Francis began his reign by deciding to retake the Duchy of Milan, which had been lost to Louis. He publicly announced that he would personally lead the army. Hasty preparations for the march began. The ordinance company of Captain Dupe was one of the first to act, at the beginning of August.

Jacques Tillon and his best friend Henri Chretien were in the same detachment with Rene. Oddly enough, Rene and Henri quickly developed a good relationship. On the long march to the Alps, they supported each other, while Tillon kept aloof, looking sullenly at René.

For almost a month the army reached the northern foothills of the Alps. The scouts sent by Francis returned with sad news: all convenient mountain crossings are occupied by the Swiss hired to protect Milan by the dukeMassimiliano Sforza. Francis developed a plan of incredible audacity, and the next morning his troops began crossing the Alps along the Argentière Pass, which was completely unsuitable for this. The road was laid among the
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