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Adam turned back with his eyes shooting daggers at them.

“Hey! You don't need to stare at me like that!” Felix scoffed at him.

“My love, go bring your things out please, I can't wait anymore,” Felix said shamelessly, facing Clara.

Clara smooched his lips and smiled.

“There is nothing here to take, I was just joking when I said there was something to take, like you wouldn't want me to take the rags, this idiot brought me to your beautiful mansion and fix in your golden  wardrobe. Baby, I'm sure you wouldn't that” Clara uttered.

“That's better, I don't want bugs in my house either,” Felix said with a smirk. 

Adam had never seen any person as disgraceful as these two standing in front of him, they were both disgraceful. 

Clara faced Adam, still with a disdainful and irritated look. 

“Remember to go to the divorce center tomorrow, so we can both complete the divorce process. I want this marriage done and dusted, I want it to be over like it never even started or even existed,” Clara reminded Adam before smiling at her lover. 

Felix finally faced Adam, if looks could kill, Felix would be dead right now. 

“I am Felix, your wife's newly found boyfriend or should I say, her lover” Felix introduced himself, he finally acknowledged Adam's presence. 

“Baby, don't say it like that, you make me look like a sinner” Clara chuckled and trailed her finger on his face. 

“And I'm sure you are her good-for-nothing ex-husband, the loser who has been making my love unhappy” Felix uttered, stroking her hair gently. 

“That's right baby, he's the loser I told you about” She added, pointing at Adam. 

“Your wife came to my company to seek assistance, regarding her company. She was a stunning woman when I met her. I was more than attracted to her, but she looked tattered and unkempt. How could such a gem be so rough?” Felix asked rhetorically. 

Adam raised his second eyebrow in disbelief, he didn't see any gem, all he's seeing was a dirty gold digger. 

“ I talked to her and seemed so shy and reserved, such a decent lady, I thought, but then she later agreed, and I made her the beautiful, classy, and well-polished gem you are seeing now, we got into a relationship and that was all for her to decide to divorce a penniless man like you. I also invested in the company that she inherited and right now, she is doing good. I'm doing what you should have done for her. Imagine she couldn't change her wardrobe, just because she was facing challenges in her company, but a dumbass like you would never understand that” Felix insulted looking down on Adam. 

“ He's penniless" 

“Yikes, I feel so sorry for you. Fortunately for you, I'm the only heir to my company, I mean a multimillionaire company, and I could offer you a job” Felix said like he was a reasonable person. 

He intends to mock Adam to scorn, to belittle and berate him, he thinks he's above him anyway. 

“Baby you are so generous” Clara kissed his lips and rested her head on his chest. 

“You could be a cleaner in my company, a delivery man, or my errand boy,” Felix said and laughed at his words. 

Adam finds himself rather calm now, any normal man in his position would punch the hell out of this ranting dog, he should do that right now, beat him to an unrecognizable state, and strangle Clara, but he's not ready to act like them. 

Felix continues ranting, but he isn't listening anymore, 

He wonders where he has gone wrong, there is nothing within his power that Clara has asked of him that he has never done, when she asked for the latest shoes last year, he struggled so hard, and did so many menial jobs to save up and get it for her. She didn't appreciate him, but he wasn't concerned about that.

“Get out of my house!” Clara yelled and pushed him out. 

It was such a head push that Adam fell but stood up immediately and vacated the house completely.

She never loved him from the beginning, because if she did, she wouldn't treat him hatefully. He is relieved and thankful that he has discovered her true intentions and character before he revealed his identity, and now he knows she's after money. 

“I won't be sad over you, I won't think of you any more Clara, you are dead to me” Adam muttered and sighed. 

He brought out his phone and sent a text message 

“I'm ready, Rohan”

He waited under a tree for a stone thrown at Clara's family house. He watched how Clara was taken away inside Felix's black car.

A few minutes later, a black limousine parked beside him. 

He didn't wait for the driver to come down and open the door for him before he hopped in.

“Take me home” he ordered.

“Yes, your highness” the driver bowed slightly before he started driving.

It took them almost an hour before they entered what looked like an estate, due to the different buildings that were inside the place. Rohan continued driving for an additional ten minutes before he later parked in front of a gigantic building.

Almost immediately he parked, two guys inside a palace security uniform rushed to open the car door for Adam.

He stepped down from the car, wearing another look entirely. His looks were firm and with authorities.

Hundreds of males and females were in queue and they all bowed immediately he stepped down.

“Welcome back home, your highness” they chorused.

“Oh my goodness! My prince is finally back home. I've been anticipating this moment for the past two years” an old woman, who happened to be his nanny, walked towards him and rejoiced.

“I'm back home to rule as father wanted. I've been cheated on, and it's time to retaliate. I'm not just a Billionaire but the country prince and the only heir to the throne” he thought and smirked.

“Finally, I'm home” he uttered sternly with his voice, roaring like a lion.

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