As soon as Tedmond finished counting, the others hadn't had time to react when the door of the restaurant swung open. A man in a tailored creamy suit hurried in, followed by three others, with sweat dripping down his forehead.

Everyone’s gaze turned to the man who had just walked in, and the security guards froze in their tracks.

“What is going on?” Max demanded, glaring at the manager. “Throw him out!”

Blood drained from the manager’s face as he stared at the man. “He really came!” he yelled. “The owner of the restaurant is really here! How is that possible? I messed up!”

Max and Maxine’s eyes widened in disbelief. Even when their father had tried to speak to the owner of the restaurant, he was told to book an appointment. Yet Tedmond had managed to call him with a single phone call.

Lisa glanced at Tedmond and noticed the smile on his lips.

“He really came?” murmurs began to spread.

“The owner arrived in ten minutes, just like he said.”

“Who the hell is that guy?”

“How can he call the owner of the restaurant like that?”

“Maybe others were wrong about him. He can indeed afford to eat here and even pay for everyone's meal.”

At the same time, Tedmond leaned in closer to Max and whispered, “Your mother likes this restaurant a lot, doesn't she? I promise to make sure she's never able to enter it again.”

Max was too stunned to respond.

The manager began sweating profusely, desperately trying to find a way to explain himself.

“What really happened was... I tried to control the situation before you arrived,” the manager stammered as the owner approached. “The person causing the disturbance was about to be kicked out.”

The owner glared at the manager, who turned his gaze to Max.

“Right, Mr. Griffin?” the manager asked. “I was already taking care of it, wasn't I? You must have called the owner because of that brat's attitude, isn't that right?”

Max stared at the manager, wide-eyed and unable to respond.

“I think you’re mistaken,” Tedmond said, drawing the manager’s attention. “I was the one who called the owner here.”

The manager turned pale. “How… how is that possible?”

The owner reached them, brushing past the manager, and stood in front of Tedmond with a bright smile.

“Hello, Mr. Wa—”

Tedmond shot him a warning glare, silently telling him not to reveal his identity. Taking the hint, the owner nodded.

“Mr. Tedmond,” he greeted. “I am Lucas Terrace. You called for me, and I came as fast as I could. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Lisa, Max, and Maxine's shock intensified. The manager, on the other hand, was drenched in sweat. He couldn't believe the person he had insulted held such power over his boss.

“Yes,” Tedmond replied. “I'd like you to kick all the Griffins out of your restaurant.”

Maxine snapped out of her shock. “That's not possible!” she yelled. “Mr. Terrace knows we're the highest VIP clients here. There's no way he'd throw us out!”

Lucas ignored her and turned to the security guards. “What are you waiting for?! Throw the Griffins out of the restaurant at once!”

The security guards hurried over to grab the Griffins.

“What else can I help you with?” Lucas asked, putting on a friendly smile as he turned to Tedmond.

“Ban all the Griffins from this restaurant, and I want your manager fired,” Tedmond replied.

“Consider it done,” Lucas responded.

“Good,” Tedmond said. “That’s all. I'll go back to eating with my friends.”

Lucas's eyes widened. “Okay.”

Turning around, Tedmond rejoined his friends at the table, who looked as if they had seen a ghost.

“Let’s place our order,” Tedmond muttered.

“Sure,” Liam replied, raising his hand to get the waiter's attention.

Meanwhile, Maxine and Max kicked and screamed as they were dragged out of the restaurant.

“How dare you do this?!” Maxine snarled. “How dare you kick us out on that brat’s orders?”

“My mother loves this restaurant! You can’t ban us!” Max yelled.

“Let me go!” Lisa yelled. “Do you know who I am?”

Their shouting continued, and Tedmond was growing tired of hearing their voices. At the same time, the manager stood with his head down as Lucas scolded him.

“You’ve worked here for years, but you failed to treat our customers properly. As he requested, you’re fired,” Lucas declared.

The manager’s eyes widened, and he fell to his knees. “No… this can’t be. I’ve worked so hard for this position, I can’t lose it.”

Rising to his feet, the manager hurried over to Tedmond and dropped to his knees beside him. “I’m sorry, sir. I was scared of losing my job, so I treated you that way. Please forgive me; I can’t lose this job.”

“Do I need to know or care about your reasons?” Tedmond asked coldly. “You’re beneath me and definitely at fault. Don’t bother me.”

The hope faded from the manager's eyes. Tedmond had returned his words back to him.

“Take him out,” Tedmond ordered.

In no time, the security guards tossed the manager outside, where the Griffins stood, seething with anger.

“Mr. W—Tedmond,” Lucas corrected himself. “Would you be interested in an exclusive offer?”

Tedmond glanced at him. “You’ve already done your job. Don’t bother me with trivial matters. I’d like to enjoy my meal with my friends, just as I was before the Griffins showed up.”

“Ah,” Lucas stammered, “Yes, sir. I won’t bother you.”

Lucas couldn’t help but wonder how it would be if one of his sons got involved with Tedmond. It would be quite beneficial. He turned around and left as quickly as he had come.

“Who are you?” Oliver asked once everything had quieted down.

“How can Lucas Terrace be that obedient to you?” Noah added.

“You’re not an ordinary student, are you?”

Tedmond sighed. “If you ask me that question, who would I ask then? I’m just a regular college student who was kicked out of his family into the streets.”

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