The Morning Call

Massimo emerged from the lavatory, still drying his hands with a towel, when his phone buzzed insistently on the dresser. He glanced at the screen and saw an unknown number flashing. With a sense of unease, he picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" he said cautiously, given the phone number he was unfamiliar to him.

A deep, gravelly voice responded, sending a chill down his spine.

"Massimo Ricci?" The other end inquired. 

"Yes, this is Massimo. Who am I speaking to?" Massimo inquired, trying to compose his voice. 

The voice on the other end was calm yet commanding, with an undertone that suggested he was not to be trifled with.

"You do not need to know who I am. What matters is that I have something you need."

Massimo's heart raced. "What are you talking about?"

"I believe you're searching for relics. Meet me at the address I have just sent you. You have five minutes. Come alone." The voice said, its profound tone echoing through the phone. 

Before Massimo could ask any questions, the line went dead. He checked his phone and saw a text with an address not far from his apartment. His mind raced.

" Who was this person? How did he know about Massimo's quest? And what did he have that was so important?" Massimo argued in his mind. 

Elena appeared in the bedroom door, concern etched on her face. 

" Sweetie, breakfast is ready," Elena stated as she pushed the door open. 

" Let me make this quick work call and I will join you in a minute," Massimo stated. 

Elena frowned, crossing her arms.

"Massimo darling, Of late. You have been so secretive. What's going on?" Elena inquired. 

He forced a reassuring smile.

"Nothing to worry about, I promise. I will get back soon." Massimo stated as he finished wrapping his tie around his neck. Without waiting for her response, he grabbed his coat and rushed out the door, his mind a whirlwind of anxiety and anticipation.

Massimo started the car engine and headed towards the address that led him to an old, abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The building loomed before him, its windows broken and walls covered in graffiti. He glanced at his watch for two minutes left.

He took a deep breath and approached the heavy steel door. It creaked open just as he reached for the handle, and a tall, shadowy figure beckoned him inside. The dim lighting cast eerie shadows on the walls, making the place feel like a scene from a horror movie.

" You are already here this way please. A deep voice stated

Massimo followed the figure deeper into the warehouse until they reached a small room illuminated by a single, flickering bulb. The man turned to face him, his features obscured by a hood.

You are punctual. Good, to see that you can keep a word, the man said, his voice still carrying that unsettling resonance.

Massimo swallowed hard, trying to keep his voice steady. Who are you? What do you know about the relics? He inquired 

The man reached into his coat and pulled out a worn, leather-bound journal. He handed it to Massimo.

This contains the information you seek. But be warned, the path you are on is dangerous."

Massimo's hands trembled as he took the journal. "Why are you giving this to me?"

The man chuckled softly. Let's just say our interests align, for now. There are forces at play far beyond your understanding. If you continue down this path, you will need allies.

Massimo opened the journal, flipping through pages filled with ancient symbols, maps, and detailed notes. It was exactly what he had been looking for, the missing piece of the puzzle. But the man’s cryptic words weighed heavily on him.

"I do not understand. Why help me?" Massimo asked, looking up.

The man's expression was hidden in the shadows, but his voice softened slightly. "Because you have the potential to uncover truths that have been buried for centuries. But know this, the relics are not just objects. They have power, and that power attracts attention."

Massimo's curiosity was piqued, but fear lingered at the edges of his mind. "What kind of attention?"

The man leaned closer, his eyes glinting in the dim light. "The kind that will stop at nothing to keep the relics hidden. You are not the only one searching, Massimo. And some will kill to protect their secrets."

A shiver ran down Massimo's spine. "What do I need to do?"

"Follow the clues in the journal," the man instructed. "But be careful. Trust no one completely, and be always aware of your surroundings. The truth is out there, but it comes at a price." He stated 

Massimo nodded, clutching the journal tightly. "Thank you. I won’t let this go to waste."

The man turned to leave but paused at the door. "One last thing, Massimo. There are people who will come to you, offering help or seeking information. Be discerning. Not everyone is who they seem." 

With that, the man disappeared into the shadows, leaving Massimo alone in the flickering light. 

"Is this going to pay me back?" Massimo inquired as he looked at the time on his clock. He was three hours late from work.

He hastened his steps before he started to head through the dark hallway into the shabby warehouse and climbed into his vehicle as he drove off at a high speed with the fear of the unknown-clawing his body before his phone buzzed, making him get startled before almost losing his lane on the road on-almost hitting an on coming vehicle which drove towards him.

" Hello," he answered the call with a low calm voice  after he parked alongside the roadside before the other end of the call was filled with total silence.

" Hello, hello..." Massimo was about to hang up on the call when a soft voice from the other end answered terrified. 

" Please, help, help, help... The other end of the callers stated before the call went dead.

" Who could this be and why call for help?"  Massimo was about to call the number again when he received the call from the number again. He hesitated for a while before picking up the call.

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