Author: Izzy Bee Mak
last update2022-07-06 20:04:49

She kicked him and asked, 

    “Who is Hero?”. 

Dr. Roberts answered saying, “You’ll never know, I’ll never tell you”. He chuckles and she said to him, “I’m actually waiting for him to come here” 

Hero landed slowly behind the lady as well as Miss Awesome at the front, and the lady raised her hands saying, “Perfect timing, take me to your lab!”


The lady was tied to a chair and also handcuffed while Mark, Mary, Ben, Kyle, and Dr. Robert were there staring at her. Her mask had been removed, and it was a beautiful young looking lady.

Mary asked, “Who are you?”. She rolls her eyes and replied, “Well, I’m gonna tell you, but first know this, I let you capture me so I can come here to tell you everything, or else, your counterpart…” she stares at Mark, “… will kill me!”. 

Ben looked surprised, and he asked, “What do you mean?... counterpart?”, 

She replied sharply, “Yes, I’m sure he must have visited you Mark”. Mark asks, “Moza?”. 

She nodded and answered, “Yes”. 

Mark exhales and said to the others, 

    “I actually called all of you together cause I wanted to tell you about what happened today, a strange guy who called himself Moza came to me, said there are other planets with beings, like humans and he has same powers as I do” 

She replied, “He’s here to kill you, and then take you to Hulton. So, you can be made evil, you’ll serve our King, who murdered my father, the former King… I’m the rightful ruler there… the fact is… we were sent on this mission together, but they know I will compromise it… my name's Mesa and…”

  “Enough of this crap of a joke”, Ben cuts in, while Dr. Roberts replied, “Wait… continue”. 

 Nesa replies, “Okay, I’ll start from where everything began, when you were younger, you had a strange encounter with something, a white shiny box landed right in front of you…”. Mark cuts in saying, “And I touched it, then it flew back into the sky, that was the day my dad died, it was before I got back home”.

Nesa then continues, 

  “the box you touched was sent from our planet; Hulton, to locate any superhuman in order to copy the abilities of whoever it finds, you touched it and it copied your powers and so it came straight back to Hulton, the powers were granted to Moza, who then began to train harder and you were being watched by our people, but now the time has come for the King to try making you a part of his”

     “You will be the King’s servant, but I won’t let that happen, you have to stop him here so it’s gonna be easier for me to get my throne back and maybe… give to my brother”. 

Kyle smiles and replied, “Nice story…”. Mary grins and asked, “How can we stop Moza?”. 

Nesa chuckles softly and demanded, “release me first”. 

  “We can’t trust her, she almost killed me today”, Dr. Robert yelled, while Nesa looked at him and said, “I knew you’d say that because of the secret you’re hiding from your team”. Dr. Robert scoffs and said to the others, 

  “You can’t trust her. She must be planning something big… to kill you”. 

Nesa retorted back sharply, 

“and you must be planning something slow to destroy his life, am I right?” 

The others were looking surprised and they stared at Dr. Roberts who was left dumbfounded.


Tyler, Nina, Barnes, Jane, Shana, Dolph and Mr. Alfred were all together and Dolph asked, 

    “So, Nina tell us something about the time you used to be a trainee on the Shark Island”. 

Nina hums and replied, “Well, I was open and brave, but not as brave as Tyler, I loved him, but someone else loved me. To Tyler, I was just a friend…”. 

Tyler interrupts “Nina, please don’t talk about that, I’m gonna have to leave if that’s what you wanna say”. Nina’s phone vibrates and she checked it before turning back to them,

   “I’ll have to leave…  emergency on my side”. Jane scoffs and asked, “What kind of emergency is it… that you can’t tell us?”.

Nina replied, “it’s personal, I’ll be back later”. She waves goodbye as she left and Barnes whispered to Mr. Alfred, “Do you trust her?”. Mr. Alfred nodded while Tyler who looked angry as always stood up saying, 

  “I have to go somewhere; the Shark Island”. Barnes smirks and asked, “why?”. Tyler replies, “To get some answers from the Old Master”. 

Shana sighs and said, “Tyler, I know you’re worried, you think about whoever is called Beast all the time and you wanna stop him, but will you stop living everyday of your life like it’s the last… have fun, enjoy your life to the fullest, think about the people around you, but when that time comes, you can do what has to be done”.

Jane added, “Tyler, I know you have no feelings for anyone, but don’t make the thoughts of a monster who has been locked away take over your mind, and then go crazy about it, cause if you go crazy, things won’t be okay… Tyler, I love you but I’m not saying this for my self-interest, but for your own good, I’m not asking you to love me, but just get back to normal, smile more, take whatever is bothering you off your mind, and live in the present, not in the future which is yet to come”. 

Barnes smiles and said, “both of you were fabulous, those words… wow”. 

