Hospital Palava

After a few minutes, the divorce was concluded, Adam didn't feel happy that his marriage was going to end like that but at least he was free from the burden of being with a woman who had hated him and detested him so much that she did not mind how much she could hurt him with her actions, if he wasn't a strong hearted person, he would even attempt committing suicide because last night was the most traumatizing moments of his life, it was like a nightmare that didn't want to end. 

Adam walked out of the court and his guards followed, Rohan was right behind him, he was elated that his boss was free from such a detestable woman, he would love for his boss to meet a better woman that would treat him right. 

Clara ran after them, still crying “Adam, Adam” 

Adam didn't even care to spare her a glance, the guard widened the door open and Adam entered, he closed the door, and the guards retired into the cars. 

“Adam, please listen to me, I apologize for what I did to you last night, everything I said was just a lie, I love you more than anything in this world, please Adam” Clara started banging on the window as it winded up. 

“Adam, baby please” 

The cars started driving away one after the other, then the limousine followed. 



Adam checked his watch and smiled, he should be smiling that he had just saved himself from the clutches of that greedy witch. 

The window winded down, and he looked out of the window staring at the beautiful skyscrapers and buildings and the not-so-beautiful and despatched buildings, Adam inhaled as fresh air smothered his face, it was much better than the air conditioner. 

“What's your name?” He asked, but no response came. 


“Y-yes sir,” the driver asked but didn't turn back since his concentration was on the road. 

“I asked what your name was” Adam repeated with no irritation in his voice. 

“My name is Simon, your Highness" Simon answered and turned the steering wheel. 

“Cool name, you don't have to call me your highness, call me prince Adam” He objected. 

It sounded like abominable words to his ears and the latter interjected “I won't dare do that sir, I still value my job!” 

Simon considered it to be improper and wrong, he imagined if Rohan would hear him call the prince by his real name, that would be the end of his job, he had to support his family, and losing his job wasn't an option. 

Adam expected that reply, so he added “I am your Boss like you said, so it's an order from you not to call me young master. 

“ You are putting me in a tight spot, “His driver chuckled awkwardly. 

Adam noticed the plight of his voice, he would rather not stress the man too much, so he decided to drop the topic. 

Adam laughed, " Go to Milan's hospital, I want to see my father” he instructed.

His father has been in the hospital for a while. He was diagnosed with heart disease, and he has been undergoing treatment since then, waiting for when he was going to get a donor.

On reaching the hospital, only him entered. He would rather not be at the center of attraction.

He ordered the others to leave, and only Rohan waited behind, with one of the three cars. 

Furthermore, he reached the reception to see a woman insulting her husband. Furthermore, he paid a deaf ear to the conversation like other people passing by, but one of her words caught his attention.

“If you weren't useless, your daughters would have been inside the VIP ward instead of the general ward. Gosh! I can't imagine getting married to a useless man like you. I don't know how I was blinded by love not to notice those rich guys who were proposing marriage to me then and choose a riffraff over them all” she ranted.

Recalling his situation with Clara, Adam halted his steps. He needed to know what transpired between the two couples before interfering, since he didn't want any insult at that moment.

“But I'm trying. I haven't slept for the past two days, trying to get enough money like you requested. I didn't know our daughter was going to hurt her leg during the sports hours at school, I would have worked harder” the man begged helplessly and frustration was written on his face.

Adam glared at him, he looked tattered, and his wife was looking gorgeous. 

“How on earth would a man still wanna work hard, after having sleepless nights for two days?” Adam thought.

“You ain't trying enough! You need to work harder for this family. isn't that the reason I got married to you? Remember that you promised to take care of my needs!” The woman yelled at her husband.

Adam took a deep breath. If he hadn't divorce Clara, she may have turned out to be worse than that woman in the future. That moment, he was glad that the divorce happened. That way, nobody will have to frustrate his life over material things in the future. Even if he is rich, a greedy woman will never be content with whatever her husband provides for her. 

“I did make a promise, but I'm trying, your high demand for material things isn't what I planned for” the man looked exhausted and like he was going to collapse anytime soon.

