Chapter 190

Mark raised his hands. “I still have something to say.”

Everyone groaned, and Sandra lost her temper. “Okay, that's it. Just shut up, Mark. Not everyone needs your opinion.”

“I was going to say that I saw that symbol somewhere.”

Ethan froze and slowly turned to Mark. “What did you just say?”

Mark shrugged and picked up a bottle of wine from the floor. “I said, I did see...”

Sandra rolled her eyes. “Ethan, have you forgotten that we have thirteen people upstairs waiting for your speech? They need to get this boat moving!”

“It’s a yacht, Sandra,” Gerald mocked with delight.

“Potato, potato,” she retorted, climbing the short stairs back. Halfway up, she stopped. “Everyone should be upstairs in five minutes! I am done with all of you acting like children instead of heirs.” With that, she huffed and puffed her way upstairs.

Ethan nodded, waving for everyone to leave except Mark. “Mark, stay behind, and Paul, you too.” This was in case Mark wanted to try something terrible. Paul was there f
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