For a long time, François had not heard anything from Louise. The next morning after their meeting, she left in an unknown direction, and he had no choice but to come to terms with the loss. Darkness settled in his soul, he painfully searched for the reason for such an inglorious end of their love.

From what the girl said, he concluded that her father was marrying her off. Well, this is not uncommon, quite often parents arrange profitable parties for their daughters, and no one cares about their own opinion. But François could not understand in any way what was wrong with him? Yes, he has no land, but he is the Queen's private secretary and her "cousin". And, of course, if he thought of marrying, Catherine would not be stingy, because the monarchs often gave their relatives money and land for the wedding. Could it be that Louise didn't think about it and tell her father about it?

In the thought of the marriage of his beloved, he was strengthened by the hints that the courtiers allowed
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