Readiness to Take Over

Aria kept trembling. She has always informed her friends about how lucky she was to be working at the Royal's Hotel. It was a privilege for her to be working with the royal families.

Where would she start from? Won't she be mocked? Though she had hoped to work in her late father's company, the pay was lesser than that of the Royal's Hotel.

But is that possible for Adam to be the prince? How on earth is that even possible? 

She immediately unlocked her phone and started Browsing for his pictures. As the prince, his pictures were supposed to be on the internet but she was wrong.

All she found was his name, Prince Adam Anderson but there was no picture of him.

There are numerous people with the same names right?

Adam must be joking! He can't be! He only did that to scare her. A prince would stoop so low to be walking as a delivery man and still ask for his Salary after humiliation.

What about the car and the driver? Well, that might just be a plan.

Aria composers herself,took a deep breath and drove to the work.

She only came to the restaurant to mock Adam during the lunch break.

She arrived at the hotel and immediately rushed to her office.

On getting there, she met the shockest thing of her life.

Her table had been wiped clean and there were no traces of any files that belonged to her on the table.

"W-wh-what is happening?" She stuttered.

"This can't be true" she added before running to the Manager's room.

Due to the hurries, she opened the door without knocking.

"Sir!" She called, panting and sweating profusely.

"Have you gone nuts? Where is your courtesy? Did you forget it at home?" The manager yelled at her and she flinched.

She was stunned because it was the first time the manager would behave rudely to her. They had an intimate relationship but at least he bestowed some regards to her and had praised her once, for being a hardworking receptionist.

Aria was still standing, dumbfoundingly when she heard the manager yelling again.

"Are you deaf? What the heck are you doing here , to start with?"

"Ehnmmm" she stuttered before starting her conversation.

"I apologize for the misconduct. I returned from the lunch break to see my table cleared off. I was surprised because everything was intact before I went for lunch. What happened?" She calmly asked, hoping it was not what she was thinking.

"What happened? I had no idea but received a call from the royal secretary that your service is no longer needed here. I was also warned not to see you in this working environment. Your properties are with the security outside. So get out and never come back. If you had issues with the royal families, then get it sorted out within yourselves" The manager warned but Aria was still standing.

She didn't know the next thing to do and was lost in deep thought.

The manager was getting frustrated as he didn't want to lose his job too. He stood up and slightly pushed her out of his office.

Aria sniffed in the tears that had accumulated in her eyes.

"Is this a dream? Adam had me dismissed?" She asked no one In particular.

She sluggishly walked to the security post and picked up a plastic box that contained her documents. After that, she drove home.


"Don't you ever lay your filthy hands on me! You made me lose my marriage all because of your sweet words. I lost my chance of being the country's future queen because I lost hope in my husband and started going out with you!" Clara screamed as she stepped down from the taxi and Felix also tried to touch her.

"But babe, you said you loved me. Tell me whatever you want and I'll provide them all for you. I am wealthy enough to take care of you. You don't need the presence of that man before you become the richest woman" Felix tried to persuade her. Though, he knew his promises were only made on the lips. There was no way he could match up with the prince when it comes to wealth.

"Are you serious? Were you blind when he came to the divorce center with five different exotic cars? The least of the cars will buy three of yours. Yet, you are still making fake promises? I regret saying yes to your proposal! I regret it!" Clara shouted again and slammed the door against his Face.

"Fuck!" Felix cursed.

While still outside, waiting for Clara's to come back to her senses, Aria drove to the compound.

He was a bit relieved to see Aria, hoping she would help him to talk with Clara.

"Felix, what are you doing outside?" Aria asked, faking a smile. Not wanting to know that she was crying inwardly.

"Nothing much. I had a misunderstanding with your sister and was waiting for her to forgive me. I hope you can talk to her on my behalf" Felix explained.

"Alright, I'll try," Aria said and was about to enter when she suddenly remembered something.

"Felix. Just for asking sake. Can you offer me a job at your company if I need one?" She inquired.

"Sure, why not? You would be welcome at anytime" Felix assured her.

Aria smiled, knowing there was an alternative for her. Though, it might not be as huge as the Royal work but still better than staying in her father's company, earning peanuts as salary.

She entered and their mother also arrived.

She only eyed Felix before going inside the house.

Both met Clara,crying with her swollen eyes.

"Is it true?" Her mother asked.

"Mom, my life is ruined. I have ended up losing diamonds while picking shining stones. Adam is a prince in disguise. What work do I do, mom? I need him back" Clara sobbed.

"I didn't know things had gotten out of hand and went to the restaurant, where he was working to humiliate him. Currently, I've been sacked from work, all thanks to him" Aria also added, sitting beside her sister.

"Are you for real? But how come? How is he a prince? He has been under this roof for good two years and he couldn't feed himself with a proper meal, how would someone like that be a prince?" Their mother was in a total confused state of mind.

"Mom,that's not my problem. I only hope that he doesn't come back to avenge all that has been done to him" Aria mumbled.

"Mom,I need your help. I need to find his location and apologize to him. He loved me and adored me. I was only blind to notice that. I need to apologize and beg him to take me back. His fortune is enough for me, even if he doesn't show me love again" Clara calmly begged her mother.

"Felix is also rich. You can as well manage him. You would gain nothing if you leave Felix because of Adam and Adam ends up not holding grudges. Felix could even give me employment. You will stick by his side till you get a richer person, probably an Arab prince that is richer than Adam '' Aria advised.

"I can't settle for less, Aria. It's either Adam or another prince. Felix can never afford ten percent of Adam's wealth. I will need a good way to apologize to him. I believe that he still loves me and will forgive me if I only have some plans" Clara declared, smirking at the word 'plans'.

"Plans? What plans are you talking about?" Aria questioned but Clara only wiped off her tears and smiled.


Outside, Felix was losing his patients. He tried to enter the house but the door was already locked. He was shattered.

" I had eyes on Clara immediately when she gained admission into college. It took me six years before I was able to get closer to her and when I'm about to start enjoying her, a prince from nowhere would be a hindrance? Hello no! That will never happen!" Felix thought and he folded his fist and his eyes were already shooting Dagger.

He brought his phone and called a number.

"I'm ready to take over The Bloody Brotherhood, your Mafia group" he uttered sternly.

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