Massimo Unconscious

" Elena, I am sorry that you have been waiting for me." Massimo stated as guilt gnawed at him as he fumbled for his keys, his hands trembling slightly. Elena was wearing her night lingerie and a gown, her eyes red and puffy from her tiredness.

"Massimo, where have you been and are you drunk? Do you know that I have been worried and sick?" Elena demanded, her voice breaking with emotion. 

Massimo opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. His vision blurred, and he felt his knees buckle. He collapsed to the floor, the world around him fading to black.

" Massimo, please wake up, wake up...." Elena placed soft slaps on his chicks as he  carried him upstairs. 

When he opened his eyes, he was no longer in his living room. The familiar surroundings of his home had been replaced by a surreal landscape, one that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. He found himself standing in a vast, open field, the grass a vibrant shade of green that seemed almost too bright to be real. The sky above was a deep, endless blue, dotted with stars that shimmered like diamonds. Confusion washed over him as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

"Where am I?" Massimo whispered to himself, his voice barely audible.

"Massimo, Massimo, are you okay? " A soft, melodic voice answered. He turned to see a figure standing before him, a woman with flowing silver hair and eyes different from humans. She wore a long, ethereal gown that shimmered in the starlight.

"Who are you? What's happening? Where am I?" Massimo asked, taking a step back. The woman smiled gently.

"I am Selene, the guardian witch of the realm between worlds. You have been called here because you seek answers, and because your heart is troubled," Selene stated. Massimo felt a surge of frustration.

"I don't understand. Why me? What is this place? Is this real or am I just dreaming?" Massimo inquired.

" It is real my son," Selene stated as she rose to her feet with her support from the long stick. Massimo's mind raced as he tried to process her words.

"But why? Why have I been drawn here and this is not where I first came when I was drawn to this realm?" Massimo inquired as he sat upright. 

"Because your heart is torn, You are searching for something that eludes you, something that lies just beyond your grasp. It is this yearning that has brought you to this realm," Selene replied softly.

Massimo's thoughts turned to Elena, to the pain he had seen in her eyes before he collapsed. "My wife... she doesn't understand what I'm going through. She thinks I'm losing myself."

Selene nodded. "And, are you? Are you losing yourself in your search for answers?" Selene inquired. 

Massimo looked down at his hands, his mind filled with doubts and regrets. "I don't know. Maybe I am."

Selene stepped closer, her eyes piercing through his confusion. "You must decide what is truly important to you, Massimo. The answers you seek, or the life and love you have in the real world. Only you can make that choice," Selene stated. Massimo felt a lump form in his throat.

But what if I can't find a balance? What if I lose everything? Massimo inquired. Selene's gaze softened.

"That is a risk you must be willing to take. But remember, the answers you seek may not lie in this realm alone. Sometimes, the greatest truths are found within yourself." Selene stated in a calm voice. 

"Wait! I need to know more. How do I find the answers?" Massimo called out, reaching for Selene as Selene's form began to fade, her voice growing distant.

"Trust in yourself, Massimo. The answers will come when you are ready."

When he opened his eyes again, he was lying on his matrimonial bed as Elena, his wife, was kneeling beside him, her face pale with worry as she placed a cold towel on his forehead.

"Massimo, are you okay? Please, say something." Elena stated before Massimo blinked, disoriented, and slowly sat up.

"Elena... I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened." Massimo stated with a hoarse voice. She helped him to his feet, her hands trembling.

"You collapsed. I was so scared. What’s going on with you and have you even started drinking? What is up with you?" Elena inquired.

" What is it? What is the time? I must be late for work?" Massimo stated. He was met by the rays of sunshine through the curtain. 

" It's 6:30 am already. " Elena stated to Massimo as he made his way inside the lavatory before he paused, his hand on the bathroom door, but didn't turn to face her.

"I'm fine, Elena. Just tired and sorry about yesterday," Massimo stated as he closed the door behind him. 

Elena sat up, the worry clear in her eyes. "Tired? Massimo, you haven't been sleeping properly for weeks. You missed work again yesterday. Your boss called."

Massimo's jaw tightened. "I know. I'll deal with it."

He turned on the tap, the rush of water momentarily drowning out her voice. Splashing cold water on his face, he tried to shake off the exhaustion.

"I didn't expect you to understand, Elena. This is important," Massimo murmured under his breath as he allowed the warm water from the shower to drip down on his body. 

" He just snobbed me off after worrying me the whole night that I did not get any sleep at all and that is all that he had to say to me. " Elena cursed under her breath before she wore her slippers and strolled out of the room to go head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Massimo her husband. 

Massimo was lost in his thoughts as water poured down on his body when his thoughts were brought back to reality by the sudden phone call.

" Elena, Elena, sweetie..." Massimo called out, but there was no response, making him make him wrap his body with a towel before coming out  from the lavatory. 

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