Tyler sits again and replied, “now I know what to do, thank you for everything you said, I’ll work on it”

Nina got to an abandoned construction, close to completion, and right there were about 50 people, both male and female waiting for her arrival and immediately she entered, they bowed and all chorused, “Welcome ma’am!”. Nina smiles and one of the guys who didn’t assemble with them, said, 

  “War is coming, I have been informed by the old master that some demons are in search of us, and they are led by someone who had bowed to Beast and become a monster, now he’s gonna come with armies of demons to destroy us”.  

Nina scoffs and asked, “does he want us dead or Bravo?”. The guy replies saying, “the old master said; us”. 

Nina walked closer to the guy saying, “don’t be deceived by the old master, I’ve seen it all, I know everything… and I’m telling you this, do not trust the old master, he’s gonna lead you into the pit, whoever it is will be coming to kill Bravo, because Beast wants Tyler dead. So what we’ll do now is to put our lives on the line by defending and helping him against them… cause he’s the road to the hope for everyone”.

The guy replies increasing his voice, “Nina, will you stop claiming to be the boss of me, why don’t you just hit me and see what I’m gonna do to you”. Nina exclaims, and replies,

   “oh, I understand that we were both on the Shark Island and also graduated at the same time, but things have changed, I’m your boss now… so take it as a bad luck for you and a good one for me”. 

The guy smiled, as he moved closer and now few inches away, he whispered, 

  “how about I meet Tyler and tell him about your ulterior motive… which is the reason why you got so close to him”.

 He laughs wickedly and suddenly he screams and moves back, she had slashed his arm with a dagger and Nina said, 

  “You won’t see the next Sunrise”. 

She stretched forth her hand and his blood began to rush out through the wound spot while the guy was screaming and begging, the others were terrified and Nina spoke as she tortured him, 

    “I guess this one will be faster”.

 She moved closer to him, and touched the wound. He had lost a lot of blood already, then she began to freeze his blood from the inside, till he dropped dead on the ground, not bleeding anymore, but steaming ice. 

Nina yelled at the others, “this will serve as a lesson to all those who do not obey me, those who don’t trust me, but the old master instead and to those who do not put Tyler’s safety first before their lives. Now, who’s coming with me?”


The Old Master was with one of the tutors; the same one who served as a referee for Tyler and Dan’s 4 rounds duel. The tutor said, “Master, he’s dead”. 

The Old Master replied immediately, “yes, I know… she killed him… For Bravo… no, her self-interest” 

The tutor replies, “Beast is still locked in the dark world, so will he get out later and maybe… fight Bravo? Then Bravo’s gonna finally kill him?”. 

The Old Master smiled said, “Let’s just wait, but one thing you must know, Beast won’t  die… Bravo will”. 

Bravo, Hotfoot and Nina along with her group were gathered at a secluded area. 

Bravo was putting on a short sleeved black top. With a sleeveless jacket on it. It had pockets, and the outfit was fitted to Tyler’s body. He was putting on a black trouser as well. He had the usual angry look on his face, and his eyebrow raised.

Hotfoot was putting on an orange colored speedster outfit. It had a lightning streak symbol on its’ chest, and a mask that covered his hair, and half of his face, revealing his moth, nostrils, eyeballs and lower part of his face.

Nina and her team were also on black outfits; similar to Tylers'. It wasn’t just a casual outfit, but it was made to withstand whatever they face in a battle without it being destroyed. Some of them were holding weapons as well.

But all of this was abecause of a portal which was right before them. It was a red and black portal, they stood there waiting for what would come out of it, Nina whispers to Bravo, “you must survive” 

Suddenly, demons with wings began to come through the portal in large numbers. The demons surrounded them, and some were above them as well. Hotfoot asked, “so, Nina how are we gonna kill them?” 

  “Use your speed punch, they’re not strong demons, they’re weak but will always have a leader to come through the portal next”. As soon as all the demons had come through the portal, a human dressed in black and red thick outfit, who was blazing red fire and smoke with his flaming red eyes came through, but he was putting on a mask that covered his nose and mouth.

Bravo said to Nina and Hotfoot,

    “Whoever it is, that person bowed to BEAST and was granted with evil powers, but BEAST is still locked in the Dark World”

 Nina nodded and replies, “Yes, but can be visited and can give powers to whoever bows to him while he’s even in there”

The guy said with a deep voice, “Tyler, Nina… it’s been a while”, he sighs, “Nina, you’ll come with me… but, Tyler… you will die!”. Bravo scoffs and shakes his head, saying, “I don’t think that’s gonna happen”. The guy slowly pulled off his mask to reveal his face, as he said, “it’s me… Ray!”.

Bravo yelled in shock, “How did this happen?”. Ray puts on his mask again, saying, “No time for questions… Only time to DIE!”.

 Immediately, the demons began to attack all of them while Bravo with his usual angry expression blazed fire.

