Chapter 7

Preparation for the Party

The grand department store gleamed with luxury as Victor and Emma stepped through the revolving doors. Emma’s eyes widened at the sparkling displays of elegant gowns and shimmering jewelry. She was used to simpler things, and the opulence before her was almost overwhelming.

“Come on,” Victor said, gently but firmly taking Emma’s arm. “You deserve this. Let’s find something perfect for you.”

Emma hesitated, her fingers nervously tracing the soft fabric of a nearby dress. “I don’t know. This seems… too much.”

Victor turned to her, his gaze intense yet warm. “You belong here, and you deserve every bit of it. You’ve given me more than you know. Let me give you something in return.”

Emma’s eyes softened, but a shadow of doubt lingered. “Why are you so determined to help me? After everything…”

Victor gave her a reassuring smile. “Because you deserve respect and kindness, “You saved my life. It’s the least I can do to make you feel special. And I want to make things right. Trust me.”

As they wandered through the store, Emma began to relax. She touched a few dresses, letting the softness of the fabric soothe her nerves. Victor watched her with a careful eye, his mind working behind the scenes.

“This one looks beautiful,” Victor said, holding up a gown with delicate embroidery, emerald-green in color. “I think it’s perfect for you.”

Emma examined the dress, her face flushing slightly. “It’s gorgeous. But I… I don’t know if I can pull it off.”

“You can,” Victor insisted, “and you will. Let’s get it. I want everyone to see how incredible you are.”

In the fitting room, Emma put on the dress and saw a side of herself she had almost forgotten. As she stepped out, her heart raced with a mix of nerves and excitement. The dress, with its beautiful details and flowing fabric, made her look both elegant and enchanting. She turned slowly, taking in her new appearance and marveling at how beautiful she looked.

Victor’s eyes widened as he took in the sight of her. He stepped closer, Victor’s admiration was clear. “Emma,” he said softly, his voice filled with genuine awe, “you look stunning. The way the dress fits you, the way it highlights your grace… it’s perfect.”

Emma’s cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and pleasure. She looked at Victor, searching for reassurance. “Do you think so?”

Victor nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. “Without a doubt. Tonight, you’re going to shine. I can’t wait to see everyone’s reaction when they see you. You deserve to be the center of attention.”

Emma smiled, her confidence growing with Victor’s encouraging words. “Thank you. This means so much to me.”

Victor offered her a warm, reassuring smile. “You’ve earned every bit of it. Let’s get ready for the party. They won’t know what hit them.”

“Please select a pair of sleek, emerald-green shoes to complement the dress,” he instructed the sales personnel. “Also, find a delicate silver clutch that will match the outfit perfectly.”

The sales staff nodded, showing their professionalism. “Sir. I’ll find the perfect accessories right away.”

They swiftly moved to the shoe section, expertly selecting a pair of elegant emerald-green heels. The sales associate held them up, presenting them to Victor. “How do these look?”

Victor inspected them closely, nodding in approval. “These are perfect. Now, let’s see about that clutch.”

The sales personnel quickly located a delicate silver clutch that sparkled subtly under the store’s lights. They brought it over with a smile. “Here’s a clutch that should match beautifully.”

And Victor took a moment to admire the combination, then turned to Emma, who was watching with anticipation. “What do you think? Do these complete the look?”

Emma’s eyes lit up as she examined the accessories. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

Victor gave a satisfied nod. “Excellent. Let’s proceed.”

After paying for the items, he instructed the sales personnel, “Please keep the change.” 

With that, he and Emma made their way out of the store.

As they left the store, Emma began to open up, her voice soft and hesitant. “I’ve had a hard time trusting people. I’ve been hurt too many times.”

Victor’s expression grew serious. “I understand. And I promise, I’ll protect you and your daughter. I mean it.”

Emma’s eyes were filled with a mix of hope and fear. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because,” Victor said, his voice earnest, “I care about you. I know it might not be clear yet, but I’m starting to feel something more.”

As they drove out of the store, Victor’s thoughts shifted to his darker plans. He picked up his phone and dialed a number and it was one of his key allies and loyal soldiers from his warlord days, his expression serious. When the call was answered, he spoke with authoritative clarity.

“Hello, it’s Victor. I need you to gather all relevant documents and photographs that expose the corruption and misdeeds of Grandpa Ben and Maria. Leave no stone unturned.”

On the other end of the line, the response was immediate and professional. “Understood Sir.  I’ll start collecting everything we have and look into additional sources to ensure we have a comprehensive dossier.”

Victor’s voice was firm. “Make sure to include any evidence that clearly shows their wrongdoing and any other pieces that reveal their wickedness. This needs to be thorough. Time is of the essence.”

“Got it,” he confirmed. “I’ll get back to you once I have everything compiled.”

“Excellent,” Victor said, hanging up. He leaned back in his chair, a steely determination in his eyes. Everything was falling into place for the plan he had set in motion.

He was preparing to expose everything at the party, and he intended to do it in a way that would leave a lasting mark, he couldn’t wait to see the look of shock on Grandpa Ben’s face when his malicious deeds were exposed for everyone to see.

“Tonight,” he said to himself, “Maria’s grandfather will face the truth.”

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