All Chapters of FWB: Surviving In A World With A Cheat Power: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
39 chapters
Chapter 1: Rebirth
"Sh*t!" The only word he could utter as he was being devoured by a massive beast.He stared at it, his frozen body, being eaten starting from his feet.Yet, he couldn't feel anything.Everything is white, and these silver things are quite strong, not even the strongest hunters could do anything to it.He was the last one to be killed, he stared at the battlefield.They were once a massive group of 450 survivors, more than 4 years, they were about to reach their 5th year of survival.Only 124 remained.He looked at everyone, lying dead on the ground.Slowly, his body started freezing, he couldn't feel anything, yet, this numbness was something he felt really afraid of.On his right hand, it was his girlfriend who had survived with him for the longest time.Throughout the years, everyone kept supporting each other, and falling in love was not even excluded.Their number was quite uneven in terms of sex, there were only less than a hundred males and almost everyone was female.He had a t
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Chapter 2: Selling And Stacking
[Tyrone: How about I bring myself there personally with my people?]With that question, Jin could not help but chuckle and nod his head.[Jin: Sure, I mean, if you're buying something, it's best to see its condition and its future prospects.][Tyrone: You read my mind exactly, I mean, as the next billionaire after myself, I'm quite confused as to why you would sell such a promising company, but with your words, I'm confident that you have found something even better... am I correct?][Jin: Hahaha, you know me too well my friend, it's actually something that I had a sudden thought of just this morning.][Tyrone: Hmm, then I hope it won't be too late to invest in it?]Jin couldn't help but chuckle deep within himself, he pretended to ponder about it and replied after a long time.[Jin: This... I don't really know if it will be something big.][Tyrone: if it's you, I have full trust that it will work, the only real question is, how much profit I could gain from it.][Jin: Well, I guess y
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Chapter 3: A Wise Investment?
As Jin waited at his office, he thought about something.He remembered a lot of people that he had survived with throughout his journey.As he started recollecting those names and writing them one by one, he couldn't help but be ecstatic.He'll create a false invitation to gather all of his friends, those that he had trusted his life and back with.Especially those women that he had loved.When he's at his 30th name, he received a call."Sir, President Tyrone and his group had arrived." His secretary had reported.Jin nodded his head: "Bring them to the conference room.""Yes." She immediately hung up her phone and proceeded as ordered.As Jin stood up, he thought of something.If he were to be surviving with his massive project, he'd need manpower, and... Where would he be able to find such manpower?He has tons of people under him! More than five thousand people!Not to mention, most of them have families and friends!He started walking to his conference room while pondering about w
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Chapter 4: Five Billion Secured!
Jin clearly knew what this scheming bastard was all about. Reselling his company and all the other things he offered would fetch Tyrone much more than he had paid.But Jin did not have much time, he only had a month's time! It will take months, even years to sell his company for the right price.What he did not expect was Tyrone buying it for 3 billion.But he already knew what it was for.It was to invest in Jin's new project!He could not help but laugh inside as he thought about it.Still, what he needs the most right now is money, and being offered another billion for free is something he would gladly accept!Jin smiled: "Then, I'll gladly receive it!"Tyrone nodded full of smiles as the two of them signed and copied the documents to be split into two people's contracts.With that, it was a done deal.As Jin was finishing their meeting, Tyrone grew restless as to why he was not bringing up his project.He had no choice but to speak up!"Right, brother Jin, what about your next proj
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Chapter 5: Pained Past.
