23- The Truth About The World
Moving along with her tray, the next day, she smiled when the mashed potatoes plopped down onto it, talking in a low murmur that only the man next to her could hear. “War with whom?”

She had an entire night to think and the morning period as she picked fruit again. Who knew fruit picking could help clear the mind?

With too much to digest now and a thousand more questions, Kia was far from her, newly occupied with information, and thoughts.

“Isn’t the world in need of peace now?” she questions again without receiving an answer for the first one.

“More than 75% of America died within the first month,” Sharp whispers back to her as they take their seats, sitting isolated from the others. Randall and Matt were both glaring at him from two tables down in the cafeteria.

“What? What do you mean America?” Frowning at his strange words, seeing her boyfriend Marcus, yet not having much memory of him- or of Liz’s time with him. It was mostly blurred but …that feeling…that emotional pull is t
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