Employment Terminations

After conversing for a while with his father, he left the hospital, not without checking the dramatic couple, but the man was still unconscious, and the report said he might enter coma.

“The wife will know his worth when he enters coma, and she has to hustle for the family” he assumed.

“I need to branch at Yummy's Restaurant. That's where I was working as a delivery man. I need to tell the manager that I'm done working with him so that he won't be waiting for me” he told Rohan after they left the hospital.

“Noted, your highness” Rohan answered.

After some minutes, they arrived at the restaurant.

Adam instructed Rohan to stay behind, since resigning doesn't take long, and he had nothing that to discuss with the manager.

On reaching there, it was already the lunchtime and the place was already crowded.

“Hello Darren, I have something to tell you and I don't want to stay long” he approached the restaurant manager.

“This isn't the right time for whatever rubbish that you might want to say. You refused to come yesterday and didn't call in to be sick, does that make sense, or did you see the work as a joke to you? We have numerous people coming here every day, asking if there is a vacancy, and you still choose to be unserious with your work!” Darren yelled at him.

“I'm sorry for that, that's why I'm here” Adam apologized, but Darren wasn't ready to hear him out.

“Will you keep your dirty and rotten mouth shut? Oh, I just noticed that you are putting on a suit. Did your friend get married and you rent this suit to follow him there? Gosh! You shouldn't have borrowed this suit, it's expensive, and I'm sure your Salary can't pay for the rent age or have you been stealing the restaurant money behind my back?” Darren asked, with some mockery noticeable in his voice.

Adam knew he had never treated him good, but he didn't care. Despite all the insults, he didn't take them to heart since he knew that it was temporary.

“A plate of cheese and salad please” one of the customers shouted for her order.

The place wasn't big, so it was easier to hear her tiny voice, admit the crowd.

“Take, serve her before we start discussing about you but I'll make sure to deduct from your salary for not coming yesterday and coming late today” Darren instructed, not giving him any room to talk before leaving to attend to other things.

Adam was stunned! But when he looked around, he noticed that all hands were busy.

“I'm just gonna help him once and leave. Maybe I'll tell me about the resignation later on the phone" he assumed as he was wearing the apron for serving.

He went to the kitchen to collect her order and took it to her.

“Why is the salad cream small like this? Are you dumb to see the cream is small?” The young lady fired angrily at him.

“I'm sorry ma'am, but that's the exact amount we offer our customers, and they have never complained about it. Thanks for understanding” Adam explained to her.

“You must be crazy for telling me that! Don't you know me? I'm not just an ordinary customer here! I'm a VIP customer, and they are used to serving me with extra cream!” She yelled on top of her voice, which diverted others' attention to them.

“Oh, I'm sorry about that. I'm not used to serving since I was employed as a delivery guy, let me inform the manager about it” Adam apologized, despite her madness attitude irritated him.


There was a laughter admist the crowd. It was Aria, Clara's sister, that burst into laughter. She was just walking into the restaurant.

“I don't expect less from a good for nothing man. He has never done anything right in his life. Gosh! I can't just believe it! You are a delivery man but don't know your VIP customers? Does that when make sense? Well, it isn't your fault, if not for your manager who doesn't do brain screening for people before employing them, fool!” Aria insulted.

Adam was sure that her sister hasn't told her about the latest development, that's why she was still wagging her tongue at him.

“Babe, do you know him?” The customer asked Aria.

“Yes dear, that's my sister's husband that I've been telling youabout" Aria answered, walking towards them.

“The useless and miserable husband that Clara got married to? Unbelievable! He is handsome but, unfortunately, penniless. Jeez. Your sister did an awful job by accepting to marry him from the beginning. I'm sure someone like him wouldn't step his feet into the entrance of my family house, talkless of getting married to one of us” the lady scoffed as he mocked Adam.

“What's going on here?” Darren showed up, he has been inside his office attending to some things but had to come outside when the noise was getting much.

“I served…” Adam was trying to explain but was cut off by Aria.

“I don't know why you would employ someone who is incompetent like him in your restaurant. Don't you know he was going to chase away your customers with his nuisance attitude? There are lots of restaurants nearly that we are going to switch to, if you don't remove the incompetent fools and replace them with professionals" Aria uttered.

“Adam, I knew it! Your coming back is going to bring nothing but destruction to my company! I think it's time you leave and never come back!” Darren lamented.