 He was completely covered with fire and so he boosted towards Ray to punch him; thrusting Ray backwards, but the latter was able to maintain his balance,

     “I was weak, now I’m strong… you can’t defeat me”, he said boastfully.

Bravo began to shoot fire balls from his hands yelling, while Ray was blocking all of it with his hands, then as he blocked the last one, Bravo came out of nowhere to deliver a punch at Ray on his rib but Ray didn’t move an inch, he looked at Bravo who was panting.

 Ray smiled at him, then he grabbed Bravo’s arm and threw him faraway that the others couldn’t see him.

Nina yells at Hotfoot, “find him!”. Hotfoot sped towards the direction but was intercepted by Ray and he lost balance while he rolls on the ground multiple times; suffering some bruises and fractures.

Bravo was on the floor away from the others, then Ray lands right in front of him slowly; saying, 

  “You’re weak in the face of my power… I didn’t expect you to be so weak. I thought you should have been so powerful, because you wanted you kill Beast. But right now, I’m gonna have to kill you”. 

Bravo forced himself up and replies, “no you won’t”.

Ray shot fire from his eyes but Bravo makes a rock to block it but the rock exploded and Bravo wasn’t behind it anymore. Ray turned back only to be punched by Bravo whose hand was covered in fire and his eyes flaming fire, he shot fire from his eyes as well and Ray falls to the ground. 

Bravo controls rocks to hold Ray to the ground like a hand, then he squeezed his hands causing the rocks to squeeze Ray who was now groaning in pain.

 Ray was shooting fire from his eyes at the same time while Bravo blocked with fire from his eyes as well and they were both yelling until finally Ray’s fire pushed Bravo backwards and he fell while Ray broke free of the rocks and stood up again. 

  “I’m taking this too slow, I’ll just end it now”, he said.

He jumped up high and he raised his hands which then was covered with fire and smoke, and he began to boost towards Bravo speedily but as he was about to punch the already standing Bravo, Bravo stops his punch with one hand and he punched Ray back so hard, with a full force which caused a shock wave. Ray was thrust back into the sky without balance, but a red and black portal sucked him in while Bravo was staring into the sky.


Same day, but at night, Mr. Alfred, Jane, Barnes, Tyler and Nina were together having a discussion, Barnes asked,

   “That guy is Ray?”. Nina nodded and replied, “Yes, but he’s now evil… now I get it… when he asked us to leave, because he couldn’t swim, the demons must have gotten to him and he had to bow so he could live”.

 Tyler exhales and replied, “That’s possible”. 

Jane asked as well, “Now that he’s evil. Are you gonna kill him?”. Tyler shakes his head, saying, “I won’t do that to a friend of mine”. 

  “Tyler, don’t you get it, he’s a demon now, he has to die…”, Nina yells, and still continues, “we’re gonna kill him or else, he’s gonna make me a demon too. You know he’s crazy about me”. 

Tyler retorted back sharply, “Nina, Ray is our friend and I’ll do anything to make him get back to normal, I’ll ask the Old Master if there’s a way”.

Nina grins and yelled at him, “he was our friend, now he’s our enemy… consider Ray dead… that one is just a demon serving BEAST but with Ray’s bad and evil memories… and please don’t trust the Old Master… that’s an advice, Tyler… if you wanna live, don’t trust him”. 

   “We won’t be who we are today without him”, Tyler lashed back, while Nina also spoke again, “Exactly, and we won’t have any problem with BEAST if he didn’t take some actions… and by we, I mean the whole world, the universe even…”

Jane exclaims and yelled at Nina,

     “If you truly love Tyler, you’d try seeing things from his point of view, but it seems you’re after something else”. 

Nina scoffs while Barnes added, “Nina, I think Tyler’s right, Ray’s human and probably bowed with the hope that Tyler, you, and the old master will one day save him”. 

Tyler stared at Nina, saying, “if he can’t be returned back to normal, I don’t think he would have bowed to BEAST”. 

Nina chuckles and stood up, she was about to leave, then she said with her face frowned,

   “Tyler, I love you, I’ll always love you… but you don’t trust me, I hope you don’t regret the steps you’re about to take, but remember this… you’re not destined to kill BEAST, the Old Master is a crook”. 

She left immediately while Tyler and the others were looking confused.



Dr. Roberts said to the others,

     “she’s trying to play mind games with me, I was about to tell you that I’ve been able to make a drug which would make you stronger, Mark. In case you encounter enemies, you can’t handle, like the one Mary encountered today”, he sighs, “and it’s in form of an injection”. Nesa scoffs while Mark said with a smile, 

  “Thanks doctor… Nesa, now, about Moza, where is he hiding?”.      

    “He’s not hiding, he’s ready at any time… but I don’t know if he wants to kill you before taking you”


Bethany was speaking over the phone as she stood outside the police station. Putting on a black shirt and black jean trouser. Her long black hair was packed to the back. She ended the call and got into one of the police cars. 

