We all agreed to use Diana as the bait and hope Mr Dickson buys it. We know Akuma wasn't going to fall for the trap but Mr Dickson might. killing Diana right in front of him would change everything. A part of me fear scared. I have never taken a life before.

Shadow Blade had always been the one to deliver the final blow and I was conscious enough to clean the mess. I walked into the university the following day and I noticed all eyes were on me. " What is happening?" I looked at everyone staring at me. Walking down to the bulletin board, I was amazed.

I saw a paster of a gaming system between me and George. " What is Akuma up too? Is he trying to create an awareness of the gaming world? How do we fight it out?" I kept asking myself as I stared at the board. " I guess you wont be the champ for long." I heard one of the students waked past me.

"What? Do they really hate me or this was just one of Mr Dickson's men." I looked back to catch the face of t
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