Twelve years ago, a tragedy struck a Village, annihilating all those who lived peacefully there. he was just five years old at the time, and the village was known as Paradise. His father had disappeared in search of power and knowledge before the boy was even born, so he has never known his father. During his birth, a strange surge of energy emanated from his body. It wasn't mana or pure power. It wasn't even demonic energy. However, it was similar to the one witnessed during the entrance exam. This outburst of energy was beyond anyone's control and explanation. And it, unfortunately, resulted in the death of his mother. The force of the energy drained her magical energy and life essence, leaving her body as a mere shell of its former self.
For three years after his birth, he had a terrible power that made him a source of fear and horror to the citizens of Paradise. Anything he touched withered and died, regardless of whether it was plant, animal, or human. Even though he had no magical energy to speak of, he could draw the life essence out of anything and everything around him.Even though this power left him at a disadvantage in a world where magic was highly prized, he was still just a child, innocent and unaware of the chaos he caused. But the citizens of Paradise could not see past their fear and resentment towards him. They blamed him for every death that occurred in their village and could not accept him as one of their own.Even though the power dissipated once he turned four years old, the hatred towards him did not lessen. He was not welcomed in any orphanage or shelter, and even children his own age bullied and tormented him. Elders hit him and berated him, and many wished for his very existence to be erased from the world.His early years were marked by a constant sense of sadness and despair. He lived his life in the shadows, his once-bright blue eyes now darkened by a sense of hopelessness that seemed to cling to him like a shroud.To make matters worse, he didn't even have a name of his own. In a world where even enslaved people were given some semblance of identity, he was nothing but a faceless outcast, shunned by all those around him. His situation was so dire that even the most desperate and downtrodden people in Paradise could not imagine living as he did.Despite the crushing weight of his isolation and the cruelty of those who despised him, he remained pure and innocent. He had done nothing to deserve the scorn and derision that was heaped upon him, and yet he bore it all with a stoicism that belied his tender years.One day, he was lying on the ground, his body battered and bruised from a vicious beating at the hands of the citizens of Paradise. His skin was pale and his face was drawn, his weakened physique a testament to the constant abuse he had endured. He lay there, motionless, his eyes fixed on the sky above. Despite the severity of his injuries, he made no sound, no cry of pain or plea for help escaping his lips. It was as if he had given up all hope of ever being rescued from the torment he had endured for so long.As he lay there, his thoughts turned to the most basic of human needs. "When was the last time I drank water?" he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible. "Has it been two weeks now? I thought that humans can't live without food and water though..."It was a stark reminder of just how desperate his situation had become. In a world where even the most basic necessities of life were denied him, he was left to suffer in silence, his only source of comfort in a world filled with cruelty and hatred was the necklace that had been left to him by his mother. With shaking hands, he reached into the pocket of his tattered pants and retrieved the precious object.The necklace was a thing of beauty, with an orange oval stone that shimmered and sparkled in the sunlight. It was a small piece from his mother, that made him wonder, "I wonder what a mother's love feels like? What name would I have, if I didn't kill her?"Despite his weakened state, he managed to raise the necklace to the sky, gazing at it with a sense of wonder and awe. "Good thing I put you inside my pocket before they beat me," he muttered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own labored breathing.Blood continued to trickle from his mouth and other wounds, but at that moment, he was transported to a place of peace and tranquility, lost in the beauty the stone evoked. For just a few precious moments, he was able to forget the pain and suffering that had become his daily reality.As he lay there, lost in a deep and sorrowful reverie, he was suddenly startled by a voice that cut through the quiet like a knife. "Are you the cursed child everyone keeps talking about?" it asked, piercing his heart with searing pain.Looking up, he saw a ragged and emaciated boy who looked to be a few years older than him. Despite the harshness of his words, he didn't react to it, "I see, so people refer to me by cursed, ha?", Muttered