29- Dr. Evil
Dr Carson

It had been months after when Dr Apple Carson scanned the horizons, years back, expecting the girl’s return, knowing it would have taken more than a year but in her nervousness about it, she had looked for her.

The scientist then went under the impression, that C-5 had died like the others. Another failed experiment.

When C-5 showed up, out of the blue it astounded her, but the scientist kept out of her way even though she would no way be recognized. Her excitement rose once more, but meeting C-5 had proven again, she did fail. Dr. Carson had monitored her for the first few weeks, thinking the girl was doing her work and doing it undercover. But she was wrong. She did nothing but run around with the people she came with and crush on the lieutenant; which is normal considering who they were and how familiar they were with each other's past, through their human DNA.

Of course, the replicas will not understand that and just think of it as familiarity, rather than the truth w

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