His Highness

The next morning, Adam flung his eyes open, inhaled, and looked around, he imagined that he just had a dream. 

Adam stood up and strode tiredly to his room, he noticed that he was sleeping on a huge white colored bed. He knew he wasn't dreaming, but had fully returned to the palace.

Adam sighed, a knock came on the door, and he walked out of his room to the door. 

He opened it to see Rohan,his personal assistant. 

“Rohan,” Adam smiled. 

“Good morning, my prince” Rohan greeted and bowed respectfully to Adam. 

Adam paved the way for him, and he walked in, five other men walked in with items in their hands. 

“Good morning, your highness”

“We have to dress you up and prepare you for the ball, " Rohan smiled, with his eyes lowered. 

“You mean the reunion tonight” Adam muttered, there was going to be a reunion tonight rather than a grand welcome party where he was going to be officially welcomed back to the palace.

He left the palace three years ago, when his father approached him to go outside, hide his identity and learn more about people, those he would rule over eventually. He had to drop his crown, hide his identity and started working as a gardener for a rich family. 

“Let's get it done with,” Adam said and smiled, he unbuttoned his shirt and took off almost all his clothes. 

“They will bathe you” Rohan uttered and two of the men brought forward the items with them, they ushered him into the bathroom, and he entered inside the large bathtub.

They started bathing him with the scenting and expensive soaps, it was so strange and weird to be treated like this, like a prince, to be treated like majesty, he had never felt so clean in a long time. 

After freshening up in the bathroom and doing what was necessary, he was properly dressed up.

They assisted him in wearing the blue Armani suit, one of the most expensive suits in the world. He wore elegant shoes, his hair well styled and even curled to the side of his face. 

He wore a Rolex watch, a watch that costs millions of dollars. Furthermore, he looked so elegant right now, a gigantic mirror was brought in and placed in front of him. 

Moreover, he couldn't even believe he was the one, he has such a regal look right now, no one would believe it was him a few hours before this. 

Adam checked the divorce paper that Clara had given him the previous day. He was going to a reunion that night, Clara was supposed to follow him. If she hadn't divorced him yesterday, he had planned to reveal his identity to her, thanking her for staying with him and forgiving her.

“We will go somewhere before coming back for the reunion,” Adam told Rohan, who nodded in response.

Adam walked majestically out of the house, he smiled as he saw the palace workers bowing for him. A limousine and three other cars have been prepared to take him out.

Adam smirked and walked to the limousine, the guard opened the door and he entered it. 


Clara and Felix arrived at the divorce center in an exotic car. 

The chauffeur opened the car door first for Clara, who stepped elegantly, a shimmering smile brimming on her face. Felix also came out of the car in his rich attire. 

Those around were stunned by their wealth appearances. 

“She's so beautiful” 

“Look at that car, I think it's a Porsche” 

“I'm so jealous of her” 

“ He's a handsome man too”

Clara felt so happy hearing these remarks about her, this is what she had always wanted. The attention, compliments, and flattery. 

Clara walked to Felix's side, she held his hand, and they walked to the front of the divorce center, but just then people's attention turned from there to someone else. 

“Oh my goodness!” 

“This person must be so darn rich,” A girl commented. 

“Woah!” Another girl screamed. 


“This is what we call bloody rich” 

Clara heard the comments, and Felix turned in the direction the people were looking. Their happiness of being at the center of attention was cut short.

Clara's eyes widened, and both the jaws of her and Felix dropped in shock. 

They've only seen things like this in the movies, three different cars drive in, Bugatti Centodieci, Ferrari Pininfarina Sergio, name it. 

Then a luxurious, drop-dead gorgeous limousine drove in next. 

“Such a beauty!” 

They were gushing over the cars and limousines, surprisingly the limousine stopped in front of the divorce center. 

It was in the middle while three other luxury cars drove in and stopped behind it, they were different brands, only a Billionaire would have such luxury., guards came out and stood by the cars. 

They were all astonished and desired to see the person who owned all these. 

Clara and Felix faced each other before facing the Limousine, the window slid down and the face of Adam appeared. 

Clara was shocked and so Felix, it was like a bombshell.

Adam looked more handsome than ever, he looked exactly like the noble he was, like a rich, young, handsome billionaire. 

Felix suddenly laughed. 

“Is this all you've got?  like are so shameless and foolish to hire all the charade to impress my woman” Felix yelled, dissatisfied by the way things were. 

“You are trying to get me back by faking to be a rich man overnight, Adam, you can't teach an old dog new tricks!” Clara yelled, still feeling shocked. 

Adam decided to keep his cool and not say anything to those worthless people, he's above their standards now, and he won't stoop low to their level. 

“ I will never get back with you Adam, you are dead and forgotten to me, you should stop this acting because I'm never in this life or the next getting back with a pauper like you” Clara ranted. 

Rohan came out of the limousine. 

"Your Highness” Rohan bowed to him. 

Adam brought out the divorce paper. 

“Hand it over to her '' Adam ordered with an air of authority, his demeanor, and aura suddenly changed. 

“ Yes, your highness “Rohan bowed and walked to them. 

“ Y-your… Highness?” Clara stammered, she couldn't believe her ears, Adam was wealthy and she just divorced him. She knew that to be called your highness meant he came from the noble family, which was said to be the richest in the country. 

Her face drained of blood and became pale, she felt like the ground should open up and swallow her. 

“No, this can't be possible… this can't be happening to me” Clara shivered.

“Noooo!” She cried out.

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