the boy, his emotionless gaze remaining constant.the stranger kneeled beside him and placed a gentle hand on the corpse-like body of the little boy. With a soft incantation, the boy summoned a powerful magic that coursed through his veins. "Plant Magic: End Of Suffering," he murmured, and as he spoke, a web of intricate veins spread across the bruised and battered body of the child, knitting together broken bones and mending torn flesh.He watched in awe as the stranger worked his magic, marveling at the sheer power and beauty of this art. And as the boy finished his work and looked up at him with a warm and caring smile, the once-beaten child felt a sudden surge of gratitude and affection."My name is Kira," the boy said softly, his voice filled with compassion and kindness. "It's nice to meet you. And I'm ready to become your older brother if you'll have me." And after hearing those simple words, he knew that his life would never be the same again.He hesitated for a moment, unsure how to respond to such kindness. But as Kira pressed him for his name, he decided to respond. "Name? I don't have one," he replied softly, looking at the scars on his body after Kira finished healing.Kira's eyes widened with surprise. "You don't have a name? How is that possible?" he exclaimed.The "cursed boy" looked down, feeling ashamed. He didn't think that much about his lack of a name, but now that Kira was looking at him with shock and concern, he realized just how abnormal his situation was.Kira sensed the discomfort that still lingered in the boy's heart, so he quickly reassured him with a gentle smile. "Hey, it's okay," he said softly. "We'll give you a name. How about Nobu? It's a good name, right? I was told that it means faith.""No... Bu", He felt a strange warmth spread through his chest at Kira's words. For the first time in his life, he had someone who didn't come to hurt him, but to heal him. He couldn't help but smile, feeling like maybe, just maybe, things were starting to look up.As Kira watched the boy's face light up with joy, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deep satisfaction. To be able to help someone in need, to offer them comfort and hope, was the greatest gift he could ask for."Maybe I shouldn't give up after all," He muttered to himself, lost in thought as his eyes, somehow, switched to orange, the same orange coloring that stone, making Kira look at him quizzically, unsure of what that meant. "Maybe there's a God," he continued, raising his hand toward Kira. "And maybe He finally decided to bless me now."With a warm smile, Kira took the boy's hand in his own and shook it firmly. "My name is Nobu," he said. "Nice to meet you." And as he spoke, he felt a sense of deep connection to this strange and wonderful boy who had come into his life.Kira and Nobu had grown up in poverty, as orphans with no family to call their own. Despite their difficult circumstances, they faced the world with bright smiles and an unbreakable spirit. They never lost their optimism and kindness. They would often spend their days exploring the city, finding joy in the small things, like chasing after stray cats or admiring the sunset.One day, Kira found a small patch of barren land, and he saw it as an opportunity to create something beautiful. Using his plant magic, he spent hours cultivating the soil and planting different types of flowers and plants. And soon enough, a small garden bloomed in the middle of the city, attracting the attention and admiration of passersby.Nobu, on the other hand, had only recently discovered his own unique ability - switch. A strange power that allowed him to manipulate space and change his location with anything he can sense.But even with their abilities, life was never easy for the two boys. They often resorted to stealing bread and other small items just to survive, but they never lost their sense of humor or their ability to find joy in the little things.And, on Kira's birthday, Nobu surprised him with that beautiful necklace - the only thing he had left that reminded him of his mother."No, Nobu! I don't think I can accept it", Kira protested, knowing how much the necklace meant to Nobu, but the younger boy insisted that it was a gift, and gifts were not meant to be returned."You'll take it," Nobu said, grinning. "And I'll be seeing it every day since we're together, right?"Kira could only smile and nod, feeling a sense of deep gratitude for the gift and for the bond of brotherhood that he shared with Nobu. Despite their hardships, they were two pure souls living a life that was often like hell, but together, they found a sense of happiness and hope that kept them going.Until a terrible day joined their peace, the two boys were caught off guard as they watched the once bustling streets of Paradise turn into a chaotic mess. The sound of explosions echoed through the air, and the ground beneath their feet shook violently. Kira could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as he clutched