Between Life And Death

Joe’s hands trembled as he gripped the controls of the shuttle,

Damm, this can't be happening, Lena! Lena!" Joe shouted as the alien ship’s explosion still replayed in his mind, the fiery burst that swallowed Lena. He could not shake the image, the gut-wrenching certainty that she was gone. His gaze flickered at Martin, who lay unconscious beside him, his skin ashen and his breathing shallow.

“ Hang on, Martin, I won't lose you also, I won't allow it.” Joe muttered under his breath, adjusting their course towards the Vanguard airship. The shuttle hummed as it sped through space, the stars blurring into streaks of light. Every second felt like an eternity, the silence inside the cockpit heavy with dread.

Joe’s crackled to life, a familiar voice cutting through the static. “Joe, what’s your status? ”

It was Commander Reeves, the leader of their Vanguard unit. Joe swallowed hard, his voice shaky as he replied. “ Commander, we have... we have lost Lena. The alien ship exploded. She d
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