24- War

At early dawn, they saw them returning and hurried back to their room before the others noticed. They were all the first to shower in their rooms except Lane and Matt who got bunked together. Then came down to breakfast as if all was well and pretended to not know what was happening.

Lieutenant Sharp and his team were leaving when Liz arrived, having the option of eating first. Her zapper was also part of the team. Troy. She had been the first to get there out of her friends, she realised and wondered if now was a good time to let him know her intention. Nobody was injured or bloodied she notes but not surprised one bit. She knew what they were capable of.

But the lieutenant left after giving her a once-over look.

Sharp came to find her as breakfast was over, pulling her into an empty room. “Are you okay? You look like you haven’t slept?” He folds his hands, crossing his ankles as he rests his head on the wall.

How observant.

“I’m fine just tired, “she returns with a furrow o
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