Gerald's Reunion.
The car ride was unusually quiet, a heavy silence wrapping around them as they drove to Gerald’s mansion.

Quinn sat in the backseat, lost in thought, her mind replaying the events in the airport. The sight of that man haunted her—his face was familiar, so much so that she could swear it was Jacob.

But could it really have been him? The thought tugged at her relentlessly, putting her between certainty and doubt.

Maybe she had been hallucinating, her mind playing tricks on her. Or perhaps, the past was creeping back into the present in a way she had not anticipated.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the mansion came into view. As the car came to a halt, Jasmine, sitting next to Harrison, smiled at the sight of her family home.

The moment they stepped out of the vehicle, the doors of the mansion swung open, and Jasmine’s parents rushed out to greet her. Their joy could not be hidden, and as they enveloped their daughter in a warm embrace, the air around them lightened.

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