The shock of the entire event still gripped Tedmond as he was led into the grand mansion, which exudes luxury. He held the little girl in his arms, and she was crying softly, her tears soaking into his shirt.

What was going on? He couldn’t tell. The butler had promised to explain everything once they returned to the mansion, and Tedmond couldn’t wait.

“Have a seat, young master,” the butler said, his gaze sad. “I will get you a cup of tea.”

It was then that Tedmond realized they had arrived in a large living room, with several couches available for him to sit on. Nodding slowly, he walked toward one of the couches.

“Or would you like something to eat?” Thomas asked.

Tedmond glanced at him. Though Thomas was trying to appear composed, the sadness was clearly written on his face. “No need. I’m okay with just the tea.”

Moments later, two mugs of tea were placed on the table in front of them. The little girl had fallen asleep, her teddy bear dropping to the floor.

“I figured it would be better if we discussed this over a cup of tea,” Thomas began, picking up his mug and taking a sip. “I will answer every question you have, so feel free to ask, young master.”

Tedmond glanced at the mug, then back at Thomas. “Who is Jeffrey Washington, and why did he claim to be my grandfather and make me his heir? Why is this little girl clinging to me? What the hell is going on?”

He was both confused and overwhelmed. If things weren’t explained soon, he felt like his head might explode.

“We met this morning,” Thomas said. “When you saved the young lady. By the time we turned to thank you, you had disappeared, but you dropped your identification card. That’s how we were able to locate you.”

Tedmond frowned, realizing his question hadn’t been fully answered. He hadn’t even paid attention to what the man who came to pick up the little girl looked like. He had hurried home to confront his cheating girlfriend, and the memory of it made him sick.

“You are the grandson of Jeffrey Washington, and the little girl in your arms is your cousin, the daughter of your mother’s younger sister,” Thomas explained. “Your mother was the missing daughter of the Washington family. She lost her memory, became a maid in your father’s home to make ends meet, and eventually got pregnant with you.”

“We couldn’t find her for years, but when we did, she was already dead. We learned she had given birth to a son, but we had no idea where she had sent him, as she had given birth on the streets.”

Tedmond flinched.

“We tried searching for you immediately after finding her, but we couldn’t locate you. It’s been 19 years, and we finally found you just before your grandfather’s death.”

Tedmond couldn’t believe it. His mother had been the daughter of such a wealthy man, yet she had lived her life as a maid, poorly treated by the Griffin family. His fists clenched. He, too, had been treated unfairly, but now he couldn’t help but wonder what his mother had endured.

“Since you have been tossed out from your previous family, you will no longer hold their last name. You will now be the young master of the Washington family—Tedmond Julius Washington,” Thomas announced. “Have all of my explanations satisfied you?”

Gulping, Tedmond thought for a while. He had come to realize that Jeffrey was his grandfather, and the little girl was his cousin. What else did he need to know?

“Why am I the heir?” he simply asked.

“Because you are the direct relative of Jeffrey Washington,” Thomas answered.

“What’s my cousin’s name, and where are her parents?”

“Her name is Bianca, and she has no parents. Her parents got into an accident when she was two years old. She’s currently five.”

Tedmond glanced at Bianca, a concerned look on his face. She was no different from him, losing a family member at such a young age.

“Who are the Washingtons, and why are they feared?”

His question stunned Thomas, whose eyes widened in surprise. “You don’t know who the Washingtons are?”

Tedmond shook his head. “I didn’t pay attention to news about business empires and high privileges,” he replied honestly.

He hadn’t been interested in knowing about them when all people did was bully him and remind him of his rightful place. Those people had made his life a living hell.

“The Washington family is the wealthiest in the country, if not the world. I don’t mean to brag,” Thomas said, clearing his throat. “We own multiple businesses across various industries—real estate, technology, banking, pharmaceuticals, and more. The Washington name commands respect, and their influence runs deep in both business and political spheres,” Thomas explained, his tone measured but proud.

Tedmond processed the information silently. The wealthiest family in the country, possibly the world, and he was suddenly at the center of it all. It felt surreal.

"You mean to say... I’m now a part of all that?" Tedmond asked, still trying to wrap his mind around the enormity of what was happening.

Thomas nodded. "Yes, young master. As the heir, you’ll inherit not only the wealth but the responsibilities that come with it. People will look to you to lead the family and its businesses. This is a legacy that has been passed down for generations."

Tedmond frowned. "But I know nothing about running businesses. I’ve spent my life being tossed aside, and now I’m supposed to step into the shoes of someone who built an empire?"

"That's why we’re here to support you," Thomas said reassuringly. "You won’t be alone. There are advisors, lawyers, and managers in place to guide you through the process. And, of course, I will be by your side to help you adjust to this new life."

Tedmond sighed and glanced down at Bianca, who was still asleep in his arms, her tiny body curled against him. He couldn’t help but feel a protective instinct toward her. "What happens to Bianca now?"

"As the young master, you will be her guardian," Thomas replied softly. "She’s part of the family, and it will be your responsibility to take care of her."

The weight of it all suddenly pressed down on Tedmond. In less than 24 hours, his life had gone from being abandoned by his family to inheriting a massive fortune and becoming the guardian of a young girl who had lost her parents. It felt overwhelming, but at the same time, something inside him stirred—a sense of purpose that had never been there before.

Tedmond sighed again. "I don't know if I’m ready for all this."

"No one ever is," Thomas said with a small smile. "But I have faith in you, young master. You have the strength to face whatever comes your way."

Tedmond nodded, unsure if he believed it himself. But for Bianca's sake, and perhaps for his own, he knew he had to try.

“Why don’t you go shopping with the pocket change you received and clear your mind from all that has happened?” Thomas suggested, his gaze urging Tedmond to take some time for himself. “You should get some clothes for yourself.”

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