onto the precious necklace that hung around his neck.As they made their escape, Nobu could hear the soldiers shouting something about the necklace. He didn't understand why they would be so obsessed with a simple piece of jewelry. Where's the necklace they are looking for?That army group ransacked the streets, breaking down doors and demanding information about the necklace. Kira and Nobu were hiding in an alley, watching in terror as the chaos unfolded.Suddenly, the young boys heard a loud explosion coming from the direction of their makeshift home. Without a second thought, they ran towards it, only to find their garden engulfed in flames.Kira tried to use his plant magic to extinguish the fire, but it only seemed to make it worse. Tears streamed down his face as he realized he couldn't save the garden that he had nurtured with so much care and love.As Nobu and Kira were still next to the garden, they were suddenly surrounded by a group of soldiers. The soldiers started questioning Nobu about the necklace."Where's the necklace of the clan?", He yelled at the boy, "Yugo told us that a magicless kid has it! It HAS to be you." claiming that it was a valuable stone that they were searching for, the soldiers kept at it, spamming Nobu with questions.The little boy, confused and scared, denied any knowledge of the stone, "I don't know what you're talking about," He cried, "Leave... Leave us and our garden alone..."One of the soldiers pointed his gun at Nobu, and threatened him, "We know you have it. Give us the stone and we'll spare your lives." Nobu was shaking with fear as he had no clue about how to act. And before he could even react, he heard the deafening sound of the gun going off. At that moment, time seemed to stand still as Nobu's heart was racing while he watched Kira fall to the ground after protecting him from that attack, blood seeping out from his chest. He could feel his own tears streaming down his face as he held Kira's hand, feeling it go limp. "No, no, no..." he whispered, his voice barely audible as he rocked back and forth, cradling his friend's body.Kira's body lay lifeless in Nobu's arms as the reality of his friend's death sunk in. The weight of grief, pain, and fear was almost too much for Nobu to bear and he felt as though his own heart had stopped beating, as he listened to Kira's final words echoing in his mind."Be strong...," Kira had said. "Life is cruel, and the misfortunes you're going to face... Are far superior than... the blessings... You'll gain... You'll find those who'll believe in you... Like I believe in you... So, live and work with might... Not for me, but... But, for yourself..."And, before letting out the last sigh, Kira continued with a smile on his face, before his soul left his body, "And know that... You'll always be my little brother...My beloved, little brother... Live, Nobu..." and it ended with his hand falling lifelessly on the ground echoing along with the cacophony caused by the soldiers.The soldiers approached Nobu cautiously, their weapons trained on him, as they recognized the necklace that Kira had been wearing. One of them stepped forward and demanded, "Hand over that necklace!"Nobu remained silent, lost in his own thoughts and memories of Kira. He was barely aware of the soldiers' presence and didn't even seem to register their demands. They grew impatient and one of them reached out to grab the necklace from Kira's lifeless body. But as soon as he touched it, Nobu felt an immense power surging through him, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It defied the laws of nature and shook the very foundations of Paradise City, sending unstable shockwaves rippling out from his body that drained the essence of life from everything around him.As his power raged on, the ground continued to shake beneath his feet, causing buildings to crumble and fall all around those who still didn't get their souls drained. The air was filled with a deafening roar as the shockwaves intensified, creating a vortex of destruction that seemed to swallow everything in its path.The air crackled with raw energy as Nobu kept unleashing his fury upon the world, his eyes, colored in demonic purple, burning with an intensity that could rival the sun. He didn't care about the consequences of his actions - all he knew was that he had lost the one person who had ever believed in him, and he would stop at nothing to forget the pain caused by Kira's death.The shockwaves grew stronger and more erratic, as Nobu's power reached its peak. Buildings crumbled and the ground split open as if the earth itself was trying to flee from the unstoppable force that was Nobu.And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the power faded away, leaving only a cloud of dust and rubble in its wake. Nobu stood alone, holding Kira's cold body close to his chest, his face expressionless and his heart heavy with grief. Making him one of the two survivors, of the dust village! And the very annihilator of Paradise!
