22- Adapting To New Surroundings
After an unrestful night, and still undecided, Liz held back in telling her friends the truth, a bit. She figured she might ease it in…day by day …perhaps weeks?

It took another day to settle that it took three months to create a clone replica and that she’d died and died and died again. Just why had her clones attempted to escape from here really? Is it what Sharp had said- that they’d been confused when awaked with the assault of memories?

Was this place friend or foe?

The next morning Liv signed up for garden duty because she needed to eat. That’s it…at least until she gathered her bearings and figured out her place here. Who knows maybe they might need her skillset, elsewhere.

It was a good tactic done by Bio Lab- ensure everyone works for better production but limit food as it is now the most important thing after survival.

Matt and Randall followed her example although they still whined about being out in the field- the wrong field that is, but less. More food has a wa

a twist?

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