Francois had to return to the Chatelet. For an hour he urged Isabelle to tell him the truth, but the girl stood her ground. Yes, the same house, with a red roof and a green door. It was there that she bought the infusion, it was there that the sorceress lived. And there was no sign on the house - no fish shop, no other.

Confused, François again went to the Rue Pouri. Maybe the fishmonger just opened?

Arriving at the ill-fated house, Romagnac knocked on the door with a hammer, but no one answered him. A guy walking by in a white canvas shirt and bright blue chauffeurs shouted:

- There's no one there, your grace!

The Chevalier approached him.

- Why? Isn't the shop open?

“The hosts have been gone for two weeks now, sir,” the lad explained eagerly. “Someone got sick in their village. And even the sign was removed, and now someone has hung it up again.

François was worried.

- And when the house stood without a sign?

- Yes, read, from St. Anthony himself, and she appeared again three days a
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