Chapter 004: Ben Clayton

Chapter 004: Ben Clayton

"Damn it!"

Terry growled and swore in a low voice. His hands were clenched tightly again. His nails dug into his palm again, in the same place, making the wound deeper.

The man turned his face the other way, trying to look strong in front of Jake. However, Jake saw through it all. He was also angry at the man in charge up there. But he couldn't help anything.

"Sorry, I couldn't prevent our boss from firing you," Jake said guiltily. He patted Terry on the back, hoping to comfort the man.

Terry turned his head toward Jake. Then he gave a faint smile in response. "Thank you for comforting me and telling me this fact."

The two fell silent again. Incidentally, there was no one else in the room but the two of them. The atmosphere was awkward and strange. Jake himself was at a loss for what to say to break the ice.

Terry was thinking. Matthias had so much power that he had the power to sabotage his work. Honestly, there was a feeling of hatred embedded in Terry's heart right now.

"You must be wondering how Mr. Matthias convinced our boss to fire you, right?"

The question asked by Jake stunned Terry. The man rounded his eyes in surprise. How did Jake know what he was thinking? Could he read his mind?

"I can tell by the look on your face that you seem to be thinking about it."

"Ah..." Jake's words managed to answer what he was thinking. Quickly, Terry nodded his head.

"Right, I honestly don't accept this sudden dismissal without any explanation." Terry lodged his protest with polite language. Even though he was angry, he still maintained his speech.

Jake smiled bitterly as he looked up at the slightly dirty and dusty skyline of the locker room. He could even see a spider nest in the corner of the room. "Well, it's simple. Mr. Matthias and our boss have a special relationship."

"What does that mean?"

"Mr. Jay was an old friend of Mr. Matthias when they were in college. And they are still friends today. So-"

"Okay, I see." Terry interrupted quickly with a rough sigh. "Then Mr. Jay just wants to fulfill his best friend's wish to get rid of me."

"Sorry for it, Terry. He can't help himself if he wants the shop to survive. You know that Mr. Matthias has quite a lot of power."

Terry felt a little interested to hear that. He turned back and looked at Jake, who was currently holding his cell phone.

"Can you explain it to me?"

"About what?"

"Mr. Matthias' power."

Jake took a deep breath. His hand typed something on his expensive smart phone.

"I'll explain next time. But the question is, What did you do to make Mr. Matthias target you?"

"Well, I caught him fucking my wife on my way home from work. And my wife defended him and said he was her lover." Terry replied subconsciously.

Jake's typing on his cell phone stopped. His body stiffened for a few moments until silence again trapped the two.

"Sorry?" Jake pricked up his ears, afraid he had misheard Terry's words.

"What I said is true. You didn't hear me wrong, Mr. Jake."

"Wow, I'm hearing some very private things here," Jake said in an unpleasant tone. "Sorry to ask that."

"It's okay. That's the truth anyway," Terry replied bitterly.

"I guess-"

"Mr. Jake, the boss is calling you."

Jake turned to one of his subordinates, then nodded briefly in response.

"Alright. I can't accompany you this time, Terry. But I hope you get a better replacement than your current wife. Or a better job than here. I'll be going."

Jake walked away, leaving Terry alone there, after giving him two pats on the shoulder in farewell. Terry's hazel eyes followed his boss' every move to the door.

Once Jake's back was out of sight, Terry sighed again. He didn't expect fate to be this miserable. Losing his wife, running out of money, and losing his job all at the same time made him almost crazy.

"I guess I'll have to find a new job to make a living," Terry muttered under his breath.

Terry organized his belongings from the locker into the shabby bag stored there, arranging them one by one without exception.

Once his belongings had been moved without any of them being left behind, Terry walked out of the store.

"I'm hungry," Terry said, holding his stomach, which had been rumbling all day. He just remembered that he had not eaten since yesterday. No wonder his body felt weak and powerless.

Terry felt like his head was spinning. In fact, he felt like he was floating, like he wasn't touching the ground as he walked.

Terry stepped to the edge, holding onto the wall of the building beside him as he neutralized his rapid breathing.

"Huh, how am I supposed to get food when my body is this weak?" He muttered in despair.

In the midst of that confusion, bad luck struck him again. Someone bumped Terry's body from behind until both of them fell down. Terry winced as he felt his butt make contact with the pavement.

"Akh, this hurts."

"Akh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Terry stroked his sore butt with a small grunt. He opened his eyes and found a wolfcut man with heterochrome eyes extending a hand to him.

Terry accepted the hand. The stranger pulled Terry to get up and stand up as before.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you. I didn't see you because I was too focused on my tablet." The man apologized repeatedly while cupping his hands in front of his chest.

Terry felt uncomfortable now. He was not used to receiving apologies from others. Because, usually, he was the one who apologized. Even if he was innocent.

"Okay, I forgive you. So please stop apologizing." Terry said it in a hoarse tone.

"Ah, thank you for forgiving me. That's very kind of you."


"As an apology, can I buy you a cup of coffee and a piece of bread?"

Terry furrowed his brows. "Why would you want to do that?"

"I saw your face was a little pale, and I was afraid you might faint. Incidentally, I'm also a little hungry. So do you want to?"

Terry seemed to be considering the offer. He looked the heterochrome-eyed man up and down without exception.

Brown wolfcut hair with heterochromia eyes, which were blue and green. Quite unique. Then an all-black outfit with a tablet in his hand. From his appearance, the man was from the upper class.


"Then, let's go to the cafe across the street." The man pointed to a cafe across the street.

"What's your name,?"

"Terry Alfred. You?"

"Ben Clayton." The man introduced himself briefly. "Are you the son of Sir Walter?"

"Eh? How did you know?"

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