calm yet raging thunderstorm, Ares his son, the divine god of war possessed a blood red crazed aura around him, and it was this aura which led humans to name the gods elements, God of war, God of thunder. Their forms were each chiseled and sculpted as if by divine hands. The male gods, all elements of natural perfection and unparalleled handsomeness. The female gods, like Hera and Aphrodite, were even more captivating. Their perfectly proportioned bodies would invoke lust crazed madness in all who gazed upon them should they have been humans. Their apparel a symbol of their domains of control. Ares as the god of war, dressed as a stern and victorious general, Aphrodite goddess of sensual beauty was lust and beauty personified. Each god appeared, bearing their symbols of power. Zeus, his cackling thunderbolt. Poseidon, his mighty trident. Athena, her unbreakable shield. Hephaestus, his hot anvil and mighty hammer. Apollo, his ethereal lyre, and so on. In their pseudo mortal forms, which they used to interact with their creations, they were even more attractive as they were human sized and lacked the natural divine aura they bore in their divine forms. Like majesty given form. Each of them, although human sized, was very tall and of excellent stature. 6ft tall on the average, and their physical proportions and chiseled nature were even more outrageous. They were inspirations for artists far wide and elements of unattainable perfection. Using their divine forms and their humanoid forms at will, they ruled and protected humanity from anything which could bring them harm. From their abode on the sacred Mount Olympus, they brought about perfect peace and salvation from any kind of evil. Be it diseases or wars, invasion from demons and creatures of the void or senseless battles between the kingdoms of the world. Even any internal struggles which threatened the balance the gods put a stop to them. No crime, no war, no disease, no famine, nothing detrimental to the utopian paradise the gods had made. This period of peace and protection continued for eons. The gods solved problem after problem and continued to maintain the paradise they created. Their temples stood firm, guiding the course of history and ensuring their will was done. However, nothing lasts forever. The gods were mostly content with their way of life and everything was in order and persisted for eons. Only one god voiced out his voice of disapproval, the chief God, the king of Olympus, Zeus. It had come to his attention that all of humanity had grown weak and complacent under his watch. Humans could not decide their own fate and relied entirely on the gods. If their crops didn’t do well, instead of trying to till the soil better, change the area of farming, use fertilizers or carry out irrigation, they would pray to the Demeter. If hunting was proving difficult, they would pray to Artemis to help them out. Instead of coming up with new techniques and strategies, they would resign to seeking the goddess’s aid. If they couldn’t do well in certain activities, they called upon Tyche to help them out with luck. Humanity was completely void of any sense of innovation, improvement, self-sustainability, or self-growth. Why would they grow or improve when their gods would do everything for them? Zeus, the ruler of Mount Olympus and king of all the gods, called for an emergency summit. During the summit of the gods, he tabled his concerns. The concerns of the god king formed a very long list. His concerns revolved around the issue of humanities overdependence on the gods. In a grand hall, whose size could be said to astronomical to the ordinary human, the summit of the gods was being held. It was presided over by the goddess Themis. “We shall now begin this session of the summit of gods. Order!” she beckoned the other gods as the session started. “Lord Zeus has brought a matter for us to discuss. This matter pertains to humanity. That is our main business for today.” “Also related to it, the decline in power and influence of the negative side of the god sphere. Any further issues will be given time for discourse at the end” she added “Lord Zeus, you have the floor” she said as she gestured with a show of her hand for him to mount the podium “Thank you, Themis.” Zeus said with a slight nod of the head Fellow Gods, I called this session today in order to bring your attention to some key happenings within humanity. We have guided and ruled humanity for eons. They have looked to us for help throughout all their hard times and we have helped them. We have brought them up like our own children, but unlike our own children, they have never learnt to do things for themselves and always look to us for help,” he said and the hall came abuzz with grunts of agreement from various gods. “We interfere,” he continued. “With both past, present and future. The natural and the divine, life and death. Humans