Chapter 002: Betrayal?

Chapter 002: Betrayal?

Terry looked closely at the two shoes on the shelf. The first shoe felt familiar to Terry, and he recognized it. But for the second shoe, he felt unfamiliar.

The other shoe looked so luxurious, despite its simple model. The shoes were made of very good material. Terry could guess that the owner of these shoes was a wealthy person.

Looking at the shoes, negative thoughts immediately invaded Terry's head relentlessly. His mind whispered that something was wrong with this.

Therefore, Terry decided to go inside to find out who was visiting his apartment. Because, as he remembered, Meghan didn't have any male friends.

Terry walked silently like a thief. He didn't want to get caught. As he passed the living room, someone reprimanded him. Making his body freeze suddenly.


Terry turned his head, finding a man who was six years younger than him. It was Dylan Trainor, Meghan's younger brother.

"Oh, hello Dylan," Terry greeted while forcing a smile at his brother-in-law. "What are you doing here?"


Terry raised his eyebrows. He knew that he and Meghan's family had a very bad relationship. Moreover, Dylan was one of those people who hated him because he was not a wealthy person. So, why was he here?


"Yeah, I feel bored at home. I'm not allowed to come here?" Dylan asked back in a sarcastic and sharp tone, as he usually does to him.

"Oh, it's not like that. I-"

"Never mind. I don't want to hear your cheap excuses," Dylan interrupted quickly. Terry exhaled harshly, trying to make sense of his brother-in-law's impertinent actions.

"By the way, what's in that paper bag in your hand? Besides, why are you home so much earlier than usual?" Dylan asked.

His eyes looked troubled. His expression also changed slightly, although Dylan tried to cover it up. Several times, his head looked anxiously at the white door at the end of the room.

"Oh, that's because the shop where I work has been rented out for some kind of party. That's why I went home to rest for a while." Terry said. Trying not to be bothered by Dylan's seemingly strange actions.

"Are you leaving again after this?"

Terry frowned. His eyebrows rose with an astonished look. "Of course. I was asked by the manager to be present as an employee during the party. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious."

Silence now engulfed both of them. Both Terry and Dylan were caught up in their own thoughts.Terry was busy thinking about where Meghan had gone after not welcoming him. Dylan was with his own thoughts.

Not wanting to be silent for too long with someone he didn't like, Terry opened his mouth again. "By the way, whose shoes are in front? Where's Meghan?"

Dylan seemed to bite his lip, looking doubtful. He typed something on his phone without answering Terry's question.

This certainly annoyed Terry. He felt ignored. "Hey, I asked you a question!"

Dylan refocused his eyes on his brother-in-law with a rough sigh. "Yeah, I heard that. You don't have to scream like that."

"That's because you're ignoring me," Terry said irritably, his tone rising several octaves. His hands were folded in front of his chest.

"Now tell me, who does that shoe belong to? Where is Meghan?"

"Those shoes are mine. I wouldn't wear sandals here."

"Don't be stupid, Dylan! There are two pairs of shoes on the shelf. You can't wear both at once," Terry snapped with a sharp glare, which made Dylan feel intimidated. This was the first time Dylan felt afraid of his brother-in-law.

"Who owns the other shoe? Tell me quickly before I run out of patience."

Dylan sighed, then turned his back to Terry. "If you want to know the answer, come on, follow me."

Terry furrowed his brow. What else was Dylan planning to do? Where was he going? The thought kept spinning over his head endlessly.

Not wanting to think too complicatedly, Terry followed Dylan from behind with a raging feeling. His heart was restless. The negative thoughts that had been lingering in his head invaded him relentlessly. But Terry tried to brush them off.

Dylan stopped in front of the off-white door in the corner of the apartment. This was his and his wife's room. Why did Dylan invite him here?

From outside, Terry could hear the sounds of people sighing against each other, chasing the pleasures of the world. The female voice inside seemed familiar to his ears. Don't tell him if...

"Your answer is in there," Dylan pointed out.

Terry gulped, preparing his heart for the worst. His trembling hand reached for the doorknob, opening it slowly.

Once opened, his eyes rounded. The paper bag containing a gift for his wife fell to the floor.

Terry's body froze. His heart seemed to stop beating. His face looked pale, with tears welling up in his eyes. His lips were trembling violently.

In front of his eyes, his wife was making love with another man. His wife's body was hugged tightly under the blanket that covered both of their bodies. The clothes belonging to his wife and the stranger were scattered on the floor.


The now-lovemaking couple turned their heads back. Both of their eyes bulged, surprised by Terry's uninvited presence. The heated activity came to an abrupt halt. The two separated themselves and moved slightly away from each other.

"What's wrong?" Meghan asked flatly, as if nothing had happened. The woman picked up her clothes that were scattered on the floor and put them on her naked body.

"Who is he?"

"He's my boyfriend. His name is Matthias," Meghan said casually.

Terry held his breath. The pain turned into anger. His chest rose and fell rapidly. His eyes were narrowed, intimidating him as if ready to pounce on prey.

"Why did you bring that strange man into our room?"


"Because you can't satisfy her," Matthias answered Terry's question, interrupting the conversation between the couple. He picked up his shirt from the floor, putting it on his athletic body.


"Didn't you hear what I said?" Matthias asked again, in a mocking tone. "You can't satisfy her, neither financially nor in bed."

Terry's ego flinched. His soul rebelled at the mockery that demeaned his pride. The emotions in him revolted, coming to a head.

Terry advanced with angry steps. Once in front of Matthias, he dragged Matthias off the bed and punched him in the jaw. Matthias fell down because he couldn't balance himself.

"Asshole!" Terry cursed angrily.

"Terry, what are you doing? Why did you hit him?!" Meghan shouted hysterically.

"He deserved it!"

Terry said it in a cold tone. Then she glared at Meghan, who was currently helping Matthias rather than defending him.

"Why are you helping him?!"

"Because he is my lover who can give me everything. Unlike you, who gives me misery!" Meghan said it in a high tone. She helped Matthias up and looked at Terry with a piercing gaze.

"You're so cruel to punch an innocent person."

"What? You said I was cruel?!" Terry snapped at Meghan with bulging eyes. His hands were on his waist.

"You think I should stand by while my wife makes love to another man? Do you think that's appropriate for a wife to do while her husband is at work?"

"Of course,"

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm sick of living in poverty with you. To me, you're nothing more than a misfortune in my life. I regret marrying you!"

Terry rounded his eyes. His heart was breaking upon hearing his wife's complaints. "Meghan, what did you say? Take it back!"

"I don't want to!"


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