Chapter 57: Sword fight

It’s a demonic appearance and a dark body.

 It has no eyes and holding the sword that is very familiar to me. The two swords this demonic creature is holding are the two swords of Glenn.

It’s the Anti magic sword and looking closely this is the demon armor he has, but this time this demon armor of his seems to eat him.

I used to fight beside Glenn these past days. I heard he ended mentally unstable but I never think it will come to this scenario.

Even though I have my sword in my waist. I can’t afford to draw it quickly.

Because in my eye’s this person is my friend.


I try to call his name but I think it’s useless or he never heard my calling.

“T-This is a joke, right? Are we going to fight?”

Glenn with his demonic body swing his sword and unleashed a black slash that cuts the ground and the nearby church.

The attack directly hit me and made

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