FWB: Surviving In A World With A Cheat Power
FWB: Surviving In A World With A Cheat Power
Author: OmnipotentDad
Chapter 1: Rebirth

"Sh*t!" The only word he could utter as he was being devoured by a massive beast.

He stared at it, his frozen body, being eaten starting from his feet.

Yet, he couldn't feel anything.

Everything is white, and these silver things are quite strong, not even the strongest hunters could do anything to it.

He was the last one to be killed, he stared at the battlefield.

They were once a massive group of 450 survivors, more than 4 years, they were about to reach their 5th year of survival.

Only 124 remained.

He looked at everyone, lying dead on the ground.

Slowly, his body started freezing, he couldn't feel anything, yet, this numbness was something he felt really afraid of.

On his right hand, it was his girlfriend who had survived with him for the longest time.

Throughout the years, everyone kept supporting each other, and falling in love was not even excluded.

Their number was quite uneven in terms of sex, there were only less than a hundred males and almost everyone was female.

He had a total of 7 partners, and all of them died through the process.

Every time someone died, they could only mourn for a bit before moving on, they tried seeking shelter, but every single time, the shelters they had found were corrupted.

And, more than half of them fell due to these shelters.

In an age where there are no rules, humans are more dangerous than beasts!

If only... "If only." Kaizer Jin uttered, if they had not sought shelter, they could've survived these monsters again.

But... will they even survive what's next?

Will they even manage to create their own shelter? Their very own Valhalla? A place where they could grow and rebuild themselves?

As he stared at his group one last time, he couldn't help but shed tears, tears which immediately froze.

Slowly, he closed his eyes as the dragon bit his body, feasting on him.

Till its fangs reached his head.

"If only I had gained power... I could've helped them..." Jin uttered one last time before the dragon bit his head.

But then, as his vision darkened, he heard something.


[Frozen World Rebirthing in progress!]

[Functions combining.]

[Assesing system integration.]

[System activated!]

[Power gained!]

[Rebooting life, returning in...]




[Returning successful, mission starting!]

Hearing that, Jin opened his eyes widely: "What the heck?!"

He looked around, he saw people looking at him like he was crazy.

"Was... were those all dreams?" Jin couldn't help but ask.

He pinched himself, yes, it hurts!

Looking at the sky, it was the sun!

He couldn't help but cry as he stared at it till his eyes hurt: "Damn, it's the sun... I forgot how warm it feels!"

Tears flowed down from his cheeks, and when it did not freeze, 

But as much as he would like to enjoy it, he could not help but look around.

Did he get another chance? A rebirth? Returning to the past?

Then, if so, what time is it actually?

He looked at the stall not far away and immediately started walking and purchased the newspaper.

[Friday, May 14, 2010.]

He was shocked, it was only less than a month from now that the world would start its revolution, a month till the ice age!

He needs to tell the world about it!

He started to run immediately, but then, his running started to slow down.

Would anyone even believe him?

If he started spreading it, and more bad people started believing it... 

Yes, he couldn't even help but shiver, it was already rough then, also, if he warned people, would those in his group live as well?

What if when he said those things and the events started to change in the worst case?

Jin frowned and shook his head: "Right, I'll just create a haven!"

What is currently Jin's status?

He's the owner of a company called Jin Motors and Electronics.

A 21-year-old nouveau rich 1st generation millionaire!

His net worth and assets combined would be around 760 million at the very least with an annual income of 180 million.

He was a rising dragon and many people started forming connections with him.

He was called the next billionaire of the Philan Country, people knew for a fact that within a year, Kaizer Jin would be one of the most successful in the country.

He knew that as well, but, it would only take a month before the world started to change and peace would turn into chaos rapidly.

It will start in a month's time, and it will reach the point where people start dying in another 3 more months!

Jin started to compose himself.

What will he do? What should his first step be?

Then he remembered those noises from his head before.

"Could it be... could it be because of it that I had returned to this time? Is it my power?" Jin couldn't help but smile.

Right, system, it was something like a system activated... is it like a game? He thought to himself.

The first thing he did was to call out many key words in his mind.





But then, something happened in the 16th word.


A window appeared in front of him with so many slots.

He couldn't help but smile as he thought: 'It's an RPG system!'

Finally, he has power!

He didn't know what other things he had, but he'd definitely figure it out.

As he returned to the company, he was immediately greeted by everyone.

Jin nodded his head and smiled at them before heading directly to the office.

"Hey... did you just... see that?"

"T-the... the demon smiled!"

"Hey! Shush! Why are you speaking loudly!"


"S-sorry, please everyone, don't tell on me!"

Of course, Lukas heard it, but he didn't really care.

He just went straight to his office and sat down.

As soon as he did, his secretary brought a cup of coffee to him and left.

Jin smiled and nodded at her, the other immediately bowed and left.

Jin then looked at his phone and smiled, right, this person was one of the shittiest people he had known but is currently one of his best friends.

Tyrone Bills, a 51 year old billionaire!

He was also the first person that Jin had sought when the apocalypse transpired!

Yet, as soon as he reached Tyrone's shelter, they were shooed off the property and shot at, causing him to suffer quite a bit when his left foot was injured by a bullet.

He couldn't help but smile as he called.

Soon as he picked up the phone, chuckled.

[Tyrone: Hey, my friend, what's up?]

[Jin: Hey, you know anyone interested in buying out my company?]

With his words, Tyrone was caught off guard, it was silent for a long time before Tyron smiled eerily to himself.

[Tyrone: Oh, if we're talking about buying out, well, I for one would definitely like to!]

Jin couldn't help but smile, it was his plan after all, to turn this trash into something that he would be able to use!

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