All Chapters of Fantasy Realm Portal : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
13 chapters
Late Night At Work
Massimo sat at his desk, the office bathed in the dim glow of fluorescent lights. It was late, and the building was eerily quiet. His colleagues had left hours ago, but he remained, hunched over his computer, trying to finish the quarterly financial report. The only sounds were the rhythmic tapping of his keyboard and the occasional hum of the air conditioning.He stretched his arms above his head, feeling the tension in his shoulders. A glance at the clock told him it was nearly midnight. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, then turned his attention back to the screen. Just as he was about to resume typing, his computer screen flickered and went dark."What the hell?" he muttered, jiggling the mouse. The screen remained blank for a moment, then a strange app icon appeared in the center. It was shaped like a dragon, its eyes glowing red, and the words"Fantasy Realm" was emblazoned below it in gothic script with the bright light hitting his eyes almost causing them to go blind. Massimo fr
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Massimo In His Bed
Massimo's head throbbed as he lay on the bed, blinking up at the familiar ceiling of his bedroom. His clothes clung to his body, drenched with sweat, and the sheets beneath him were damp and tangled. He turned his head to see his wife, Elena, sitting beside him, her face etched with worry."Massimo, are you okay?" Elena's voice was soft but urgent, her eyes wide with concern. "You were thrashing around and calling out in your sleep, Are you okay?"Massimo struggled to sit up, his mind racing with the fragments of the surreal experience he had just gone through. He tried to piece it together, but the details seemed to slip through his fingers like sand. The last thing he remembered was the strange fantasy realm and the mysterious figure who had been about to reveal crucial information to him, and he was confused, given that he was back in his office and he didn't know how he ended up in his house."I... I don't know," he stammered, rubbing his temples. "It felt so real, Elena. I was in
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A Lie
" It is just no one and I think I am a bit hungry. What is there ready?" Massimo stated. "Massimo, honey, honey" she said softly, trying to keep her voice steady as she uttered his name.Elena stepped into the room, her concern deepening. "Massimo, you’ve been saying that for days now. You missed work again today. How many warnings has your boss given you?"Massimo waved a hand dismissively, his attention already back on the book. "Work doesn’t matter right now, Elena. Don’t you see? This is bigger than any job. This is history, this is discovery. This is what I want to discover, and we will be rich soon, and we will not work anymore. "Massimo paced the length of his study, the dim light casting long shadows that danced across the walls. His thoughts were a tangled mess, consumed by the relics and the cryptic message from the anonymous caller. The study, usually his sanctuary, felt oppressive tonight. He could still feel the weight of the old books and ancient artifacts pressing dow
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Massimo Unconscious
" Elena, I am sorry that you have been waiting for me." Massimo stated as guilt gnawed at him as he fumbled for his keys, his hands trembling slightly. Elena was wearing her night lingerie and a gown, her eyes red and puffy from her tiredness."Massimo, where have you been and are you drunk? Do you know that I have been worried and sick?" Elena demanded, her voice breaking with emotion. Massimo opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. His vision blurred, and he felt his knees buckle. He collapsed to the floor, the world around him fading to black." Massimo, please wake up, wake up...." Elena placed soft slaps on his chicks as he carried him upstairs. When he opened his eyes, he was no longer in his living room. The familiar surroundings of his home had been replaced by a surreal landscape, one that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. He found himself standing in a vast, open field, the grass a vibrant shade of green that seemed almost too bright to be real. The
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The Morning Call
Massimo emerged from the lavatory, still drying his hands with a towel, when his phone buzzed insistently on the dresser. He glanced at the screen and saw an unknown number flashing. With a sense of unease, he picked it up and answered."Hello?" he said cautiously, given the phone number he was unfamiliar to him.A deep, gravelly voice responded, sending a chill down his spine."Massimo Ricci?" The other end inquired. "Yes, this is Massimo. Who am I speaking to?" Massimo inquired, trying to compose his voice. The voice on the other end was calm yet commanding, with an undertone that suggested he was not to be trifled with."You do not need to know who I am. What matters is that I have something you need."Massimo's heart raced. "What are you talking about?""I believe you're searching for relics. Meet me at the address I have just sent you. You have five minutes. Come alone." The voice said, its profound tone echoing through the phone. Before Massimo could ask any questions, the li