can’t lead lives of their own and thus can’t grow.” “A child cannot survive with milk for his entire life. He must gradually eat flesh and bone to sustain him as he grows. So, too, we need to let them experience their hardships and grow. Humanity must be able to fend for themselves.” Zeus firmly stated and paused, waiting for the gravity of his words to sink in. “Too much of anything, no matter how good is harmful. Too much of peace is not good. They need dissonance and hardship. They need strife, discord, conflict, and adversity to prevail and become better versions of what they are.” Zeus said, continuing with a voice holding firm resolve as his oratory skill shone forth, such was the charisma of the king of the gods. “That is what I brought before the council today” he said, looking at Themis. “And what is the proposal you want us to delegate on?” she asked him. “I propose the gods leave humanity to fend for itself and grow with their own capabilities away from our influence.” Zeus firmly stated. Again, the hall came abuzz with murmurings among the gods. What Zeus had just said was a very drastic action and it was more than just a simple ask. “Order!” Themis said and before long, the hall was silent. “As is our tradition, 3 Gods who support the proposal will voice their opinion and 3 Gods who oppose it will give their opinion as well. Then we will take our decision by voting.” “First off, those for the motion, please indicate with a show of divinity” Themis said and three gods glowed up in the crowd. “Ok then. Hera, you have the floor first.” “Greetings fellow gods and goddesses. It is I who tabled the second order of business. As you all know, the god sphere is split into two parts, the negative side and the positive side. We gods all thrive on the psionic energies released when our spheres are touched by our followers. Humanity has been in peace for a long time and the positive spectrum has thrived. The reverse however, is true for the negative spectrum. No war, no discord, there is less and less negativity every day and the gods who are to be feeding on negative psionic energies are feeling their powers wane.” She said in the tone of a mother berating her children. “Ares if you will” Hera said and Ares released his divinity and started building up. Other gods began to look at Ares with a curious expression, not at all bothered by the chaotic cackling in the air. His aura of war climbed and surged, tumultuously building up until all of a sudden, it vanished into thin air and it was as though the chaotic feeling previously felt but a dream. “As you all have seen, Ares’s sphere of war is almost completely exhausted and he can’t even manifest it completely. He’s just one example of how much our babysitting of humanity is costing us. Negativity and positivity, chaos and order, they were meant to coexist in balance. None was meant to overshadow the other.” “I rest my case.” Hera said, and held her peace. “Next up is Athena” Themis said and Athena was given the floor. “Greetings esteemed gods. Hera has said much of what was on my mind. I will only add a little to what she and Zeus have said.” “Mortals have an unimaginable capacity for growth and development. Their potential for greatness is undeniable but it is all wasted and for naught if they cannot think for themselves. Humans no longer do anything for themselves. If the hunting strategy they know fails them, they do not seek innovation, they turn to Artemis for help, if their crops do not do well, they turn to Demeter for help. Time would fail me to list instances where the mortals have shown to regress over time because of our continued interference. This cannot be allowed to go on. “ “To conclude for those in favor of the notion, Hades,” Themis said as a dark aura fell upon the hall. Hades, as the god of the netherworld, was not allowed to leave his domain often and thus, he momentarily manifested his sphere of death in the hall. Its aura was chilling and daunting and even made some gods have cold sweats. “Greetings. As god of the underworld, my dealings with humans have always been lesser than other gods. However, because of the constant interference of you gods, the death rate is at an all-time low. No wars, no famine, no natural disasters and the number of deaths is infinitesimal compared to the normal. People only die from old age, which now, thanks to the gods, is far higher than normal. Now, what I am saying may sound ominous and don’t get me wrong, it is. But death is a part of life. Life is meant to end in death. No deaths, means the population on earth keeps climbing. Birth rates are on the increase, and without death to balance it, how long do you think it will be before the space on earth is full? Gods should stop interfering with the natural cycle of life. Let humanity know death like they were meant to!” Hades firmly stated. “That will be all,” he said and vanished from the