All Chapters of Fantasy Realm Portal : Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
13 chapters
The Night
The evening was still, the calm before the storm. Massimo, Elena, and the Guardian were in the living room, discussing their next steps in the ongoing battle against the dark forces. The house, fortified with ancient wards, felt secure but there was a lingering tension in the air, an unspoken awareness that safety was temporary. Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the sound of glass breaking. Massimo jumped to his feet, his heart racing. "What was that?Before anyone could react, the front door burst open, and several figures in black masks stormed in. The Guardian was the first to respond, moving with lightning speed to intercept the intruders. "Stay behind me!" he commanded, his voice a mix of authority and urgency.Massimo grabbed Elena's hand, pulling her close. "Elena, stay with me. We need to get out of here."But the attackers were relentless. They moved with precision, clearly well-trained and intent on their mission. One of them lunged at Massimo, a blade glinting in
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"Massimo! Help! Somebody, please help me!" Elena cried out, her voice filled with desperation.Massimo, who had been sitting in his study, poring over the ancient journal that he was given by Detai, heard her scream and immediately sprang to his feet. His heart pounded in his chest as he raced down the hallway to their bedroom. His mind was flooded with fear and worry; the memory of the recent incident flashed on his mind. Massimo burst into the room, finding Elena clutching her stomach, her face contorted in agony. "Elena! What’s wrong?" he asked, his voice shaking with concern as he rushed to her side.Elena's eyes were wide with pain and terror. "It hurts, Massimo. It hurts so much," she gasped, tears streaming down her cheeks.Massimo gently lifted her into his arms, feeling the tremors that wracked her body. "Hang on, darling. I’m getting you to the hospital."Just as he was about to carry her out of the room, two of the guardians, who had heard Elena's screams, appeared in the
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Between Life And Death
Joe’s hands trembled as he gripped the controls of the shuttle, Damm, this can't be happening, Lena! Lena!" Joe shouted as the alien ship’s explosion still replayed in his mind, the fiery burst that swallowed Lena. He could not shake the image, the gut-wrenching certainty that she was gone. His gaze flickered at Martin, who lay unconscious beside him, his skin ashen and his breathing shallow. “ Hang on, Martin, I won't lose you also, I won't allow it.” Joe muttered under his breath, adjusting their course towards the Vanguard airship. The shuttle hummed as it sped through space, the stars blurring into streaks of light. Every second felt like an eternity, the silence inside the cockpit heavy with dread. Joe’s crackled to life, a familiar voice cutting through the static. “Joe, what’s your status? ” It was Commander Reeves, the leader of their Vanguard unit. Joe swallowed hard, his voice shaky as he replied. “ Commander, we have... we have lost Lena. The alien ship exploded. She d
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