Chapter 3: Taking Back Respect

Though the rain had stopped by the time Ethan and Sophia reached the building site, the air still seemed moist. Ethan felt a tightness in his chest as they neared the known trailer, a mixture of fear and resolve.


Sophia laid a comforting hand on his arm. "Are you set for this, Ethan?"


Ethan inhaled deeply, his fingers clenching around the black, sleek card he carried. Indeed. I should be recovering my dignity now.


They went into the trailer, and Oliver Smith, the foreman, bent over a stack of paperwork. Looking up, his brow wrinkled in irritation at the interruption.


"What do you hope?" He snarled, his gaze narrowing to take in Sophia.


Ethan moved forward, his posture more sure than it had been in years. "I'm here to call it quits, Oliver. Good right away.


Oliver's eyes grew wide in astonishment, then rapidly closed under suspicion. "Quits?" What then is this all about, Cooper?"


Ethan straightened his shoulders and focused unbrokenly. "I'm done with treatment like a second-class citizen. I'm through the disrespect and the mistreatment. My life is going to change from now on."


Oliver laughed, his lips snarling into a scowl. Oh, truly? And, pray tell, just what are you intending to do? You are only a pitiful, forgetful laborer. Cooper, where are you going?"


Ethan reached into his pocket and let the black card sparkle in the low trailer light. "I'm planning to start a new life where I'm appreciated and cherished with this—one in which I am not under your control.


Oliver's lips opened as his eyes grew wide to fix on the card. "What the...where did you get that?"


Sophia moved forward, her face calm and firm. "Ethan owns that card. It relates to a record worth over three trillion dollars.


The foreman's face darkened from puce, his hands shaking with horror and disbelief. Three trillion seems unworkable!


Ethan nodded, a little, victorious smile flickering over his lips. "It is pretty accurate, Oliver. And I am a free man now as well. You are not abusing anymore, and you are not living in the shadow. I am returning to my life.


Oliver's visage changed from amazement to wrath as his fists closed at his sides. "Cooper, you believe a little money will make all the difference? You are still a nobody, devoid of past or future!


Ethan's eyes narrowed, and he moved toward the foreman. "You're mistaken in that regard, Oliver." Though I might have forgotten, I will relearn who I am. And I'm not exactly a nobody.


Ethan quickly grabbed his pocket and pulled out a big envelope, flinging it over the desk. " Your severance pay is here. Think about this as my two-week warning.


Oliver fixed his gaze on the envelope, his face darkening much further. "You cannot do this! Cooper, it would help if you had this employment. You will never survive on your outside!


Ethan shook his head, his face unchanging. "That's where Oliver, you are mistaken. I am about to accomplish more than only survive. I am going to flourish.


He turned to Sophia, who was smiling satisfactorily as she watched the encounter. "Let me go," he said.


Ethan had not felt emancipation and empowerment like he did when they left the trailer in years. His past had been shed, and he was finally running his life.


"That was amazing, Ethan," Sophia replied, sounding pleased. "You handled that quite gracefully."


Ethan nodded, intent on the horizon. "I've been pushed around and treated as useless for too long. That needs to change now.


Sophia rested a hand on his shoulder, her eyes glistening with pride and resolve. "And that's merely the start. Let us now tend to the next order of business.


They moved across the building site, Ethan's gait becoming more assured every minute. As they neared the exit, a familiar person surfaced from the shadows: his wife, Isabelle.


Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Ethan, and her face changed rapidly to wrath and perplexity. 'Ethan? Here, what are you doing? And with whom is this?


Ethan straightened his back and fixed his eyes. "Isabelle, I'm about to go. I am done with this life; I am done with you and with the way your mother treats me.


Isabelle's brow wrinkled as her hands closed into fists at her sides. "You are talking about what? You cannot simply vanish! You are heading to where?"


Ethan reached into his pocket, took out the black card, and held it up for Isabelle to see. "I'm going to create a new life where I'm appreciated and cherished with this. A life free from continual abuse and devaluation.


Isabelle's eyes grew wide as she reached for the card, but Ethan swiftly yanked it from her grasp. "Ethan, what is this?" Where did you find that?"


Sophia walked forward, her face austere. "That card goes to Ethan, Isabelle. It relates to a record worth over three trillion dollars.


Isabelle's eyes flew between Ethan and Sophia, and her jaw dropped. Three times three trillion? That's impossible!"


Ethan nodded, his lips opening to a little, victorious smile. "Isabelle, it's pretty accurate. And I'm reclaiming my life right now. I'm done being your punching bag and treated like a second-class citizen in my own house.


Shock gave way to wrath in Isabelle's face, a deep shade of scarlet. Ethan, you cannot do this! You need this employment and me! You are nothing without me!


Ethan shook his head with steady eyes. "That is where you mistake, Isabelle. I'm not nothing at all. I will be something far more than you could ever have dreamed."


He turned resolutely to Sophia. Let us go.


Ethan could hear Isabelle's furious screams trailing them as they left, but he turned away from looking back. He had decided upon something and was resolved to see it through.


"Well done, Ethan," Sophia remarked, seeming pleased. "You gently yet firmly stood up to her. I'm glad of you.


Ethan had a flood of success and pride. He had been the victim for so long, the one who was always discounted and underprivileged. Not anymore, though. At last, he discovered his dignity and expressed his value, but he was ariseth riches and authority.


He inquired, staring at the horizon, "Where to next?"


Sophia's lips bent into a little, mysterious smile. "We're headed to the bank. Ethan, it's time you begin to rebuild your life, and I'm providing you with the ideal chance.


As they headed to the bank, Ethan was buzzing with anticipation. The globe was his oyster, and he was ready to welcome the chances and difficulties that lay ahead.


He would no longer be a forgotten laborer, a punching bag for those looking to profit from him. About to take back his proper place in the world, Ethan Cooper was the ace of the Night Watchers.

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