hall. His disappearance caused another bout of silence. He may have been right, but that did not make his statement sound any less disturbing “On the side of those against the proposal, 2 candidates have opted out of the hearing as their views have changed after those for the proposal have spoken.” Thus, we will have Hermes speak on behalf of those against” “Fellow gods. While most of what has been said is true, us guiding humanity is not without its merits. Our temples throughout the planet siphon psionic energies for our individual god spheres. The faith energies we gather are being used to supporting our individual spheres. Whilst the negative gods have less influence, all their temples still serve as conduits for their divinity and they gather energy. I do not see why we have to resort to the drastic measure of completely abandoning humanity. As for humans not growing or progressing, we could take a more hands-off approach to ruling them, but I still think leaving humans to their own devices is still too drastic of a measure. I rest my case.” “Very well. We shall have 10 minutes for everyone to think and then conduct the vote,” Themis said. And the hall came alive with deliberations. This was a very serious decision, and it had to be taken with care. “For the second matter, it has been incorporated within the first, so voting takes place only once. All those in favor?” The gods voted by raising their divine auras. “Those against?” The gods against also voted. “The vote is tied and, as is our tradition, I shall be the deal breaker.” Themis said, and the gods nodded. As the goddess of justice, order, balance and impartiality, she couldn’t be unfair even if she wanted to and thus, her being a tie breaker was as fair as anything could be “My judgement shall be just and fair. I vote for the proposal. My reason? Order and chaos are meant to exist in balance. Only in constant struggle will there be progress and innovation.” After much thought and discussion, the 12 Olympians and other gods concluded. They would leave humanity and stop their interference in their matters. They would protect their creations from external harm but not interfere with their futures as they had done in time past. Their temples would no longer serve as control towers for humanity. Their oracles, no longer serving as mouthpieces to the gods. And so, the gods left the humans and vanished into obscurity. All of humanity’s problems would now be theirs to solve. But then all hell broke loose.Related Chapters
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Elementals: A New Dawn Chapter 5: Analyzing...(I)
Code Name: Tornado. Appearance Height: 5'9 ft (1.8m) Hair color: brown chestnut hair Eye color: green eyes and thick eyebrows. Zorian age: 18 years of age. Overall stamina: Three times that of the average guardian. Abilities: - Aero-kinesis (air elemental manipulation) -dormant - Sono-kinesis (Sound elemental manipulation) -dormant - Highly developed mind (12th level intellect) -dormant - Techno-sorcery (a melding of technology and magic) - Technopathy (the ability to communicate with intelligent machines and control technology) - Savant syndrome (in his case, gives him excellent ability to breakdown visual structures and view everything in 3D. He is also a fine artist in more ways than one. - Eidetic memory (often called photographic memory is the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with high precision and in great detail after only brief exposure. It is characterized by the vivid recall of visual information a
Elementals: A New Dawn Chapter 6: Analyzing...(II)
Code name: Adaunis Appearance Height 6'2 ft (1.8m) Hair color: golden hair Eye color: gold eyes. Zorian age: 18 years Overall stamina: 8 times that of the average guardian. Abilities: Anthropo-kinesis (the ability to control people and take away their free will) -dormant Necro-kinesis (ability to control the dead) -dormant Lumino-kinesis (light elemental manipulation) -dormant Resistance to charm and mind control attacks The ability to alter his appearance to that of anyone he has seen at least once. Clairvoyance (the paranormal ability to see persons and events that are distant in time or space. It encompasses both precognition (seeing future events) and retrocognition (seeing past events)) Divine affiliation: -Persephone (Greek goddess of fertility & queen of the underworld) - Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love, lust) - Hela (Norse goddess of necromancy, healing and death) - Skuld (Norse goddess, weaver of fate and time, signifying the debt owed and the future to come)
Elementals: A New Dawn Chapter 7: Analyzing…(III)