After the terrible incident, the young boy was left alone and isolated, still branded as the cursed child by those around him. No one dared to come close to him, for fear that he would kill them as well. However, fate had a different plan for the young boy, as he was taken under the wing of the kind and compassionate Mr. Kaeya.
Under his care and guidance, the boy began to flourish and blossom into a warm and compassionate person, despite the pain and trauma that he had experienced. His smile, once lost, began to reappear more and more frequently, and his eyes took on a warm and comforting orange hue several times, that seemed to reflect the kindness within his soul.
Though Nobu had learned to hide his pain well, it was still there, a constant reminder of the tragedy that he caused. But even in the face of such adversity, Nobu refused to be consumed by bitterness and anger. Instead, he chose to focus on the good in the world and the kindness of those around him, using his experiences to become a beacon of hope and positivity for others as well.
Now, back to the present, and the aftermatch with Warhammer's minion. Despite the pain coursing through his body, Nobu keeps a determined expression on his face, his eyes blazing with fierce determination. He has come too far to give up now, and nothing's going to stop him from finishing this exam. Reina stays close by his side, offering words of encouragement as they make their way to the finish line.
"Hey Nobu, stay with me," Says Reina, his voice filled with concern. "Don't get unconscious after all of this."
Nobu flashes him a small smile. "Of course, I won't. Idiot!" He confirms, "I will finish this exam just like all of you."
"There's no time to talk," Reina replies, his tone finally easing. "Let's go to the finish line. It's not that far. Can you walk?"
Nobu nods, gritting his teeth against the pain. "Of course, I can. But since I saved you and all, you'll be helping me to do so!"
His friend rolls her eyes, but a small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. "Okay, no problem," Says Reina, "Thank you."
Nobu grins. "You have to be thankful," he teases, trying to lighten the mood.
As they continue to walk, Nobu's mind wandered back to his childhood, "I was called cursed", He thinks, looking at Reina as he pictures the rest of his new family, "Shunned by everyone. But now, with old man Kaeya, Reina, Satomi, Pipsqueak... With these guys, I think I can finally fight back my pain... It's me, the one who should be thankful!"
"Thank you!"
Related Chapters
Fury Of The World 5- Unexpected Apology
As Nobu and Reina finally cross the finish line, their friends are waiting eagerly for them. The group erupts into cheers and applause as they join the center of the battlefield, their Ash and the others running up to congratulate them with high-fives, hugs, and pats on the back. "Congratulations, you two! You did amazing!" Shouts Ash, beaming with pride as he claps Reina on the back. As the rest of their friends continue to celebrate, Satomi rushes toward Reina and Nobu, her face filled with concern. "It took you long enough," she says, her voice trembling with worry. "Satomi...", Reina tries to speak, but before he can say anything, Satomi throws herself at both of them, knocking them to the ground in a tight embrace. Tears stream down her face as she clings to her friends. "You made me worry, idiots!" she chokes out, her voice muffled by their bodies. "I even started thinking that some other participants will steal the last two spots, you know..." Reina and Nobu exchange a look
Fury Of The World 6- The Exception
As they eagerly complete their selection forms, anticipation filled the air. With keys to their rooms in hand, the group separates, eager to explore their new surroundings. Sayuri and Satomi indulge in a luxurious shower, their voices carrying through the steamy mist as they chat and giggle. As the water cascades down their bodies, Satomi can't help but marvel at the fact that she's sharing a shower with a member of the prestigious Violra family. "Sayuri Violra," she says in awe, "I never thought I'd meet a royal so soon in our journey." Sayuri chuckles softly. "Being a royal isn't all it's cracked up to be," she replies, the water running down her face as she rinses out the suds. "But I can't deny that there are certain privileges that come with the title." Satomi can't help but laugh at her friend's modesty. "Are you kidding me?" she exclaims, her long dark hair splayed out behind her as she rinses it with shampoo. "Royals are not only wealthier, but their magical abilities are fa