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Fight For A Life
" Step out of the car," a sharp voice stated from the other end."Hello?" he said, his voice tinged with curiosity and caution."Massimo, climb down from your vehicle, now." a gruff voice ordered on the other end, devoid of any pleasantries."Who is this and how do you know my name?" Massimo demanded, his heart rate picking up. But before he could get any answers, the line went dead. His instincts screamed at him to drive away, but something compelled him to comply.As soon as he opened his car door and stepped out after he found his tire, one down, a sharp blow struck the back of his head. The world spun, darkness closing in rapidly. He barely had time to register what was happening before everything went black.When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a small, dimly lit cabin. The rough jostling of the cabin told him it was moving, and the steady clop of hooves outside indicated it was being carried by a horse. He tried to move but realized his hands were tied behind his
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Massimo was staring at Detai with sharp eyes as he laughed out loud as he tried to untie himself, but the rope was tight, and there was silence, and Detai's chest was bleeding from the arrow that went through his chest and fell near Massimo and, with a little strength, helped Massimo to untie him, and it was not long that Massimo was free but Detai was taking his last breath. Massimo's breath came in ragged gasps as he cradled Detai's head in his lap, his hands pressing desperately against the wound in Detai's chest. Blood seeped through his fingers, warm and sticky, a stark reminder of the reality unfolding before him. Detai's eyes, once so vibrant with life, were dimming, his breath shallow and labored. "Detai, stay with me," Massimo pleaded, his voice breaking. "You cannot leave me. We still have so much to do." Detai's hand, trembling and weak, reached up to grasp Massimo's. "Massimo," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the roaring wind. "You must... finish this." Te
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The streets were quiet in the early afternoon as Massimo walked home, his mind still reeling from the events of the day. The loss of Detai weighed heavily on his heart, the pain fresh and raw. He barely noticed the people he passed, his thoughts a tangled web of grief and determination. His surroundings seemed muted, as though the world had lost some of its color.He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice the figure following him until it was too late. A strong hand suddenly clamped over his mouth, and he felt a piece of cloth being pressed against his nose and mouth. He struggled, panic surging through him, but the grip was too strong. A sickly sweet smell filled his nostrils, and darkness quickly overtook him.When Massimo regained consciousness, he was disoriented, his head throbbing. He tried to move, but his hands were bound tightly behind his back. The air was thick with the smell of dust and mildew, and the dim light cast eerie shadows on the walls. He was in a wareh
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late Night Visit
The living room was dimly lit, the flickering glow of the television casting long shadows on the walls. Elena sat on the edge of the couch, her fingers anxiously twisting the edge of a blanket. The evening news played in the background, but her attention was fixed on the door, her mind racing with worry. It was past midnight, and Massimo had still not returned home.The clock on the wall ticked steadily, each second amplifying her anxiety. Elena picked up her phone for the tenth time, checking for any missed calls or messages. Nothing. Her heart pounded as a thousand scenarios flashed through her mind, each more troubling than the last. Massimo had been distant lately, his work consuming him. But he had never stayed out this late without at least sending a message.Suddenly, she heard the sound of the front door unlocking. Elena's heart leapt into her throat. She jumped up, rushing to the entryway just as the door creaked open. There stood Massimo, his face a mask of exhaustion and wo
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The Sudden News
The morning sun streamed through the kitchen windows, casting a warm glow over the table where Massimo, Elena, and the Guardian sat, eating breakfast. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes filled the air, a comforting contrast to the tension that lingered from the previous night's revelations. As Massimo lifted his cup to take a sip, his phone buzzed on the table. He glanced at the screen and saw his boss's name flash across it."I need to take this," he said, standing up and moving toward the living room for privacy. Elena watched him go, a knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach. She turned to the Guardian, who sat across from her, his expression calm yet alert. Massimo answered the call, his heart already heavy with the foreboding tone in his boss's voice. "Hello, Mr. Stevenson.""Massimo," Mr. Stevenson's voice was flat and formal, lacking its usual warmth. "I hope I did not catch you at a bad time."" No, it's fine," Massimo replied, his eyes darting back to the kitc
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