Code name: Artemis.AppearanceHeight 1.75m (5’7ft)Hair color: Blonde hair, with streaks of red.Eye color: Deep blueZorian age: 18 years of ageOverall stamina: six times that of the average guardianAbilities: - Ferro-kinesis (metal elemental manipulation) -dormant- High level swordsmanship- High level superstrength, often casually swinging multiple weapons weighing 2 tons a piece with no difficultyDensity shifting (the ability to change her weight and density at will. Advance forms of this ability allow for phasing through solid matter).InvulnerabilityThe power of faithHigh level agilityEidetic memory (often called photographic memory) It is the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with high precision and in great detail after only brief exposure. It is characterized by the vivid recall of visual information as if looking at a photograph and she possesses the ability to recall everything she sees, from information, to techniques and battle styles.Divine af
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Code Name: Izora.AppearanceHeight: 1.85M(6'1 ft).Eye color: azure green eyesHair color: brown tinted black hair.Zorian age: 19 yearsOverall stamina: 8 times that of an average guardian.Abilities:- Izora is part spirit, part human. So she has a high affinity to spirit energy. She also communicates with spirits.Spatio-kinesis (the elemental ability to manipulate space.)WitchcraftCharm (the ability to subtly influence people’s actions and behaviors.)Hyper intelligenceEidetic memoryDivine affiliations: NoneDivine blessings:Body transfiguration was a type of shapeshifting where you don't just change the shape of your body, you change the shape of literally everything, excluding your mind, and even acquire base instinct related to whatever you have transformed into. That includes muscle memory, primal instinct, survival instinct, and the ability to communicate with others of your kind. You become essentially whatever, or you change into. It does not work for changing into the
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Chapter 18: Supreme Commander I
“Demons are primarily creatures of negativity and thus they feed off negativity. They operate under the 7 demon clans formed around the 7 deadly sins. Wrath, pride, sloth, avarice, envy, lust, and gluttony. You may form the 8th house of despond, you choice, but that’s not yet there. These clans or houses as they’re mostly referred to capitalize around the 7 demon emperors. Mammon, the demon emperor of avarice, otherwise known as greed. Asmodeus, the demon emperor of lust, the first incubus.”“Leviathan, the gatekeeper of the underworld, the demon empress of envy. Beelzebub, demon emperor of gluttony, Lord of the flies. Satan, the demon empress of wrath, the great dragon. Belphegor, demon empress of sloth and vanity. The last house, the house of pride has as its leader Lucifa. Not to be confused with your father, she is also sort of my daughter. I birthed her when I expelled all of Luci’s essence in me including the negative feelings directed towards him. She is the demon empress of pr
Chapter 18: Supreme Commander I
“Demons are primarily creatures of negativity and thus they feed off negativity. They operate under the 7 demon clans formed around the 7 deadly sins. Wrath, pride, sloth, avarice, envy, lust, and gluttony. You may form the 8th house of despond, you choice, but that’s not yet there. These clans or houses as they’re mostly referred to capitalize around the 7 demon emperors. Mammon, the demon emperor of avarice, otherwise known as greed. Asmodeus, the demon emperor of lust, the first incubus.”“Leviathan, the gatekeeper of the underworld, the demon empress of envy. Beelzebub, demon emperor of gluttony, Lord of the flies. Satan, the demon empress of wrath, the great dragon. Belphegor, demon empress of sloth and vanity. The last house, the house of pride has as its leader Lucifa. Not to be confused with your father, she is also sort of my daughter. I birthed her when I expelled all of Luci’s essence in me including the negative feelings directed towards him. She is the demon empress of pr
Chapter 17: Gift from mom’s friend: More expectations to meet and more work.
As soon as the voice finished speaking, his presence disappeared completely.Lilith looked at Samael, who had almost started speaking and placed a finger on her mouthSamael had been watching this silently, suddenly let out a little whimper. Lilith had always shielded her daughter from her God-king aura and was trying to do so now, but failed miserably. She herself felt his pressure, and he wasn’t even in the dimension. Samael thought to herself.‘Damn. What is this pressure? It’s familiar, but my senses are getting messed up. This power is ridiculous. How strong is he? Even mother has issues. Her legs are trembling. A God-King is at the level of Zeus, and this newcomer can make such logic defying beings to tremble without even being in proximity?’“Your daughter is here? I hadn’t taken a note. I’m sorry for the pressure, little one. I am hardly summoned and when I am, it’s usually to lay waste to something.
Chapter 16: Gift from a mother, Favor from a friend.