Fury Of The World 7- A Prodigy
Satomi stands in front of Nobu and Reina, her fists clenched and her face red with anger. Her friends look up at her sheepishly, knowing they've once again put themselves in danger. "You... Both of you..." She stammers, struggling to keep her temper in check. "Why do you always end up getting into these freaking deadly situations?" She screams, hitting their heads with her fists. "You could've gotten yourselves killed!" Nobu and Reina both flinch, hands over their heads as they feel the pain of the fresh blow, "We... We're sorry", They whisper in unison. "Um... Satomi?" Yagami interjects, his voice calm and soothing. He kneels beside Reina, his hands glowing with healing light. "Would you mind controlling your anger a little? I mean, no need to get their condition to worsen, right?" Satomi takes a deep breath, her anger slowly dissipating. She looks at her friends, concern etched on her face. "It's not my fault that they keep jumping into trouble!" She stammers, before taking anot
Fury Of The World 8- All For One
After a much-needed break, the fresh soldiers gather once again in the training camp, eager to tackle the challenges that lay ahead. While most of them are beaming with enthusiasm, Nobu lets out a sigh and buries his face in a bar of chocolate. "Why do we need to go through all this training before heading to the capital?" He grumbles. "It's such a hassle. I don't want to train anymore!" Sayuri playfully drums on Nobu's head as she chimes in, "That's so unlike you!" She says, "I thought you're the one who trains the most, but it appears you're not into working hard!" "It's not that he just hates training," Clarifies Reina, summoning his katana, "He's also feeling a little down because he heard that he's the weakest in three different stats." "Oh, I see." Sayuri's face lights up with understanding. As her eyes shine after spying on the bar of chocolate in Nobu's hands. "Ooh, that looks delicious! Can I have a piece?" She grins. But before she can even reach for it, Nobu quickly pul
Fury Of The World 9- Students VS Teachers!
"Nobu... Nobu... Where have you been all these years..." Kira mutters hollowly, his voice echoing through the dark void. Nobu stands frozen, his eyes are all black and his heart heavy with guilt. "I thought... I thought you died in my hands that day..." Nobu stammers, his voice barely audible. "You... You abandoned me!" Kira's voice is filled with anger and hurt as he moves closer to Nobu, his body beginning to decay. "You broke your promise! YOU... You destroyed our little garden and our Paradise." Nobu steps back in horror, only to find himself trapped by roots that have grown from the ground. He falls to the floor, his face twisted with sorrow as he watches Kira deteriorate in front of him. "It's because of you..." Kira's voice is barely a whisper now, as he holds out Nobu's necklace. "I died because of you! It's your fault!" Nobu looks around at the surrounding corpses, his heart sinking at the realization of what Kira is saying. "Look around you!" Kira shouts, his body crumb
Fury Of The World 10- Desperate Blow
Despite the pain, despite the odds stacked against him, Nobu's spirit remains unbroken. He knows that he is fighting for something greater than himself, for a chance to prove his worth and silence the voices haunting his mind. Shinso's voice echoes through the arena, his hand raised as if he is about to reveal a great secret. Nobu, still panting and wounded, looks up at his teacher with a mix of exhaustion and defiance in his eyes. "Can I ask you something, Nobu?" Shinso requests, his tone laced with a hint of curiosity. He remains silent, refusing to give Shinso the satisfaction of a response. However, Shinso doesn't seem to mind and continues his probing, his hand still held up in a questioning manner. "Why are you so desperate, Nobu?" Shinso's voice is calm and measured, but there is a hint of curiosity in his tone. "What is driving you to become a sacred soldier? What is the reason behind all this pain and suffering you're willing to endure?" "Despite being the only one stand
Fury Of The World 11- Fighting style?
