War- pt 2

“What? How did you get here?” he gasped as he pointed a gun at her.

Huh, he’s cute, she thinks as she took in his chiselled jawline and narrow nose.

His thick eyebrows were an asset to him too as well as his full lips- what she could make out anyway, for half of his face was hidden by the darkness. His navy-blue attire; jacket and trousers but hatless. She wondered about his rank when she saw the many pins on the jacket. Liz didn’t know a lot about a lot of things for her mind was more than a hundred years behind the times but he looked important. Maybe she should take him back so Sharp could question him.

“I swam- duh,” Liz gestured to her wet black attire and rolled her eyes. A gunshot was then heard, and she saw the fire and the smoke from the barrel of the gun.

‘Well, someone doesn’t like my humour.’

Then in the next split second, she realized he was fired at her but Liz felt no pain. She freaked for the next few seconds.

‘Am I bulletproof too?’

Glancing down and not seein
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