28- Levels?

“I know you might find this hard to believe but I used to have this electronic brain in my head, and she used to be my best friend.” Liz confided in Marcus Sharp the following night. Even though it's in her head, she berates herself for using his full name. She still hadn’t gotten used to him not being her Marcus- not even hers but the other Liz.

Knowing and accepting is so...difficult.

Besides, she thought he was trustworthy. He felt...genuine somehow. And she had so much inside her head that needed to come out. Her brain needed...air. Some space. Her head felt heavy and similar to a chaotic mess.

It was just too much to process everything. It was either him or running to the other side of the forest and screaming at the top of her lungs. She didn’t even know if that was a normal human reaction or if it was a defect with her.

Marcus Sharp said something was off with her creation which is why she kept trying to escape from here. Why did she remain now after knowing the truth?

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