The Warlord's Revenge

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The Warlord's Revenge

By: Lizzy writes Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 51 views: 172

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After years of exile, Victor returns to a world he once ruled, only to find his wife and grandfather have betrayed him. Fueled by a burning desire for justice, he'll stop at nothing to expose their lies and reclaim his rightful place. With a heart consumed by vengeance and a body hardened by battle, Victor is ready to unleash his wrath. But can he handle the dangers of politics and betrayal, or will his desire for revenge destroy him?

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51 chapters
Chapter 1
His ReturnAfter five long years, the exile had finally come to an end. The warlord was back, ready to reclaim his rightful place in the world. For half a decade, he had been forced to live a life of humility, existing as a mere shadow of the powerful figure he once was. But today, everything was about to change.As the helicopter descended on the helipad of his sprawling estate, the warlord's heart swelled with pride and excitement. His sharp eyes took in the sight of his men, his loyal secretary, and elite soldiers, all bowing in unison, welcoming him back with a respect that had never wavered, not even in his absence.“Welcome back, sir,” his secretary, James, said, stepping forward with a broad smile. His voice was full of reverence. “Everything is as you left it. We’ve been waiting for this day.”The warlord, known to them as Victor, nodded, his face a mask of composure. “Thank you, James. It’s good to be home.”Victor looked at the mansion as he got out of the helicopter. It was
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Chapter 2
The UnveilingVictor was shattered. He couldn't stop thinking and wanted to know what really happened five years ago. The betrayal by someone he trusted and thought loved him felt unbearable, like his whole life had been a lie. Desperate for answers, he picked up his phone, called his secretary, and asked her to dig up everything about it.The next day, Victor rushed to his office, anxious to hear what his secretary had found out. He opened the door to find her waiting with a thick folder in her hands. Her face was pale, and her eyes showed just how serious the news she was about to share was."Sir," she began hesitantly, "I found what you asked for. The truth about what happened five years ago… it's more complicated than we thought."Victor’s jaw clenched as he sat behind his desk, his eyes locked on hers. "Tell me everything. I need to know."The secretary took a deep breath. "Five years ago, you were attacked by another warlord. It was a planned ambush, and you were severely injure
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Chapter 3
The Fight for SurvivalThe heavy oak door creaked open, and Emma stepped into the dimly lit room which was heavy with tension. Suddenly, she felt the cold gaze of Grandpa Ben immediately fix upon her.He sat in his grand ornate armchair, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest, showing how impatience he was. Maria stood beside him, with her rigid posture, a wicked smile was curling her lips as she saw the fear in Emma’s eyes.“Come closer,” Grandpa Ben commanded Emma, his voice so low but still sharp, slicing through the silence.Emma hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew what this was about, and every instinct told her to turn and run, but she couldn’t, not with her daughter’s life on the line. She took a step forward, swallowing her fear.“I’m not asking you, I’m telling you,” Grandpa Ben said, his voice dripping with authority. “You will go to that estate tonight and do as you’re told. It’s time you started earning your keep in this family.”Maria smiled wi
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Chapter 4
The confrontationVictor suddenly stopped, causing Emma to almost trip when he let go of her hand. He turned to face Maria, "His eyes narrowed, giving him a calm but threatening look.”. "That's enough," he said sharply, causing Maria to hesitate for a moment.She leaned back in her chair, her lips curling into a venomous smile. "So, you've finally decided to speak up, huh?" she taunted, with a sarcastic voice. "If you've come crawling back to beg, maybe I'll think about it. But know note this, you’ll be nothing more than a dog at my feet. Go on, kneel, and plead for my mercy.""Victor's eyes were filled with intense anger”. Without uttering a word, he reached into his jacket, pulling out a set of crumpled papers. "With a sharp, aggressive motion, he threw them forcefully at her face.”. "I’ve already signed the divorce papers," he said, "His voice filled with scorn.”. "I’m done with you, Maria. You can sign them and go ahead, drag whatever pathetic man you want into your bed. I couldn'
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5 The Price of Resolve"Victor’s eyes were sharp as he stared at Maria. “You’ve got no right to touch her. Not now, not ever.”Maria’s smirk slipped for a moment, surprise flashed briefly across her face. But she quickly masked it with an indifferent shrug. “Oh? And who’s going to stop me?”Before Victor could answer, Emma's phone rang loudly. Her hands were shaking as she answered, her face turning ashen with each word she heard. "Hello?" Emma's voice was shaky."Emma?" The voice on the other end was relentless."We need to discuss your daughter’s surgery. Without the necessary funds, we’ll have to remove her oxygen mask."Emma's breath caught in her throat. "No, please""Time is running out. If you don’t come up with the money immediately, her condition will worsen."Emma’s heart pounded as she looked at Victor, who watched her with growing concern. Her voice was barely a whisper. "They’re threatening to take her off the oxygen."Victor stepped closer, his face hardening.
