
Adam checked the documents, and they were indeed divorce papers. He couldn't believe she would want to end their marriage. They loved each other for these two years. How could she give up so easily? Many women have poor husbands, and they stand by them for years, and have kids who might bring success to them?

“I can't believe you are being serious, Clara, we love each other, remember?” Adam reminded her and tried grabbing her arms, but she moved back.

“Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on me,” Clara warned sternly.

“Sign the darn divorce papers already” Clara yelled impatiently.

“I don't think you are in your right mind, you are drunk, or I think you're drugged” Adam muttered, fighting back his tears, everything seemed so surreal to him.

“Where were you throughout yesterday? A bar right?? A bar is a dangerous place, there are different kinds of people there, Mafia, drug addicts, perverts, are you sure you haven't been hypnotized?” Adam asked foolishly.

“Hypnotized, I won't wait to be hypnotized before I can dump an idiot like, does any question you are asking make any sense?, do I look like someone who has been hypnotized?” Clara questioned, feeling greatly annoyed.

She staggered backward a bit, still feeling a headache as a result of the hangover.


Clara couldn't help laughing much louder than before, her roaring laughter erupted in the house, Adam had never felt this humiliated in his life.

“I wasn't drugged stupid! You are so foolish, like seriously?” She stood akimbo and glared at him.

“I've not just met my rich boyfriend last night, yesterday was not the first time, we've had sex, or did you think because I was drunk that he took advantage of me and brainwashed me, but you are mistaken, I've been with him multiple time, we have been dating for over three months" Clara revealed and laughed harder?

Adam's love for her died there, it was like all the affection he had for her vanished that exact minute, he realized that she never loved him from the beginning, she only lied to him that she loved him when she was under her father's pressure.

It was never true love but infatuation, a fake and asserted love.

“ He buys new things for me, you were too busy working like an imbecile to realize my change of clothes and attitude, you are so naive to believe I still love you, I love him, he is the one who makes me feel like a woman, not only by giving me money but also in bed, he's more of a man than you, “Clara said shamelessly pointing at his penis.

“ You should sign the divorce papers fast, and I want all the deposits, I mean your meaningless savings because I helped you achieve them, after that, there is nothing left for me to take from this forsaken marriage” Clara ranted and hissed.

She won't leave empty-handed, two years of her life had been wasted with him, while her friends were putting on expensive dresses, going on trips to beautiful places, and going around the world, she was spending her unproductive time with Adam.

“You have no cars or important valuables and this house belongs to my family, so I want the deposits as compensation for wasting my time satisfying you” Clara mouthed inconsiderately.

Adam bit his lower lip, he loved her since but today she has shown him her true colors, the real snake that she is, and he was not going to sulk over a woman who hates him so much to ruin him to the extent without remorse, he has had enough of her family's shit, he won't insist on being married to a woman that could even kill him to claim his little savings, despite trying his best to satisfy her familiar.

Adam took a deep breath.

“A pen” He requested.

Clara was a bit surprised that he would accept to divorce her so easily, but at least he had made it easier for her.

Clara smirked and walked to her bag, she brought out his pen and gave it to him.

Adam snatched it from her hand and placed the papers on his lap, he began signing each of the papers, her signature was already there, it pained his heart, but he continued signing, When he was done, he handed it over to her, Clara collected it and checked If he had signed in the correct place.

A knock came on the door and Adam left the room. He went to open the door and was shocked to see a stranger at the door. He had seen him somewhere but couldn't remember where exactly.

Clara comes out of her room with a broad and loving smile on her face.

“Felix” Clara called happily.

“Are you done with the divorce, baby?” Felix asked.

It dawned on Adam where he had seen him once, dropping her from work, but she claimed that he was her co-worker, which he ignorantly believed.

He can't believe the guts of this man to show his ugly face here, he isn't even half as handsome as he is or even as rich as he is, if they only knew.

“Excuse me, what are you doing here?” Adam yelled, Felix, glanced at Adam who was boiling inside.

He entirely ignores him and faces Clara, who approaches him and kisses him in front of Adam.

“Go get your things, my baby. I can't wait to spend the night with you and make you moan my name so loud,” Felix said, smooching her lips.

“Yes, make me moan your name louder but what about my mother?” Clara replied in between the kisses.

“ I've talked to her, compensated her with five hundred thousand dollars, and she has given me the permission to take you home. Go pack your bags and come to my place” Felix urged impatiently.

Adam was filled with total disgust and hate for both of them.

“If you don't get out of my house, I won't be responsible for the murder that will take place next,” Adam threatened with a cold face.

“Hahaha hahaha, your house? How dare you call my father's house your house! Ain't you shameless? In fact, you just irritated me, and you are leaving here right now! Pack your things and leave me at home! I need to see you vacating this premises, else, you will regret your existence!” Clara yelled, making Adam regret his statement.

He had no properties other than his leather box, which contained his clothes and his two pairs of shoes.

Sluggishly, he opened the wardrobe and began packing his clothes.

“Gosh! How did you end up marrying this poor brat? Don't you see his clothes are nothing but rags? They are even smelling! Jeez! I find it difficult to believe that you get married to this thing" he signified on the word “thing” which vexed Adam, and he gritted his teeth, also folded his hand, making his vein come.

He tried to hide his anger and dragged his box outside, not without being followed by Clara and Felix.

“I don't think I'll go to work today again, I'm craving you, and I've begun spending the rest of the day with you” Clara said, crossing her two hands across Felix's neck, pouting her mouth like a baby.

“Sure babe, you are the CEO and I see no reason to disturb yourself. We are going to start by eating breakfast, I guessed you haven't eaten anything this morning” Felix seductively replied.

“Let Adam cook for us before he goes. That's the only useful thing he does for the family” Clara mumbled.

Adam heard that as he was about to exit the house. He closed his Eyes, took a deep breath as the anger was getting out of control.

“Hey! Ex-husband! Will you cook for us before you leave? My boyfriend will compensate you well” Clara inquired and Adam turned back to them, with his Eyes shooting daggers at them.

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