Adam, the Caretaker

Monday morning, Adam has forwarded all the documents that Kayla might need, along with her flight ticket.

Karina helped her with her loads and made sure to stop a cab for her, that will take her to the airport.

Immediately she left, Karina started feeling void. She was raised along with her sister and the only time they both departed was when she went to college but it's now Kayla's turn and there was no hope of seeing her soon since it wasn't in the same country.

"Maybe when I win the money, I'll also go to Canada to start a new life" she murmured and left to work.

She made it early to work, almost immediately when her team member arrived.

"Good morning guys, hope you all enjoyed your weekend?" She asked when she entered and they all chorused "yes!", Along with Adam.

"She seems to be happy this morning," one of the team uttered.

"What I see is confusion. I think she is in a state of confusion and pretending to be fine, "another said.

Adam stood up and went to her office

"How are you
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