Chapter 4

The confrontation

Victor suddenly stopped, causing Emma to almost trip when he let go of her hand. He turned to face Maria, "His eyes narrowed, giving him a calm but threatening look.”. "That's enough," he said sharply, causing Maria to hesitate for a moment.

She leaned back in her chair, her lips curling into a venomous smile. "So, you've finally decided to speak up, huh?" she taunted, with a sarcastic voice. "If you've come crawling back to beg, maybe I'll think about it. But know note this, you’ll be nothing more than a dog at my feet. Go on, kneel, and plead for my mercy."

"Victor's eyes were filled with intense anger”. Without uttering a word, he reached into his jacket, pulling out a set of crumpled papers. "With a sharp, aggressive motion, he threw them forcefully at her face.”. "I’ve already signed the divorce papers," he said, "His voice filled with scorn.”. "I’m done with you, Maria. You can sign them and go ahead, drag whatever pathetic man you want into your bed. I couldn't care less."

"Maria's confident smile slipped.”, her eyes in shock. The air grew thick with tension, and everyone in the room could feel the crackling energy. Grandpa Ben's face twisted in rage, shot up from his seat, slamming his cane against the floor. "How dare you speak like this? We gave you everything, boy! You were part of this family for five years, and now you turn your back on us?"

Victor  turned his gaze to . Grandpa Ben, his eyes like ice. "You tricked me, old man," he said, his voice deadly calm. "You pawned me off to your pathetic granddaughter like I was a fool. If I’d known the truth, I wouldn’t have touched her with a ten-foot pole."

"Watch your mouth!" Grandpa Ben thundered, his voice "Shaking with anger.”. "You forget your place, boy! You think you can just walk away from this family? We made you! We gave you everything!"

"Victor curled his lip in disgust.”. "Made me? You think I’m here because of you? I built myself long before I ever crossed paths with this cursed family. I don't need your name, your money, or your pathetic power plays."

"Maria's face twisted with anger.” as she tried to process the insult, her body trembling with barely-contained rage. "You ungrateful bastard," she spat, her voice trembling with anger. "You think you can just waltz in here, throw some papers in my face, and everything is over? Do you think I’ll let you walk out of my life that easily? I’ll ruin you. I’ll destroy everything you’ve ever cared about!"

Victor  laughed, a cold, harsh sound that echoed through the room. "You? Ruin me? You can’t even control your own pathetic existence. Look at you, clinging to the shreds of a life that’s slipping through your fingers. You were never more than a stepping stone, Maria."

Her anger reaching its boiling point, Maria lunged forward, her hand flying up to slap him across the face. But he was quicker. Emma's hand shot up, catching her wrist in mid-air with a grip of iron. "Don’t," she hissed, her  voice cold and final. Her eyes bored into hers, her grip tightening just enough to make her wince.

"You think you can intimidate me?" Maria hissed back, her eyes blazing. "I’m not scared of you! I’ll make sure you regret every single word, every single moment of this. You’ll wish you never crossed me!"

Victor’s expression darkened, a dangerous glint flashing in his eyes. "Watch your mouth, Maria," "he warned in a low, threatening voice.”. "You don’t get to talk to her like that."

Maria’s eyes flicked over to Emma, her sneer returning. "Her? You think she’s any better? You think she can save you from what’s coming? She’s nothing. Less than nothing. Just like you’ll be when I’m done with you."

Victor  released her wrist, letting her hand fall limply to her side. Without sparing her another glance, he turned back to Emma, his expression softening once more. "I’m sorry for all the hell you’ve been through because of this," "he said, his voice low but intense.” "Come with me," he added, dropping to one knee and holding out his hand, his eyes locked onto hers with a sincerity that made her heart skip a beat.

"Emma looked between them, her mind racing with thoughts.”. She knew this was the moment that would change everything. Her heart pounded in her chest as she searched his eyes, seeing the raw truth in them. "Are you sure?" she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

"He nodded, his eyes remaining fixed.”. "I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. You’re the only thing that’s real in this twisted mess. Let’s leave this all behind. You deserve better than this."

Maria’s blood boiled as she watched the scene unfold before her. "You filthy bastard!" she screamed, "Her voice was loud and panicked.”. "How dare you flaunt your whore in front of me? You’ve been feeding off my money, living under my roof, and now you dare to propose to this piece of trash? You think you can just walk away like that?"

Victor turned back to Maria, his eyes hard and unyielding. "You don’t get it, do you? I’m already gone. I’ve been gone for a long time. You’ve just been too blind to see it."

Maria’s voice broke as she struggled to maintain her composure. "You won’t get away with this," she hissed, her voice quivering with barely-suppressed rage. "I’ll make you pay. I’ll make you both pay!"

"Victor smirked, making his contempt clear.”. "Go ahead, Maria. Try. But remember this, when you’re sitting alone in this empty house, with nothing but your hatred to keep you warm, remember that you did this to yourself. You’re nothing to me now."

Emma hesitated only for a moment before she placed her hand in his. The warmth of his touch sent a surge of confidence through her, and she knew she was making the right choice.

"So you accepted his proposal, you worthless idiot? I'll make your life an unending hell.”

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