The driver was a female cop, and Bethany said while her eyes was fixed on her phone, “Let’s go”. the lady smiles and replied, “okay ma’am” 

After minutes of driving, they were soon on a road heading out of the city. Bethany takes her eyes off her phone and asked, “Where are you taking me?”. 

The driver replies as she looked at Bethany, “To punish you… do remember me?”. 

Bethany gasps in surprise as she saw her face, and just as she tried pulling out her gun, she realized she’d been cuffed and there was no gun with her, her legs were also tied; this made her even more than surprised. 

Bethany yelled, 

  “I sent you to jail, how did you escape?”.

 The lady sighs and while she slowed down, she took off her police outfit, revealing a black singlet and her black trouser was still on. She replied with a wicked smile on her face, 

   “Determination, to get back at you… now’s the time, no one will be able to save you… I’m taking you out of this city. Phantom will deal with you”.

 Bethany asked, “Who’s Phantom?”. The lady bursts into laughter and answered, “My boss!”

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    (LAGOS, NIGERIA)J*C, TTP, Miyasaka, Shin, and Roving Archer were walking together inside a large building in which no one was. The lights were all switched on and it was quiet in there. J*C yells, “Yamaoka! We know you’re here, face us if you can” Immediately, Yamaoka came out of nowhere, but not alone; he came out with Phantom Beast (Tunde) J*C chuckles softly and said, “You have a new backup… again, and you’re gonna let him die while you escape, you won’t change” Yamaoka unsheathes his sword and replied, “Not backup, he’s gonna break your bones, and as for me, I’m gonna cut you In two” ” We’ll see… I’ll take on you”, said Roving Archer. Yamaoka smirks and said, “You… you’re extraordinarily amazing, but I don’t care, I’m still faster” .******************* .Thunder Man, Brain, Velocity black (Oluyemi), and Kikkawa were left behind at Ronnie’s house. They were having a conversation, when Derek (Brain) said suddenly, “shh stop!” They all kept quiet and he whisp

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    (HIGHVILLE)It’s been about 2 months since the encounter with Madam Ghost, and criminal acts reduced a lot. Kate is now pregnant as well. The team stayed together in one place; talking about how they’ve all been living with peace. “the changes are positive and it makes me really happy”, Natalie said “Of course… it was worth it”, Tiger replied “except we’ve got something to deal with now…”, Selena interrupts “Okay… go ahead… rest not ye heroes”, Kate chuckles...The guy who tagged along with Madam Ghost had come; remember he once said he has something against Randy… like a score to settle. Looks like it… cause you’re about to discover more about Randy Sharp’s past; we know he was a soldier and made Donnie as an enemy because he was a soldier. But something else is coming; even from way back!The guy was currently masked when Captain, Red Tiger, and Sharpshooter arrived “who are you?”, Randy asked “I’m Blood…”, he answeredRandy looked around and saw the damages h

  • Heroes of Clifford City

    (CLIFFORD CITY)Tyler, Nina Barnes and Julio Juliana stayed together while the old master's staff was right before then, “so what are you gonna do?*, Tyler asked his sister, and she quickly answered saying, “I'll locate him with this… I'll find him… but I need to use my blood” “oh”, Nina exclaims, “and it's gonna work?” “absolutely… no doubt at all”, Juliana was confident Barnes sighs before speaking, “then let's do this… we gotta find him” “and you're staying right here, Nina”, Tyler added. She stared at him for few seconds before she nods her head in agreement. .Dana, Shana, Mr. Alfred and Ray were in another part of the building having a conversation too, “what do you guys think about Jane not being amongst us… it's been a while and seriously, we don't know why she's like this”, Shana started, but Dana continues, “yes, and this was because of Tyler’s mistake… he shouldn’t have left her to speak to the woman and now she could be under some magical… W

  • Heroes of New City

    (NEW CITY)(MR. MARK EDDIE’S HOUSE) “she’s been unwell since the time she was manipulated”, Alice said at the presence of the others, except Bella and TanyaAnnie was lying on a bed, her eyes closed tightly as she squeezed the duvet which was used to cover her. Jenny who was seated beside her quickly calls the attention of the others, “she’s having bad dreams again,” “Yes”, Marcus replied, “and we should stop preventing her from going out there to find the red ring” “we already agreed on this… Those rings have dangerous powers… we can’t let her go… we’ll figure something out and help her…” “you claim it’s dangerous, why don’t you get rid of the one with you… cause it looks like the time is coming… it’s almost here”, Marcus said furiously, “get rid of it… oh, you’ll say no cause your mother gave it to you, right?”Alice grins as she yelled at him “Quiet!” the force is the loud scream threw Marcus back before hitting his back and falling to the ground. “Alice!”,

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