"So Rashikins..." Gayle called from his bed just across Rashen's space. "What type'o woman d'you like?"

"What?" Rashen,who at this point was used to Gayle keeping him up at night, asked.

"What type'o woman d'you like?" Gayle asked again. Rashen didn't think too much about his response.

"I mean...I like Macy."

"No Rashikins,I mean romantically. The type'o woman you'd want to spend the night with having steamy,hot se-"

"Yeah I got it!" Rashen interrupted. "I don't really have an answer for you though."

"Come on Rashikins don't be a disappointment."

"I'm serious! Girls never really liked me y'know."

"With the whole 'demon who killed his parents' situation?" Asked Gayle.

"Yeah... also I don't think that physically,I was their type."

"Ok but of all the women you've seen, different types with different body shapes, which one do you like the most?"

"I really couldn't tell you man." Rashen said truthfully.

"Fine,if you say you." Gayle replied, clearly unsatisfied with his Rashen's answ
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