Zack plunged towards Diana as both of them clashed in a bit of a battle. The battleground intensified as both tried to prove they were better than each other. Diana was a better fighter, and he managed to have Zack pinned in no time. I had taken back my body from Shadow Blade. I looked around me, and it was a mess. He had destroyed everything in his path. Mr. Dickson was lucky to have escaped with his life.

I walked towards the car and saw Diana standing over Zack. "I think I told you to leave!" I shouted angrily at Zack.

Diana looked at me and smirked. "What are you going to do? you can. Either take the car and drive out of here, leaving Zack, or you fight me for his life." Diana said, looking at me.

"I thought you loved me once; was that all a lie?" I asked as I kept walking towards her.

"First, I didn't love you. You are just nothing like my type. The point is getting to know more about you, and I think I do already."

I looked back, and I saw Jonas walking
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