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Chapter 6
The Grand Revelation:The secretary hurried into the crisp evening air, he made his way to the hospital with immediate effect. He settled the hospital bill, he made sure that everything was in order before he even stepped out of the building. The surgery for Emma's daughter was fully paid for, and the best doctors were on the case. The secretary didn’t linger; he had more pressing matters to attend to, by securing the invitation card for Emma. He glanced back at the hospital, satisfied that everything was in order. Pulling out his phone, he dialed a number.“It’s done,” he said into the receiver, his voice calm and measured. “The surgery is covered, and the girl will receive the best care.”A pause, then the voice on the other end responded, cool and authoritative. “Good. And the invitation?”The secretary smiled slightly, reaching into his coat pocket to retrieve the envelope. He traced the gold-embossed lettering with his thumb. “Secured. Everything’s in place for tomorrow night.”
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Chapter 7
Preparation for the PartyThe grand department store gleamed with luxury as Victor and Emma stepped through the revolving doors. Emma’s eyes widened at the sparkling displays of elegant gowns and shimmering jewelry. She was used to simpler things, and the opulence before her was almost overwhelming.“Come on,” Victor said, gently but firmly taking Emma’s arm. “You deserve this. Let’s find something perfect for you.”Emma hesitated, her fingers nervously tracing the soft fabric of a nearby dress. “I don’t know. This seems… too much.”Victor turned to her, his gaze intense yet warm. “You belong here, and you deserve every bit of it. You’ve given me more than you know. Let me give you something in return.”Emma’s eyes softened, but a shadow of doubt lingered. “Why are you so determined to help me? After everything…”Victor gave her a reassuring smile. “Because you deserve respect and kindness, “You saved my life. It’s the least I can do to make you feel special. And I want to make things
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Chapter 8
The Grand PartyThe night of the party arrived, and as Victor and Emma entered the grand ballroom, they immediately drew everyone’s attention. Heads turned, and murmurs spread through the crowd. Emma felt the weight of her past on her shoulders. She’d been through so much, and now, as she stood in the middle of attraction, draped in a stunning, emerald-green gown, sleek shoes, matching emerald-green, and her bag, a delicate silver clutch chosen by Victor, She felt a small sense of self-worth she hadn’t experienced in years.“Wow, look at them!” someone whispered. “Who are they?”Emma, radiant in her stunning dress, walked with newfound confidence. Her transformation was striking, and many guests were surprised.Maria, spotting Emma from across the room, leaned toward her grandfather. “Who is that woman with him? She looks incredible.”Grandpa Ben squinted, trying to get a better look. “I don’t know, but she certainly stands out. And that dress”.Victor, noticing their reaction, gave E
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Chapter 9
The ConfrontationThe room was full of tension, and Mark couldn’t stay quiet anymore. His voice cut through the air, desperate and trembling. "Stop this, right now!" He stepped forward, trying to shield Maria with his body, but Victor's cold, unwavering eyes locked onto him."Stop this madness!" He continued, his voice shaking. "Maria had nothing to do with this! She’s innocent!”Victor's gaze shifted to Mark, cold and piercing. "Innocent?" he repeated, his voice dripping with disdain. "Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night, Mark? Or is it just another lie, like the ones you’ve been telling Maria?"Mark flinched but forced himself to stand firm. "Maria had nothing to do with this! I’m the one you want!"The crowd fell silent, watching closely. Mark's face went pale as Victor kept speaking, his words hitting hard.Victor laughed, a sound that sent chills through the crowd. "You? You're nothing but a coward hiding behind lies. But since you’re so eager to take the blame, let’
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Chapter 10
Rising ShadowsVictor and Emma stepped out of the grand hall, leaving behind the ruins of Maria’s family. The night was cool, the stars above them bright and clear, but the air between them was thick with unspoken tension. Victor glanced at Emma, her face a mixture of relief and uncertainty.“You did well in there,” Victor said, his voice low and smooth, breaking the silence. He watched her closely, noting the way her chest rose and fell as she tried to calm herself.Emma looked up at him, her eyes searching his. “I’m still shaking. I never thought… I never thought it would end like this.”Victor took a step closer, his presence overwhelming. “It had to end this way, Emma. They would have destroyed you. I couldn’t let that happen.”She bit her lip, a gesture that sent a flash of heat through him. “I don’t know what happens next, Victor. My life, my daughter… everything feels like it’s falling apart.”His hand reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. The touch was ele
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