I looked at Judith as she got closer, and I fantasized about us kissing. " Fred? Fred!." Judith shouted, and I snapped out of it. "You have me asking you to promise tonight?" She asked, staring at my face.

"Prom? Is there supposed to be one tonight?" I asked, looking at her blue eyes. "Don't tell me you have no one to take you to promise tonight." Judith laughed at the look on my face.

I had to fight the two potential women that could have been my escorts. I sighed and looked at her. "Do you have someone in mind?" I smiled

"Yes, me," Judith replied.

"You? You want to be my date at the prom?" I looked at her a little, taken aback by her kind gesture.

"Yes, we can use that to know more about Emily, George, and whoever the third student is."

My heart beat fast again, and I said yes without thinking twice. I guess I will be seeing you tonight." Judith walked off, shaking her buttocks.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to meet Zack's face smi
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