Getting out of the car, Tedmond frowned. Although he had told Thomas he was fine with his belongings, Thomas had intentionally tossed them into the trash for him to get new ones.

“I’ll be waiting here for you,” the driver said. “Take as much time as you need.”

Tedmond glanced back and nodded before walking into the store. He knew Thomas had sent him shopping to give him time to think and make up his mind.

He understood he had to accept his inheritance. After all, he had promised the Griffin family he would make them pay, and the only way to do that was by accepting his fortune. Why would he refuse something like this after all he had been through?

It wasn’t possible.

Scanning the store, he looked for the men’s section. As his eyes roamed the place, they landed on a rabbit doll with emerald eyes and a gem dangling from it.

‘Is that a diamond?’ he wondered.

The emerald reminded him of Bianca’s eyes, and he thought she might like it. He decided to get it for her. Just as he was about to open the display case to take it, a rude voice interrupted him.

“What do you think you’re doing?” a woman snapped. “Do you really think you can steal that with all the surveillance footage around here?”

The sound of heels clicking made him spin around. In seconds, the woman shoved him away from the display and placed her hand on her waist, glaring at him.

“Trust me, there’s no way you’ll get away with stealing from this place,” she said. “You should leave.”

Her loud voice had drawn the attention of several people in the store, all frowning at Tedmond. Judging by his appearance, they assumed he couldn’t afford anything there.

“Is this how you treat your customers?” Tedmond asked.

“Customer, my foot! Are you trying to save face after I caught you trying to steal that rabbit doll?”

“I’m here to buy it,” Tedmond retorted, hating the fact that he was the center of attention. “How much does it cost? I’ll transfer the money right now.”

She raised an eyebrow, staring at him in disgust. “I gave you the chance to leave, and you’re wasting it. What makes you think you can afford it? You can’t even buy decent shoes, let alone this doll. And what would trash like you want with a doll anyway?”

Tedmond's brows knitted in anger. “How much is the doll? I want it.”

The woman chuckled and turned to the salesman nearby. “You handle this trash. He’s acting like he can afford anything in this store. Take care of him.”

She walked away, leaving the salesman to approach Tedmond awkwardly.

“Hello, sir,” the salesman said. “Can you really afford the doll? If you can’t, she’ll make sure I get fired,” he muttered, his voice low.

The people in the store began murmuring as they looked at Tedmond.

‘What’s he doing, lying like that?’ someone said.

‘Maybe he’s not a thief and just came here to window shop?’

‘I’m tired of trash pretending to be rich. Trash will always be trash.’

Tedmond frowned. They were looking down on him again, and it would affect the salesman who was just trying to help. “I want the doll,” Tedmond said, placing a hand on the salesman’s shoulder. “That’s not all I need, though. If you help me pick other things, you’ll be compensated.”

The man nodded, but the woman who had left burst into laughter. It was the same saleswoman.

“Are you kidding?!” she demanded. “If you can afford anything here, would you let me call the cops on you?”

Tedmond snapped his head toward her, his glare sharp. “And if I can afford it, what will you do?”

She snickered. “I’ll apologize…”

“That’s not enough,” he interrupted. “You’ll crawl around the store three times while apologizing.”

The woman flinched but quickly regained her composure. “What the–?”

“Also, you’ll apologize to this young man,” Tedmond added, gesturing to the salesman next to him. “Is that okay, or are you scared?”

“Why would I be scared? It’s not like you can afford it anyway,” she snarled. “I agree!”

“Good,” Tedmond said before turning to the salesman. “I’ll take that doll.”

The salesman nodded and retrieved the doll, handing it to Tedmond with a smile. Tedmond glanced at the doll, realizing it was the first time he was buying something for someone who hadn’t asked for it.

As he moved toward the clothing section, people in the store continued to murmur. Tedmond picked out as many clothes as he needed, along with shoes, a wristwatch, and other essentials, trying some on to see how they looked.

Despite the store’s luxury, he chose based on his taste, not the price.

“I’m done,” Tedmond announced, after selecting everything he wanted. The salesman helped him place the items on the counter.

The saleswoman and others in the store wore smug expressions, eager to see him get arrested.

“You’re done,” she muttered, sneering. “I’ll check the price of everything you bought.”

Smiling as if she had already won, she began calculating the total. The salesman beside Tedmond stiffened, fearing for his job.

“It’s a total of $500,000,” she said.

Tedmond furrowed his brows, and her smile widened.

“You can’t afford that, can you?” she said, chuckling. “Look at him! Just a poor brat bluffing.”

“I was just wondering why it’s so cheap,” Tedmond replied. He had deliberately bought a lot to ensure Thomas wouldn’t send him shopping again anytime soon.

“You hear that?” the woman scoffed, but then she stopped, realizing what he had said. “Did you just call this cheap? How lame!”

“I’ll transfer the money now. What’s the account number?” Tedmond asked.

She glared at him but handed him the account details. “Fine, this is the store’s account, managed by our finance team. I’ll call them right away to check if your imaginary money has arrived.”

Ignoring her, Tedmond transferred the exact amount to the account. He turned his phone around, showing her the exact amount he had transferred.

She was stunned at first but quickly waved it off. “That must be fake!” she claimed, turning to one of the saleswomen. “Call and confirm that the money has been received.”

Less than a minute later, the saleswoman ended the call, her eyes wide in shock. “He’s right! The money has been RECEIVED!”

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