The air grew thicker with dread as I struggled to compose my thoughts. The cloaked figure's eyes bore into mine, their dark depths mocking my hesitation. My mind raced, calculating possible escapes, distractions, anything to stall for time. I couldn't let my friends die. But how could I choose? I knew the time was ticking and it was ticking fast. I needed to do something to get out of here but I don't know how to get back. My avatars had stopped talking to me and I wondered where they are.

The images of my friends flickered before me, each face a haunting reminder of the bonds we'd forged and the battles we'd fought. There was Diana, with her fierce determination and unyielding loyalty. Beside her stood Zack, ever the strategist, his quick mind always two steps ahead. And then there was Rosetta, whose strength and heart had saved us more times than I could count. I clenched my fists, feeling the weight of the impossible decision pressing down on me.

"You have thirty sec
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