After escorting Tyrone and his group out of the company, Jin smiled, this was truly a rather fruitful event.He also remembered having 8 other villas worth at least 800 million combined.Thinking about it, he immediately ordered his secretary to sell those for only 70% of its value.After just posting the sales of his villas, many rich millionaires bought them without any hesitation.5PM Jin was sitting in his office while contemplating on things he needed to be done.Then, as he was preparing to leave, all of his secretaries arrived at his office.Jin looked at them and smiled: "How are all of you? You all should be leaving now, office hours had ended."Still, they did not respond for a long while until one of them spoke."President... are you abandoning us?" She asked with a tad bit moist in her eyes.Jin looked at them and tilted his head: "What do you mean by that?""Sir... you're selling everything, even the company." Another one spoke."Un!" The others nodded their head.Jin cou
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Chapter 6: Dinner
"Brother, you wouldn't mind us bringing her to the dinner right?" Rin remarked, she was glaring cutely at Jin as she said those words.But before he could even reply, Ruyan immediately interjected: "No need, it's quite rare for your brother to have dinner with the both of you, it would be a shame for me to ruin it."Although she was trying to be kind and understanding of the siblings' situation, Ruyan immediately held her hand to her mouth and felt quite awkward, she immediately bowed slightly to Rin: "Sorry, I spoke too much."She was apologetic due to her knowing their family's circumstances. It was supposed to be a family issue.Rin chuckled and waved her hand: "Don't worry, it's not even private, even his employees know it."Hearing this, Ruyan could only awkwardly smile.Meanwhile, Jin was pained hearing this, but he tried to brush it off, after all, he was planning to make it up with his sisters after all.Well, not like he has any other choice, after all, they will be in the sa
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Chapter 7: Who Is He?
"Oh, Ruyan is eating here? That's quite an event!"With those words, Jin and the others could not help but turn around and glance at the person who was speaking.Ruyan immediately looked down as she saw who that person was, meanwhile, Rin and Lin squinted their eyes in annoyance.Jin saw all of this happen and was quite confused.After all, Ruyan did not tell him stories about another woman other than her sisters' stories.And, just from looking at this girl, she didn't register from his memory, so it's probably due to the reason that she had died unknowingly or must have been in a far place.Rin was rather the daring type and immediately rebutted: "What does her eating here got to do with you, Lucy?"Lucy just rolled her eyes and chuckled: "Why are you getting angry at me for? I'm just saying hi to my friends."Still, after she spoke those words, she pouted.Truthfully, Lucy was kind at first, she was also from the countryside, but when she was introduced to city life, she started to
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Chapter 8: Meeting The 4th. Nalan Reid.
"Rin, Lin, the both of you should stay here for now, also, I'll be selling off your company as well." Jin spoke as they were in the middle of eating their dinner.Hearing this, both Rin and Lin felt quite confused."Brother, what's wrong? Did we do something bad?" Lin asked.Jin smiled and shook his head: "No, I just need as much money as I can as I'm creating something that we seriously need."Rin could not help but contemplate, she heard that her brother had sold his company already.Just a few days ago, her brother had a lot of plans to expand his company and made quite a lot of money in the process as well.To think that he had sold his company after so many months of painstaking efforts?But still, it's their brother's money and they merely helped with increasing its value by quite a bit.They didn't even hesitate to accept it, but they merely were just confused as to why their brother was doing such a thing."Well, whatever, it just means that we will have no more problems to de
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Chapter 9: Operation Starts.
It took around 20 minutes, Nalan asked quite a lot of questions while Jin answered them without any hesitation."You know, I'm wondering now why a person such as yourself does not have a work." Nalan couldn't help but be quite confused by this.Jin smiled: "Well, it's not really me not having a job, it's that I just quit today."He didn't really lie though, he had just sold his company after all, which technically means, quitting his job.Well, it's Nalan's fault that she did not clarify what his job is"Ohh!" Nalan finally understood, she nodded her head: "What kind of job did you do?"Well, now she did!Jin couldn't help but chuckle as he replied: "Well, I was the owner of a huge company before, but I had just quit."Nalan couldn't help but chuckle as well, thinking that it was a joke on his part.But she shook her head: "Well, I will be giving you a company to manage, so you will be the president once more, isn't that right?"Jin couldn't help but chuckle and nodded his head.Nalan
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Chapter 10: Nalan's Dreams.
Jin was quite satisfied with where things are heading right now."Sebastian, how about taking a break now, I'll have people bring this to a different place first." Jin ordered.Sebastian nodded his head: "As you wish."With that, Sebastian and Jin both entered the mansion.Meanwhile, outside of the mansion, the shadow was quite amazed, he immediately knew who this person was and started checking his profile online and had it printed in his office.He immediately rushed back home and started running.After 30 minutes, he went back to report to Nalan's father and handed Jin's files.Immediately, Nalan's father was quite excited.A young, self-made billionaire, and his daughter likes him? And, they are actually dating?The Reid Family is worth 300 million, with Jin's connections, he could probably make this family into billionaires as well!They have a lot of businesses, but most importantly, the Reid Metalworks Co. is their largest asset, if they could make use of this connection, they
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