After burying his father, Rene, with a heavy heart, began to sort things out. He arranged in the office of the provost the inheritance, which included a new house on the rue Saint-Paul and his father's glove business. René decided to leave the manufacture of gloves to the apprentices, and he himself looked forward to September, the date when Captain Dupe would accept him into the ordinance company. After the death of his father, Rene felt terribly lonely. Trying to forget himself, he spent whole days embroidering gloves made by apprentices, but the work did not bring him peace. Rene was depressed that he could not save his father, he felt responsible for the death of Claude. The only thing that was a little comforting was that in the stampede and horror that gripped the crowd, he was not afraid, did not panic and did not run when his father needed help, on the contrary, he tried to break through to him and save him. Remembering the dangerous situations that arose in his life, Rene was
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