“Excuse me, do you mind if I interfere?” Adam asked, walking closer to them. He didn't want to interfere, but the man looked pitiful.

“If that's that's going to bring money to pay for my daughter's VIP ward and get my the latest jewelry for the coming school reunion that I want to attend next week” the woman scoffed.

“What happened to your daughter? I overheard that she hurt her leg, is it serious?” Ignoring the woman's presence, he faced the man.

“No, just a little ankle injury which the doctor said she will be discharged tomorrow, and I've paid the bills for the general ward, but my wife is insisting on transferring her to the VIP ward which I can't afford at this moment” the man explained.

“It's good that she isn't badly hurt, but I think you should also check yourself, you are looking pale and since you are currently at the hospital, why can't you have yourself treated so that you won't collapse anytime soon?” Adam suggested.

“Excuse me, what nonsense are you talking about? Who is going to take care of our needs if he decides to do some check up which will surely cost money? Why would he rest when he hasn't made enough money to pay the bills?” The woman questioned, standing in akimbo as she faced Adam.

“But he needs to treat himself as well. Don't you see that he isn't looking good?” Adam retorted.

“Read my lips, stranger, I don't fucking care, even if he dies! All I want is a soft life for my daughter and i. Is that too much to ask? Men like him are going miles to provide for their families. He is only too lazy to work harder!” The woman uttered.

"But will his dead body provide for you and your daughter? Moreso, what are you doing for a living? Are you supporting your husband in providing for the family?" Adam asked, since the woman didn't seem to know the meaning of "working harder".

“Enough of all this trash! I allowed you to interfere, thinking you were going to have money to give him since your dressing is speaking wealth, but I can see that you are a stingy man with nothing to offer. I would prefer you leave him so that he can go outside and hustle more. My daughter must not sleep in the general ward tonight and I must buy that jewelry" she insisted, raising her voice at Adam.

Adam took a deep breath, he appreciated his divorce, else, Clara might turn out to be worse than the woman.

“Your daughter isn't badly hurt, and the sleep is just for tonight. She is going to cope since that's what your husband can afford. Don't you see that he is already worn out? You don't need to be greedy!” He tried to caution but the woman pushed him aside, walked closer to her husband to drag him out of the hospital so that he could continue to work.

Immediately She dragged him, the man slumped backwardly and lost consciousness.

“Hey! Mister!” Adam called as he rushed to them.

“Stop pretending and wake up! That wouldn't change my decision. It's better for you to wake up and continue hustling” the woman hissed.

Adam noticed his breathing was faint and his wife didn't care about that.

“Help!” Adam screamed, calling the attention of the medical practitioners and the man was rushed to the emergency unit of the hospital.

“Oh my goodness! He wasn't faking it." The woman exclaimed and followed her husband.

“Gonna check on you later. I need to know how this is gonna end” Adam murmured, heading towards his father's ward.

Two palace guards were at the entrance. The bowed then opened the door for him to enter.

He met his father, the king, sitting on one of the sofas in his hospital ward. He was taking a nap but there were some drips that were attached to his body.

“Father” he called, then bowed to greet him.

“You are highly welcome. Seeing you visiting me In this attire means you have come back to the palace. I hope you have learned lessons regarding the country and series of people that are living there?” His father questioned.

“Yes father, it was three years of learning.  Though it wasn't as rosy as I thought, I was able to scale through it" he answered.

"That's good to hear. Pending the time that I'll be back to the palace, I want you, not only to take your position as the prince but also control all what I was controlling. You have to start from the royal family business, which has branches worldwide since you are the only heir and also maintain the family lineage, which is the royal affairs as the only prince" his father instructed and Adam was dumbfounded.

"Isn't it too early, father? The doctor assured me that you are going to get better and I think we should wait a bit, so that you will come back to your position" he refused the offer indirectly, knowing the burden that was attached to the two positions.

"Adam, even if I get better, I'll need to take some rest and since you are mature enough, you need to take over. That's a request as a father and an instruction as your king" his father sternly uttered and Adam became speechless.

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