“But you need to hear me out. I did nothing wrong and even tried to apologize” Adam tried to explain. Though, he had no plan of coming back, but he didn't want to leave, painting himself a bad name.

“Do not let him manipulate you with his pitiful looks. Oh, he is even wearing a suit? Haha haha, this is the first time I saw a delivery guy wearing a suit to work. Are you planning to use that to impress my sister? Hell no! It can't work! I hope you didn't rent this by selling my sister's jewelry? Because I know you are capable of going miles to impress my sister, which I'm sure that it had never and will never work!” Aria insulted him.

“Hey! I might be poor, but accusing me of theft is what I'll never take from you. Watch your words” he retorted.

“What will happen if I refuse to watch my words? Hun, what will you do, useless man?” Aria fired at him.

“I can't believe this is happening. I'm done coming to this restaurant” Aria's friend that requested for the extra salad cream hissed, picked her bag and left the restaurant angrily.

“Have you seen what you have caused? I just lost a customer because of you! You are laid off!” Darren half yelled at Adam.

Adam was not pained about losing his job, but he was hurt because of the wrong accusation.

He calmly removed the apron and handed it over to Darren.

“What about my payment?” Adam asked from Darren.

“Which payment? Today is just twenty and the month hasn't ended, so there is no payment for you” Darren responded.

“I have worked for three weeks and I deserve payment for that three weeks since you are the one relieving me of my job” Adam clarified but Darren got annoyed with his explanation.

“Are you blind to see she walked away angrily, leaving her food behind, and promised not to come back? Yet, you are still requesting for salary? Indeed, you are shameless, like the young lady here has said!  Today should be your last day inside my restaurant, else, I won't hesitate to call the area boys to beat you to a stupor. Idiot!” Darren shouted at him and left.

Adam calmly walked outside the restaurant, not without Aria tailing behind him.

“How will you get money to pay for the suit that you rented when your boss has just terminated your employment? Gosh! Someone lost his marriage yesterday and still lost his job today? I can't believe you won't have any other choice than to start living on the street and start begging to feed” Aria uttered in a mockery tone.

Adam ignored her and walked to where Rohan was waiting for him, beside the car.

“Hey! Are you tired of living? Wow! Clara has to see this! Don't you know your poverty is going to stain the car and the owner might kill you for real? Unbelievable! The poorest man on the earth, Adam Anderson, is tired of living! I need to record the scene when the owner will beat you to death” she said, bringing out her phone from her bag for recording. Adam ignored her mockery and allowed her to practice how to take the pictures when the owner starts beating him, According to what she said.

“Welcome back, your highness, shall now go to prepare for the party?” Rohan walked to him, bowed and asked.

Aria was stunned to hear that, but she didn't want to believe It.

“Is this a prank or a joke? Am I hallucinating, or I just heard wrong?” Aria asked no one in particular.

Adam ignored her and entered the car as Rohan has opened the door for him.

“This shouldn't be happening right now! Something is definitely wrong with my eyesight and earring aid. I think I need help” she murmured to herself, calling someone from her phone, but the person wasn't picking the call. She was calling her sister, Clara, to ask questions.

“Isn't this a cheap game? Renting a car and suit to impress me? Oh my goodness! Something must have been missing in the house, but we didn't notice! I need to rush home today, confirm!” She suddenly screamed, wanting to stop a cab that was moving.

Adam rolled down the car's glass and glared at her.

“Aria Jones, you are working as Receptionist for the Royal's Hotel, right?” He questioned.

“That has nothing to do with you!” Aria retorted angrily.

“You are dismissed!” He said sternly with a voice that was filled with authority.

“W-wh-what! How dare you? Who the Heck do you think you are to terminate my employment?” She inquired, letting out a devilish laugh, thinking he was joking.

“As the one and only prince of this country, the only heir to the Royal's companies, I, Prince Adam Anderson, hereby terminate your employment !” Adam repeated, and the name started ringing inside Aria's head.

“Prince Adam Anderson, Prince Adam Anderson” she had heard that name, from the hotel manager countless time.

“Oh my goodness! What have I done? Oh no, Aria, you just committed a huge mistake! Your majesty, please forgive me, I'm sorry” she started apologizing, but Adam smirked and Rohan drove off.

“Aria Jones, you are doomed." She cried out.

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