Chapter 260

Madison cried herself to sleep the second she got home, her phone was ringing till she couldn't take it anymore.

Of all people to hurt her she couldn't believe that the person she loved the most did this to her. She bared her heart to him and in return, he broke it into pieces. She sniffled and buried her head into the pillow and screamed so hard.

She fell asleep after that.


Madison woke up to someone banging on her door as she slid out of bed. She groaned and grumbled to herself before padding to the door.

Without checking who it was, she swung the door open and frowned when she saw Lydia standing there.

“Where is the fire?” She scowled.


“I assume there is a reason why you are banging at my door so early,”

Lydia rolled her eyes, not the least offended by Madison’s snark. She barged in, “glad to see you are up and well.”

“What are you doing here? Don’t you have a date or something?” Madison snapped.

Lydia wagged a finger at her, “don’t you snap at me, I am n
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