“This garden reminds me of Eden. So fresh, pure, and full of life. I sometimes miss it, you know.” Lilith said as she took in a big breath and exhaled, creating a small gust of wind. She looks around the garden with nostalgia before Samael breaks the silence following her sentence.“Actually, mom, this is Eden. Grandpa took the Yggdrasil seedling, which served as the tree of life, back to the Celestial city. He gifted me the garden alongside my very own pocket dimension for my birthday.”Samael answered. Unaware of the pain she inflicted on her mother’s already broken heart when she spoke of her birthday and reminded her she has never been there for her daughter. “The tree of knowledge of good and evil which stepmom and step dad ate from is my favorite spot. It’s in that direction” Samael continued as she pointed the direction. Whilst pointing out the direction of the tree she was referring to, she stopped when she heard a *thud sound behind her. Turning around, she saw Lilith kneel
Chapter 14: Samael Morningstar (III) - Lilith's Point of view
After Zander flew off, the two women stayed in their embrace for some time before backing off and staring at each other. The awkwardness in the atmosphere was almost tangible. The awkward silence was broken when Lilith, the older-looking succubus, broke the silence with a sigh so heavy it produced an air current.*sigh"I was just caught up in emotion, and so we're you. We're not really close and if you call me, you either need my help with something or you want to ask me certain questions.""But before staying your reason for summoning me here, I just really want to say I'm sorry. To you I'm a few millennia late, I have no right to say that and I won't want to take your time given you might have limited time for whatever you called me here. I can't hope to ask for forgiveness nor use the fact that time flows differently in the underworld but i just want you to know I'm sorry"Samael looked at her mother with dead eyes.'Part of me wants to hate her, but the same part which pushed me
Chapter 15: Samael Morningstar (IV) - Lilith's Point of View 2
--- Sorry, I uploaded chapter 15 ahead of 14 due to some errors with the timer, skip this chapter and read Chapter 14 before coming back if you want to follow chronology ---- "As a demon progenitor, although Eczosiri is outside my jurisdiction, I had a way to help them seal him away. I just needed their help to weaken and break the barrier that kept the queen of hell from physically leaving. 8 months had passed for me and once they accepted and they helped me, I left hell. I wanted to give birth to you in a place full of love and life, not tainted by darkness and negativity." "That said, they impressed me with the works of the elementals and so I tagged along. After 2 weeks of staying with them, I decided, they would best nurture my child and thus, it was the best to raise her here on asteria." "Once it was my full term, I gave birth in Zoriah with the help of Oracle. as soon as I gave birth, I passed out because of the strain of too much divine energy. I woke up, and the midwives
Chapter 13: Samael Morningstar (II)
"You and I both know, only with the power boost from awakening, my status will move from Master class to Sage class and even without that most opponents will mean nothing to me," Samael said as her expression gradually shifted from a stern one to a tired one. "Look at you, Zander. I've gazed upon your soul and I know what power dwells within you waiting for the right time to emerge." "Even with the power you have now if you were to unleash it all, even some awakened might be defeated with just one hit, and dare I say nothing will stop the beast which dwells within you. Why do you try so hard? Till this day, I don't understand?" she spoke with a puzzled expression at first and a sigh later. He inhaled and exhaled. He looked at her and sighed. Walking past her, he sat on the ground, leaned on the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and spoke. "From the moment I was born, I remember everything. I remember my mother, how her milk tasted, and I also kn
Author note for chapter 13
--- Please leave comments and thoughts on the novel I've been on a slump for a long time due to personal issues but I'm back now ----
Author's note for chapter 12
---- A/N Longinus was the soldier who pierced Jesus' side on the cross. His spear has been referred to as the spear of Longinus by many. Some refer to it as the spear of destiny, the holy lance, the lance of Longinus and many other names. clairvoyance is an ability to see into the future. The heavenly father is the Almighty of the christian religion. And P.S, I'm an author. My personal beliefs and religion play no part in this story and thus, I would like to inisist that any offences towards readers' beliefs and or religions are not intentional. Please read with an open mind. ----