Shinso gasps as he hears the news about the sphere from Kaeya. "So it disappeared! The sphere disappeared once the eye on Nobu's sword opened, right?" Kaeya nods, "Yeah, a portion of Kamaitachi's power definitely got reincarnated in Nobu! But I thought that his power was sealed after the demon war! How is it possible for Nobu to gain a sealed power?" "It's not the whole pie though," Shinso explains as he leans on his seat, "Nobu just got a bit of Kamaitachi's power. Maybe around 20% or so!" They fall into silence for a while as Kaeya puts his hand under his chin, analyzing the information. After a moment, he snaps his fingers, "That amount was leaked by Kamaitachi before they sealed his powers!" he adds, getting a nod of agreement from Shinso. "They divided his power in two before sealing him to make it even harder for the next reincarnation to collect the power," continues Shinso, sighing lightly. "But to think that Kamaitachi was able to leak around 20% before being sealed, that
Fury Of The World 12- Breakdance
"I did expect to see you," says the short cutie as she places her hands behind her back, a playful smile on her lips. "How are you doing?" she asks, her tone friendly and inviting. "I was just wandering around, watching most of you during your training," answers Nobu as he walks closer to the girl. "Are you calling it a day?" "I guess so. My shadow magic becomes a bit weaker without a source of light, after all," nods Sayuri, stretching her arms and turning towards Nobu. She looks a bit annoyed as she adds, "Most of our teammates, huh? Does that mean I'm the last one you came to see?" "Uh... Yeah," Nods Nobu, playfully patting her head even though it's bugging her a little, "I mean, I'm not calling you pipsqueak for no reason, right?" "I see..." mutters Sayuri to herself, leaving Nobu with a blank expression. But before he can react, she quickly channels four shadow slashes at different heights, attempting to land a hit on him. "Oy, what's wrong with you?" questions Nobu in surpr
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48- Report
In the wake of the somber reunion, the group of weary and wounded individuals is led toward the treatment room, where Yagami and a cadre of skilled healers attend to their injuries with care and expertise.Meanwhile, Osamu and the rest of the group find themselves within the bureau, his face still etched with traces of the intense journey he's undergone. With a sense of duty and urgency, Osamu steps forward to give a thorough report of their arduous experiences to Ashide."Your majesty," Osamu begins, his voice steady as he retrieves the green stone from his pocket, "When Kira met his fate, he left this behind—a power rune." His hand extends, and the stone is placed gently into Ashide's outstretched palm. She examines the stone closely, her keen eyes locking onto its mysterious energy."It is undoubtedly a power rune," Ashide confirms with a composed nod, her gaze never leaving the pulsating rune. She studies its intricate patterns, her fingers tracing the edges as if deciphering the
47- Emotions
"Those bastards!" Project5's voice reverberates through the room, a tempest of fury personified as he seizes the table, its weight rendered insignificant in the grip of his rage. With a primal roar, he hurls the table towards the wall, the impact sending splinters and debris scattering like shrapnel. "How dare they!" His words are a thunderous declaration, echoing his indignation at the audacity of Nobu and Reina, who dared to challenge him.The Collingwood-colored rune on his chest gleams with a malevolent light, a symbol of his burgeoning power and resolve. The twisted smile on his lips speaks of a malevolence ready to be unleashed. "They'll have to wait, for now," he sneers, the fire in his eyes dancing with anticipation, "Once I've mastered this Focus Magic, their defiance will mean nothing."Alex, a juxtaposition of nonchalance amidst the storm of Project5's fury, lounges in the dark corner of the room. His fingers toy with a lighter, conjuring flickering flames that cast erratic
46- A Soul For A Soul
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45- A Taste Of Reality
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44- The show begins
