"Massimo! Help! Somebody, please help me!" Elena cried out, her voice filled with desperation.

Massimo, who had been sitting in his study, poring over the ancient journal that he was given by Detai, heard her scream and immediately sprang to his feet. His heart pounded in his chest as he raced down the hallway to their bedroom. His mind was flooded with fear and worry; the memory of the recent incident flashed on his mind. 

Massimo burst into the room, finding Elena clutching her stomach, her face contorted in agony. "Elena! What’s wrong?" he asked, his voice shaking with concern as he rushed to her side.

Elena's eyes were wide with pain and terror. "It hurts, Massimo. It hurts so much," she gasped, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Massimo gently lifted her into his arms, feeling the tremors that wracked her body. "Hang on, darling. I’m getting you to the hospital."

Just as he was about to carry her out of the room, two of the guardians, who had heard Elena's screams, appeared in the doorway. Their eyes widened in alarm at the sight of her distress.

"Mr. Massimo, what’s happening?" one of the guards asked urgently.

"We need to get her to the hospital now," Massimo replied, his voice tight with urgency.

" I am sorry, Massimo, but we cannot allow that, they might track us down, and we cannot allow that to risk the lives of the rest of us. 

" What do you mean? She is suffering, and you think I will just watch her lay there and take her last breath?" Massimo lay there. 

Massimo sat beside her, holding her hand tightly. "I’m here, Elena. I’m right here, Don't worry I will not leave you here alone." he whispered, trying to keep his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him.

Elena’s grip on his hand was weak, but she managed to squeeze it. "Massimo, I’m scared," she said, her voice barely a whisper.

He leaned in closer, his eyes filled with determination. "You are going to be okay, Elena, hold on, we are almost there. Just hold on a little longer." Massimo pleaded before the guardian who treated Elena came with the first aid kit box. 

"Please, sir, you need to wait here. We will do everything we can for her," he said firmly.

Massimo nodded, though every fiber of his being wanted to be by Elena’s side. He paced outside the room, his mind a whirlwind of worry and fear. He glanced at his phone, tempted to call someone for support, but he didn’t want to burden anyone else with his fears.

As the minutes ticked by, each one felt like a lifetime. Finally, the guardian emerged from the room, her expression serious but calm. Massimo rushed over to her, his heart in his throat.

"How is she?" he asked, his voice trembling.

The doctor took a deep breath. "Your wife is stable for now, but she’s in a lot of pain. We need to run some tests to determine the cause. It’s possible she has a severe internal issue that requires immediate attention."

Massimo nodded, his mind racing. "Can I see her?"

The guardian nodded. "Yes, but just for a moment. We need to get her for a scan soon."

Massimo followed the doctor into the room where Elena lay on a hospital bed, her face pale and drenched in sweat. He rushed to her side, taking her hand in his.

"Elena, I’m here," he said softly, his eyes filled with concern and love.

She looked up at him, her eyes glassy with pain. "Massimo... I’m scared. What’s happening to me?"

He brushed a strand of hair from her face, trying to soothe her. "They are going to find out. They are going to help you, I promise."

Elena nodded weakly, her grip on his hand tightening for a brief moment. "Don’t leave me."

"I won’t," he assured her, his voice breaking. "I’m right here. I will be here when you wake up."

A guardian nurse approached them, gently informing Massimo that they needed to take Elena for further tests. He kissed her forehead softly, whispering words of encouragement before stepping back to let the medical team do their work.

Elena lay in the bed, her face etched with pain and exhaustion. Massimo sat by her side, holding her hand tightly, his eyes filled with worry. She approached Elena with a gentle smile, her demeanor calm and professional.

"Mrs. Massimo, we need to give you something to help with the pain and to make you more comfortable," the guardian nurse said softly. "It will help you sleep and recover."

Elena nodded weakly, her eyes darting at Massimo. "Will it hurt?"

The nurse shook her head. "No, you’ll just feel a slight pinch. It will help you rest."

Massimo squeezed Elena’s hand, his voice tender but strained. "It’s okay, Elena. Just relax. I’m right here."

The nurse carefully swabbed Elena’s arm with alcohol, her movements precise and practiced. Take a deep breath, Mrs. Massimo, she instructed.

Elena closed her eyes, exhaling slowly as the nurse inserted the needle into her arm. The sensation was sharp but brief, and soon a warm, tingling feeling spread through her body. She felt the edges of consciousness beginning to blur, her eyelids growing heavy.

"Massimo," she whispered, her voice faint. "Don’t leave me."

Massimo leaned in closer, his heart aching at the sight of her vulnerability. I am not going anywhere, sweetie. I will be here when you wake up. I promise."

The nurse removed the syringe, gently pressing a cotton ball to the injection site. "You will start to feel sleepy now," she said soothingly. "Just let yourself rest."

Elena’s eyes fluttered open and shut, her grip on Massimo’s hand weakening. "I love you," she murmured, her words slurring as sleep took hold.

Massimo felt a lump form in his throat. "I love you too, Elena. More than anything."

As Elena slipped into unconsciousness, Massimo brushed a tear from his cheek. He looked up at the nurse, his expression a mixture of gratitude and fear. "Is she going to be okay?"

The nurse nodded reassuringly. Yes, Massimo. She just needs rest. We will be monitoring her closely.

Massimo nodded, his gaze returning to Elena’s peaceful face. "Thank you."

The nurse offered him a kind smile before leaving the room. The door closed softly behind her, and the room fell into a hushed silence, broken only by the steady beeping of the monitors.

Massimo settled into the chair beside Elena’s bed, his mind racing with a mix of relief and lingering anxiety. He watched her chest rise and fall with each breath, his thoughts drifting to the events that had led them here. The relics, the mysterious phone call, the journal, all seemed so distant now, overshadowed by the immediate reality of Elena’s condition.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the worn journal, flipping through its pages absently before he was interrupted by some noises from outside. 

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