As the sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the city, Chicago came alive with its usual bustle and energy. The streets, usually bustling with activity, were now teeming with life as workers hurried to their jobs and pedestrians filled the sidewalks. The air was filled with the sounds of honking cars, ringing bells, and the chatter of people going about their daily routines. It was a typical morning in the vibrant city, a symphony of movement and noise that signaled the start of another bustling day.

Back in Baron Spears Mansion, his house was located in the mastery areas where no noise is heard aside from that of birds and barking dogs, of roaring tamed lions and sounds of powerful car engines.

Romsey woke up to a calm knock on his door. He rolled on the bed, then opened his eyes with a soft blink before getting off the bed. He stretched, reaching for the doorknob, turned it gently, and his eyes beheld a beauty in disguise.

"Good morning, young master," a woman greet
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