Thoughts whirl through Project5's mind as he analyzes the situation. "That blond kid," he ponders, his gaze fixated on Reina, "He possesses immense magical energy... It's overwhelming. He must be the arcane boy that Warhammer boasts about.""As for the other one..." Turning his attention to Nobu, Project5 continues his mental evaluation. "He seems to possess demon powers, yet I sense no trace of magical energy emanating from his being. How is that possible?""Regardless, it matters not. I will put an end to all of them now!"A bone-chilling silence descends upon the battlefield, none daring to interrupt the eerie calm. Raising his hand, Project5 channels a thunderbolt, mercilessly hurling it toward Nobu. Yet, in the blink of an eye, Nobu vanishes from sight, leaving Project5 bewildered. "Huh?" Project5 mutters, an awkward giggle escaping his lips. "I didn't see that coming...""You never will," Nobu's voice reverberates, his sudden reappearance behind his foe catching Project5 off gua
43- Resolve
In the culmination of their arduous journey, the three tunnels intertwine, converging into a single passageway that leads to the heart of their mission—the main room housing Project5. Here, in this pivotal space, Kaeya's selfless valor meets its tragic end. As Sayuri and Raiden escape the ceaseless slaughter of the grotesque ghouls, utilizing their unparalleled speed to spare those wretched beings further torment, they finally arrive at their destination.Breathing heavily, Sayuri struggles to maintain her balance as she materializes moments after Raiden, her body trembling from exhaustion. Collapsing to her knees upon entering the expansive room, her palms press against the cool floor, sweat cascading from her brow to dampen the ground beneath her. "'re unbelievably fast," she manages to utter between gasps, her voice blending with her labored breaths.Chuckling in response, Raiden surveys their surroundings, the remnants of blue lightning dissipating from his form as he str
42- Reunion
With a solemn exchange, Kira traded the lives of six destitute minions of Warhammer, breathing life into the inert bodies of his five creations. Each of these projects had their memories painstakingly altered to satiate the insatiable desires of Warhammer. However, apart from Project2 and Project5, the others possessed the lingering ability to recall their names. In the grip of Warhammer's power, Kira had languished for countless years, unable to resist, for he harbored a paralyzing fear of losing his own life should he dare to defy the demon's commands. As time wore on, Kira's resentment toward Nobu swelled, the anticipation of their inevitable confrontation fueling the fire within him. He longed for the moment when he could unleash his pent-up emotions upon the very embodiment of paradise's annihilator, the creator of the dust village. And now, after an interminable passage of time, Kira stands face to face with Nobu, his heart pounding, the seconds slipping away like sand through
41- Bound By Despair
As the corruption of Paradise consumed everything in its wake, Kira remained as the sole intact body amidst the severed limbs scattered around him. The magical bullet had barely left a flicker of life within him, teetering on the precipice of existence. Devoid of sight, sensation, and sound, he existed in a state of helpless numbness, his senses gradually numbing as his soul prepared to depart his ravaged vessel.Time stretched on, with Kira suspended in the void of his fading consciousness. The sky darkened overhead, the weight of Nobu's unleashed power hanging heavy in the air. But amidst the desolation, Kira's soul clung to a sliver of life, a fragile thread that refused to sever.However, in the depths of his torment, a sinister presence materialized. Yamato, his ominous grin etched upon his face, loomed over the motionless form of Kira. The man who had orchestrated so much chaos and despair reveled in the sight of Kira's weakened state."Oh, how feeble and wretched you've become,
40- Long Time No See
Sayuri stands resolute, unwavering in her determination, as she navigates the treacherous path before her. Instead of relying on mere speed and agility, she harnesses the power of her shadow hands, using them to propel herself forward with astonishing swiftness. In her pursuit of the road that Kaeya once treads, she ventures deeper into the darkened tunnel, a wide crack in the floor serving as her guide. Suddenly, from the depths of the earth, a grotesque monstrosity emerges, its malformed figure lurching towards her with a gaping maw poised to devour. Time seems to slow as the monstrous jaws close in, threatening to consume our courageous heroine. Yet, with a quick exclamation of "Yikes!" escaping her lips, Sayuri swiftly reacts, conjuring two other shadow hands to snatch her body and suspend her mid-air, narrowly evading the beast's voracious hunger as she hangs on the roof. As she dangles there, her senses heightened, Sayuri becomes acutely aware of a discordant chorus of voices e